New Hampshire Casualties from the Vietnam War
Name | Conflict | Branch of Service | Town | Born | Died | Age |
Terry Michael Abbott PVT | Vietnam | Marines | Lancaster | 5/8/49 | 2/22/68 | 18 |
David Alan Ackerman PFC | Vietnam | Army | Derry | 7/18/49 | 6/6/68 | 18 |
Robert Paul Ahern SP5 | Vietnam | Army | Laconia | 3/19/42 | 3/30/69 | 27 |
Daniel John Albert Sgt | Vietnam | Army | Berlin | 11/19/48 | 11/21/68 | 20 |
John Christopher Archbold Major | Vietnam | Marines | Portsmouth | 10/17/29 | 6/7/69 | 39 |
Gary Wayne Ball SP4 | Vietnam | Army | Walpole | 3/25/48 | 7/16/68 | 20 |
Glendon Roman Barnett SP4 | Vietnam | Army | Jaffrey | 3/19/44 | 6/14/67 | 23 |
James B Bartlett SGT | Vietnam | Army | Portsmouth | 4/6/42 | 7/2/66 | 24 |
Gaetan Jean Guy Beaudoin SGT | Vietnam | Army | Manchester | 9/5/48 | 8/26/69 | 20 |
Gilbert Thomas Beaupre SP4 | Vietnam | Army | Manchester | 4/3/43 | 10/25/67 | 24 |
Michael E Bennett 2nd Lt | Vietnam | Army | Brentwood | 4/15/46 | 11/2/67 | 21 |
Guy Andre Blanchette SGT | Vietnam | Army | Manchester | 11/30/46 | 8/26/69 | 22 |
Lawrence Clifford Bloom Sgt | Vietnam | Army | Exeter | 3/28/47 | 1/26/68 | 20 |
Richard George Bouchard Cpl | Vietnam | Marines | Manchester | 7/17/47 | 9/19/69 | 22 |
Michael Ervan Brady SP4 | Vietnam | Army | Newport | 1/1/46 | 1/28/67 | 21 |
Richard Albert Brooks | Vietnam | Marines | Pittsfield | 8/3/47 | 4/25/68 | 20 |
Cecil Angus Broome Jr. SSG | Vietnam | Army | Lancaster | 9/5/33 | 5/26/66 | 32 |
Bruce WAdleigh Brown 1st Lt | Vietnam | Army | Hampton | 2/13/45 | 9/12/68 | 23 |
James Warren Brown PFC | Vietnam | Army | Campton | 7/16/46 | 3/13/66 | 19 |
Mark Lawrence Brown Sp4 | Vietnam | Army | Hampton | 4/19/50 | 9/27/69 | 19 |
Warren Richard SP4 Brown | Vietnam | Army | Nashua | 3/18/47 | 2/22/68 | 20 |
David Elvin Bunker | Vietnam | Army | Kingston | 11/8/46 | 11/13/67 | 21 |
John Bishop Cabana Jr Captain | Vietnam | Air Force | New Castle | 9/22/39 | 3/29/67 | 27 |
George Eugene Cahill | Vietnam | Marines | Rochester | 2/13/38 | 8/29/67 | 29 |
Paul Joseph Camire L Corporal | Vietnam | Marines | Exeter | 11/7/46 | 5/25/67 | 20 |
Frank Lee Cass Cpl | Vietnam | Army | Plymouth | 11/1/51 | 3/11/71 | 19 |
Robert Sheehan Castelot PFC | Vietnam | Marines | Hillsborough | 1/21/48 | 6/11/68 | 20 |
William Earl Cate Sgt | Vietnam | Marines | Hillsborough | 10/4/36 | 9/15/66 | 29 |
Howard Arthur Chamberlin L Corporal | Vietnam | Marines | Brookfield | 1/10/47 | 9/12/67 | 20 |
Arthur Edward Clough PFC | Vietnam | Marines | Grantham | 3/18/50 | 2/18/70 | 19 |
Ronald Raymond Cormier PFC | Vietnam | Marines | Portsmouth | 4/8/48 | 4/21/67 | 19 |
Martin James Coronis WO | Vietnam | Army | Nashua | 12/6/42 | 7/11/67 | 24 |
Ralph Ronald Cummings PFC | Vietnam | Marines | Portsmouth | 2/13/51 | 3/18/71 | 20 |
William Stanley Cutting PO2 | Vietnam | Navy | Lebanon | 10/29/44 | 4/1/68 | 23 |
George Louis Dale SFC | Vietnam | Army | Gorham | 7/4/41 | 5/6/68 | 26 |
Raymond Coyle Daley 1st Lt | Vietnam | Marines | Dover | 11/30/43 | 7/3/68 | 24 |
Ronald Charles Davis SGT | Vietnam | Army | New Boston | 12/20/48 | 1/23/70 | 21 |
William Thomas Davis PFC | Vietnam | Marines | Holderness | 7/18/49 | 8/25/68 | 19 |
Darwin James Delano SP4 | Vietnam | Army | Hinsdale | 3/23/47 | 11/26/68 | 21 |
Arthur Emile Demers Jr. CPL | Vietnam | Marines | Penacook | 11/25/46 | 7/2/67 | 20 |
Richard Arthur Demers CPL | Vietnam | Marines | Berlin | 2/27/47 | 10/16/67 | 20 |
Richard Terrance Derosier WO | Vietnam | Army | Claremont | 7/10/40 | 1/3/70 | 29 |
Maurice Claude Descoteaux SSG | Vietnam | Army | Berlin | 2/9/30 | 8/19/67 | 37 |
George Philip Desmarais PFC | Vietnam | Marines | Concord | 7/24/49 | 3/28/68 | 18 |
Charles Joseph Dickey 1st Lt | Vietnam | Army | Lancaster | 10/9/41 | 7/7/68 | 26 |
Robert Paul Dionne HR | Vietnam | Navy | Manchester | 4/2/43 | 7/14/65 | 22 |
Leon Normand Doucet CPL | Vietnam | Marines | Manchester | 9/8/45 | 2/5/67 | 21 |
William Raymond Douillette Jr. PFC | Vietnam | Marines | Concord | 10/20/50 | 1/29/69 | 18 |
Lawrence Normand Dubia MSGT | Vietnam | Marines | Tilton | 7/3/34 | 2/4/70 | 35 |
Joseph Agustus Durling III PFC | Vietnam | Marines | Derry | 3/3/49 | 9/7/67 | 18 |
Orrin Leonard Dyer Jr Rumney CWO | Vietnam | Army | Rumney | 7/1/29 | 2/3/68 | 38 |
Robert Bennett Emro PSGT | Vietnam | Army | Strafford | 10/27/29 | 4/18/67 | 37 |
John Paul Falcone Jr CPT | Vietnam | Army | Hampton | 10/28/39 | 11/11/67 | 28 |
William Newcomer Feaster CPT Chaplain | Vietnam | Army | Portsmouth | 5/14/38 | 10/26/66 | 28 |
Ralph Barnard Fecteau Jr PVT | Vietnam | Marines | Cornish | 12/6/47 | 5/23/68 | 20 |
Robert Edward Finan Lance Cpl | Vietnam | Marines | Claremont | 7/5/49 | 12/16/69 | 20 |
James Norman Finn SFC | Vietnam | Army | Salem | 6/6/31 | 12/4/66 | 35 |
George Francis Flanagan SSGT | Vietnam | Marines | Nashua | 9/12/38 | 1/4/68 | 29 |
Peter Fletcher CPL | Vietnam | Marines | Hudson | 9/21/46 | 1/20/69 | 22 |
Marshall H Ford WO | Vietnam | Army | Marlborough | 4/10/45 | 1/7/68 | 22 |
William George Fraser CPL | Vietnam | Marines | Manchester | 2/4/47 | 12/28/67 | 20 |
Edward Francis Fratus SP5 | Vietnam | Army | Concord | 2/17/49 | 12/9/69 | 20 |
Gerald James Frost CPL | Vietnam | Army | Dover | 12/9/47 | 6/8/68 | 20 |
Robert Gene Galbreath SP4 | Vietnam | Army | Winchester | 3/25/52 | 2/25/72 | 19 |
Ernest Ulric Gamelin Jr PFC | Vietnam | Army | Suncook | 11/3/48 | 12/23/68 | 20 |
Richard Owen Ganley LTC | Vietnam | Air Force | Keene | 9/22/40 | 6/29/78 | 37 |
David Ernest Gardner PFC | Vietnam | Army | Walpole | 5/29/48 | 12/11/68 | 20 |
Robert Louis Gardner SGT | Vietnam | Army | Nashua | 7/1/22 | 6/13/62 | 39 |
Thomas Wilfred Gaudet PO3 | Vietnam | Navy | Salem | 7/20/47 | 4/21/69 | 21 |
Michael Lewis Geister 1st LT | Vietnam | Army | Rye | 2/17/46 | 3/16/70 | 24 |
Joseph Armand Roger Gelinas CWO | Vietnam | Army | Manchester | 1/3/28 | 10/11/67 | 39 |
Richard Edgar Genest SSG | Vietnam | Army | Manchester | 8/7/45 | 8/26/69 | 24 |
Yvon Eldmond Girouard PFC | Vietnam | Marines | Littleton | 4/1/49 | 5/23/69 | 20 |
Richard Gerald Godbout SGT | Vietnam | Army | Manchester | 1/11/48 | 12/30/67 | 19 |
Barry William Godfrey WO | Vietnam | Army | Pelham | 2/10/50 | 8/25/70 | 20 |
Verne Milton Greeley PFC | Vietnam | Marines | Derry | 9/11/47 | 7/6/67 | 19 |
Eliot Franklin Guild PO2 | Vietnam | Marines | Winchester | 9/16/46 | 1/20/68 | 21 |
Robert Frederick Haines SSG | Vietnam | Army | Loudon | 12/21/42 | 8/27/67 | 24 |
Richard Lee Halgren A1C | Vietnam | Air Force | Nashua | 6/4/46 | 9/24/68 | 22 |
Kenneth Robert Hall SSGT | Vietnam | Marines | Keene | 5/28/35 | 4/24/66 | 30 |
Kenneth Walter Hall LT Colonel | Vietnam | Army | Nashua | 6/17/26 | 6/24/68 | 42 |
Eugene Howard Harriman SSG | Vietnam | Army | West Frankin | 2/13/36 | 12/23/67 | 31 |
Richard Kenefick Harvell Lance Corporal | Vietnam | Marines | Bedford | 12/17/47 | 9/29/67 | 19 |
Yvon Andre Hebert CPL | Vietnam | Army | Stratford | 10/2/46 | 1/17/67 | 20 |
Carroll Fanklin Hersey MGYSGT Gunny | Vietnam | Marines | Wolfeboro | 5/13/28 | 5/18/69 | 41 |
Davis Wayne Hildreth SP4 | Vietnam | Army | Warren | 9/19/49 | 4/14/69 | 19 |
Barry Malcolm Hillsgrove PFC | Vietnam | Army | Dover | 2/22/47 | 3/30/68 | 21 |
John Lawrence Hogan 1st Lt | Vietnam | Army | Exeter | 12/29/47 | 3/28/71 | 23 |
Ralph Arthur Howard SSG | Vietnam | Army | Hillsborough | 8/13/48 | 2/10/70 | 21 |
Jay Allen Hurd PFC | Vietnam | Army | Laconia | 1/18/47 | 9/1/66 | 19 |
Frank Alan Indyk Lance Cprl | Vietnam | Army | Raymond | 6/22/49 | 12/15/67 | 18 |
Stephen Dyer Jewett SP4 | Vietnam | Marines | East Andover | 12/14/42 | 12/27/65 | 23 |
Richard Bruce Johnston SP4 | Vietnam | Army | Candia | 1/11/46 | 6/22/67 | 21 |
Kenneth Bradley Jordan PFC | Vietnam | Marines | Twin Mountain | 3/25/48 | 3/27/67 | 19 |
William Arthur Joy HN | Vietnam | Marines | Manchester | 12/3/47 | 8/11/68 | 20 |
William Clyde Joy Lance Cprl | Vietnam | Marines | Epsom | 8/15/50 | 9/17/69 | 19 |
George Edward Joyce PVT | Vietnam | Army | Portsmouth | 9/15/43 | 12/5/65 | 22 |
Howard Walker Kaiser 1st Lt | Vietnam | Air Force | Chesterfield | 3/25/41 | 9/13/66 | 25 |
Ronald Norman Keller PO3 | Vietnam | Navy | Exeter | 2/16/48 | 2/9/68 | 19 |
Verne Carl Kelley 1st Lt | Vietnam | Army | East Barrington | 2/14/42 | 2/12/69 | 26 |
Benjamin Albert Kenison CPL | Vietnam | Marines | Jefferson | 4/2/46 | 9/16/66 | 20 |
Stanley Roy Kilton Jr. PFC | Vietnam | Marines | Manchester | 3/25/48 | 6/28/68 | 20 |
Edward George Kiluk Jr SP4 | Vietnam | Army | Pelham | 1/16/49 | 7/24/70 | 21 |
Robert Louis Knight Jr SGT | Vietnam | Army | Bennington | 5/9/48 | 4/11/69 | 20 |
Czeslaw Kowalczyk SSG | Vietnam | Army | Nashua | 3/3/26 | 12/5/65 | 39 |
David Alan Kreitzer CWO | Vietnam | Army | Laconia | 4/20/46 | 12/2/67 | 21 |
Roland Charles Labonte CPT | Vietnam | Army | Nashua | 7/28/35 | 4/19/69 | 33 |
Russell Thomas Lafave PFC | Vietnam | Army | Loudon | 8/13/51 | 4/1/70 | 18 |
Ernest Albert Laroche PVT | Vietnam | Marines | West Frankin | 4/17/47 | 2/26/66 | 18 |
Ernest Albert Laroche PVT | Vietnam | Marines | West Frankin | 4/17/47 | 2/26/66 | 18 |
John Winslow Lawrence Jr. Major | Vietnam | Army | Farmington | 1/22/38 | 9/16/71 | 33 |
Daniel Michael Leahy 2nd Lt | Vietnam | Army | Manchester | 10/23/45 | 4/18/69 | 23 |
John F Lee 1st Lt | Vietnam | Army | Newport | 1/29/41 | 7/6/66 | 25 |
Paul Raymond Le Houllier Lance Cpl | Vietnam | Marines | Somersworth | 9/26/47 | 4/5/69 | 21 |
Gregory A Leighton SP4 | Vietnam | Army | Exeter | 12/4/43 | 9/6/66 | 22 |
Richard Edward Letendre PFC | Vietnam | Army | Nashua | 10/30/48 | 10/5/68 | 19 |
William Nicholas Loomis Lance Cpl | Vietnam | Marines | Salem | 1/15/49 | 9/13/67 | 18 |
Dennis Franklin Lorden SP4 | Vietnam | Army | Nashua | 9/21/48 | 7/14/69 | 20 |
Norman Gerard Lozeau PFC | Vietnam | Army | Manchester | 4/27/47 | 3/9/67 | 19 |
William Arthur Malenfant SGT | Vietnam | Army | Nashua | 10/27/47 | 1/15/71 | 23 |
Robert Bernard Mann PFC | Vietnam | Army | Salem | 7/2/44 | 7/11/66 | 22 |
Andre Edward Marcotte Lance Cpl | Vietnam | Marines | Rye | 12/6/48 | 7/1/67 | 18 |
Sotorios Milton Margaritis CPL | Vietnam | Marines | Raymond | 9/1/46 | 8/8/67 | 20 |
Dennis Hardie Marshall Lance CPL | Vietnam | Marines | Lisbon | 7/17/46 | 9/7/67 | 21 |
Lawrence Jay Marshall Major | Vietnam | Air Force | Manchester | 1/28/29 | 12/27/72 | 43 |
Normand Richard Martel PFC | Vietnam | Marines | Manchester | 4/26/45 | 5/3/67 | 22 |
Steven Wayne Martin Captain | Vietnam | Marines | Wolfeboro | 11/2/43 | 10/11/68 | 24 |
Rojer James McAllister Jr. SGT | Vietnam | Army | Milford | 9/6/40 | 5/9/65 | 24 |
Michael Thomas McGlone SGT | Vietnam | Army | Dover | 2/13/50 | 9/11/69 | 19 |
John Winchester Mcguire PFC | Vietnam | Army | Derry | 11/4/43 | 2/3/68 | 24 |
James Patrick McKeon Major | Vietnam | Air Force | Nashua | 2/13/33 | 2/13/69 | 36 |
Thomas Michael SGT | Vietnam | Army | Dover | 2/13/49 | 3/28/69 | 20 |
William Michael Miller WO | Vietnam | Army | Keene | 7/22/47 | 9/15/68 | 21 |
Larry Joseph Milot Lance Cpl | Vietnam | Marines | Manchester | 9/25/47 | 4/2/68 | 20 |
Peter Whitcomb Morrison 1st Lt | Vietnam | Air Force | Laconia | 12/29/42 | 6/9/67 | 24 |
Thomas Joseph Morrisey Jr Corporal | Vietnam | Marines | Dover | 8/22/48 | 6/5/68 | 19 |
Arthur C Mourtgis Jr PFC | Vietnam | Army | Manchester | 1/7/48 | 5/15/67 | 19 |
Raymond C Mroczynski SFC | Vietnam | Army | Manchester | 8/11/40 | 2/26/69 | 28 |
Walter Aleck Murzin Lance Cpl | Vietnam | Marines | Concord | 5/17/46 | 10/2/66 | 20 |
Charles Edmond Muzzey PFC | Vietnam | Marines | Enfield | 7/23/47 | 1/9/68 | 20 |
Paul Ernest Nadeau PFC | Vietnam | Army | Manchester | 4/19/32 | 9/4/66 | 34 |
Thomas Dennis Nadeau SP4 | Vietnam | Army | Nashua | 12/27/48 | 8/11/68 | 19 |
Leonard King Nute SP4 | Vietnam | Army | Hudson | 12/12/46 | 5/25/67 | 20 |
Ronald Leon Olson SP4 | Vietnam | Army | Concord | 3/20/49 | 11/24/69 | 20 |
William Wayne O'Neil SP4 | Vietnam | Army | Chesterfield | 10/11/49 | 1/21/70 | 20 |
Thomas Philip O'Neill SSGT | Vietnam | Marines | Dover | 4/16/42 | 3/14/70 | 27 |
Raymond Louis Paradis PFC | Vietnam | Army | Nashua | 6/24/48 | 5/9/70 | 21 |
Ernest George Paul PFC | Vietnam | Marines | Concord | 6/10/43 | 5/29/66 | 22 |
William Roy Pearson SGT | Vietnam | Air Force | Warner | 4/18/51 | 4/6/72 | 20 |
Richard William Pelletier SSG | Vietnam | Army | Greenville | 12/16/49 | 3/24/69 | 19 |
David B Perreault SP5 | Vietnam | Army | Franklin | 6/18/46 | 10/3/68 | 22 |
Steven Jay Philbrick PVT | Vietnam | Marines | Hampton | 10/4/49 | 6/6/69 | 19 |
Jerry Dean Pillsbury PFC | Vietnam | Marines | Grantham | 1/17/47 | 9/25/66 | 19 |
Robert James Plourde CPL | Vietnam | Army | Laconia | 2/2/49 | 3/28/68 | 19 |
Karl Dennis Porter SP4 | Vietnam | Army | Loudon | 6/16/51 | 1/29/72 | 20 |
Richard Charles Porter Lance Cpl | Vietnam | Marines | Hanover | 9/28/49 | 1/24/71 | 21 |
Philip Avery Pratt SP4 | Vietnam | Army | Fremont | 4/20/48 | 5/31/69 | 21 |
Wayne Thomas Provencher PFC | Vietnam | Army | Concord | 6/19/49 | 5/10/68 | 18 |
Lawrence Robert Raymond Lance CPL | Vietnam | Marines | Manchester | 9/23/48 | 3/24/68 | 19 |
Richard Paul Raymond | Vietnam | Army | Manchester | 12/5/41 | 8/26/69 | 27 |
Joseph Andrew Rayno SSG | Vietnam | Army | Franklin | 1/31/40 | 12/29/66 | 26 |
Michael P Ribich SP4 | Vietnam | Army | Great Falls | 11/8/47 | 10/6/79 | 31 |
George William Riordan PO3 | Vietnam | Marines | Dover | 6/23/48 | 3/14/68 | 19 |
Richard Norman Rivard SP4 | Vietnam | Army | Merrimack | 6/10/46 | 4/15/68 | 21 |
Ronald D Roach SGT | Vietnam | Army | Concord | 9/25/47 | 2/12/68 | 20 |
Edmund Edward Roberge SFC | Vietnam | Army | Manchester | 7/3/32 | 3/16/71 | 38 |
Roger Edward Robichaud SGT | Vietnam | Army | Manchester | 7/1/45 | 8/26/69 | 24 |
Wilfred Roland Robillard PFC | Vietnam | Army | Manchester | 2/26/47 | 10/10/65 | 18 |
Joseph Robert Robinson SSGT | Vietnam | Marines | Dover | 3/12/38 | 3/28/67 | 29 |
Robert Quentin Roentsch SP4 | Vietnam | Army | Walpole | 2/14/46 | 2/19/66 | 20 |
Everett Porter Runnells SP4 | Vietnam | Army | Concord | 1/14/46 | 8/27/66 | 20 |
Alfred Bayard Russ 1st Lt | Vietnam | Marines | Hancock | 1/13/43 | 1/13/68 | 25 |
Thomas John Saltmarsh PFC | Vietnam | Army | Concord | 2/19/49 | 3/14/68 | 19 |
Bradley Elliott Sandford 1st SGT | Vietnam | Army | Portsmouth | 9/19/23 | 12/27/70 | 47 |
Steven Craig Santy Lance CPL | Vietnam | Marines | Belmont | 12/13/49 | 7/14/68 | 18 |
Ernest Eugene Sanville PO3 | Vietnam | Navy | North Hinsdale | 11/14/43 | 8/31/68 | 24 |
Michael Jorn Saunders PFC | Vietnam | Army | Penacook | 1/13/47 | 12/10/67 | 20 |
James Everett Sawyer Jr CPL | Vietnam | Army | Laconia | 11/18/47 | 6/14/69 | 21 |
Robert William Sawyer SGT | Vietnam | Army | Manchester | 4/4/49 | 8/23/68 | 19 |
James Edward Schunemann CWO | Vietnam | Army | Manchester | 1/9/48 | 3/20/70 | 22 |
Robert Peter Scibilia SP4 | Vietnam | Army | Nashua | 3/9/48 | 5/23/69 | 21 |
John Senechek SMAJ | Vietnam | Army | Manchester | 3/18/19 | 9/16/71 | 52 |
Gerald Calvin Seybold CWO2 | Vietnam | Marines | Concord | 6/3/34 | 4/28/71 | 36 |
Frank Joseph Sharek Jr Lance CPL | Vietnam | Marines | Manchester | 4/28/47 | 7/23/68 | 21 |
Robert Ernest Shaw PFC | Vietnam | Marines | North Hampton | 10/10/47 | 3/31/69 | 21 |
Gary Roy Smith SP4 | Vietnam | Army | Laconia | 2/22/49 | 4/27/69 | 20 |
Murray Lawrence Smith Major | Vietnam | Air Force | Hampton Beach | 5/23/33 | 12/21/67 | 34 |
Douglas Stewart Souther Jr. SP4 | Vietnam | Army | Seabrook | 1/30/49 | 4/7/69 | 20 |
Raymond Ernest Stanley CPL | Vietnam | Marines | Manchester | 2/17/47 | 4/30/68 | 21 |
John Clifton Steer SGT | Vietnam | Army | Kingston | 3/22/47 | 10/31/67 | 20 |
Harold Kenneth Stevens Jr Lance CPL | Vietnam | Marines | Keene | 3/26/43 | 6/8/65 | 22 |
Douglas Earl Stover WO | Vietnam | Army | Concord | 1/1/47 | 3/26/69 | 22 |
Michael Lawrence Succi CPL | Vietnam | Marines | Portsmouth | 8/7/47 | 3/14/68 | 20 |
Allan Francis Sullivan CPO | Vietnam | Navy | Loudon | 6/10/29 | 2/23/68 | 38 |
Terrence Colin Sullivan PFC | Vietnam | Army | Berlin | 4/8/47 | 5/20/67 | 20 |
Michael Bernard Sweeney 2nd Lt | Vietnam | Army | Keene | 11/4/46 | 12/24/67 | 21 |
Eugene Frederick Sweet Jr | Vietnam | Army | Portsmouth | 7/7/49 | 1/4/68 | 18 |
Armand Alvin Sylvestre Captain | Vietnam | Army | Nashua | 5/11/36 | 7/15/68 | 32 |
Winston Adams Taggart SP4 | Vietnam | Army | Manchester | 6/13/47 | 12/19/67 | 20 |
Lucien Charles Tessier Captain | Vietnam | Marines | Manchester | 12/23/43 | 9/19/68 | 24 |
Samuel Silver Theriault MSG | Vietnam | Army | Rochester | 1/6/34 | 11/27/67 | 33 |
Robert Paul Titcomb CPL | Vietnam | Army | Farmington | 9/28/48 | 9/9/69 | 20 |
Gary Chester Towle CPL | Vietnam | Army | Concord | 7/29/42 | 5/24/69 | 26 |
John A Townsend Jr SSG | Vietnam | Army | Manchester | 8/10/30 | 12/4/68 | 38 |
Raymond L Trudeau CPT | Vietnam | Army | Durham | 10/2/39 | 7/24/66 | 26 |
Dennis Nick Vatistas | Vietnam | Army | Dover | 7/12/49 | 12/22/70 | 21 |
Thomas Joseph Vezeau CPL | Vietnam | Marines | Derry | 6/22/51 | 2/25/70 | 18 |
Alfred Viel PFC | Vietnam | Army | Dover | 10/27/47 | 12/22/68 | 21 |
Joseph George Villiard CPL | Vietnam | Army | Manchester | 3/7/35 | 3/24/66 | 31 |
Alexander George Wainio PFC | Vietnam | Marines | Troy | 10/19/48 | 5/26/67 | 18 |
John Raymond Walker SP6 | Vietnam | Army | Rochester | 11/29/45 | 3/20/72 | 26 |
David Howard Weller PFC | Vietnam | Marines | Nashua | 6/15/47 | 6/2/67 | 19 |
Gary Norman Whipple PFC | Vietnam | Army | Claremont | 11/12/48 | 12/4/68 | 20 |
Robert Frederick White CPL | Vietnam | Marines | Newmarket | 12/9/39 | 8/18/67 | 27 |
Terry James Whittaker PFC | Vietnam | Marines | Newport | 3/17/47 | 4/9/67 | 20 |
Jonathan Charles Whitticom Lance CPL | Vietnam | Marines | Laconia | 7/13/47 | 6/27/67 | 19 |
William Wilkowsky Jr PFC | Vietnam | Army | Nashua | 10/1/45 | 4/30/66 | 20 |
Thomas Alan Willard SGT | Vietnam | Army | Farmington | 12/27/48 | 6/18/69 | 20 |
Alden Bertram Willey SFC | Vietnam | Army | Campton | 11/11/33 | 3/27/66 | 32 |
MIA | ||||||
Clyde Douglas Alloway Tech SGT MIA | Vietnam | Air Force | Portsmouth | 10/18/37 | 6/7/70 | 32 |
Frank Neil Badolati SSG MIA | Vietnam | Army | Goffstown | 3/19/33 | 1/29/66 | 32 |
Sheldon John Burnett Colonel MIA - Body Returned to US | Vietnam | Army | Pelham | 6/9/31 | 5/29/79 | 47 |
Gerald Robert Helmich Colonel MIA | Vietnam | Air Force | Manchester | 11/17/31 | 9/1/78 | 46 |
Quinten Emile Mullervey SP4 MIA | Vietnam | Army | North Woodstock | 12/16/48 | 4/3/68 | 19 |
Albert Linwood Page Jr. Major MIA | Vietnam | Air Force | Derry | 6/28/35 | 5/28/74 | 38 |
Phillip Joseph Stickney SMSGT MIA Body Returned to US | Vietnam | Air Force | Manchester | 12/23/37 | 6/25/74 | 36 |
Robert Joseph Sullivan MSG MIA | Vietnam | Army | East Alstead | 11/19/36 | 7/12/67 | 30 |
New Hampshire Casualties of the Korean War
Name | Conflict | Branch of Service | Town | Born | Died | Age |
Philip Warren Ackley PVT | Korea | Army | Nashua | 3/4/15 | 11/2/50 | 35 |
John Stewart Albert PFC | Korea | Marines | Gonic | 7/3/27 | 8/8/50 | 23 |
Floyd N Alexander SGT | Korea | Army | Keene | 5/5/29 | 6/3/51 | 22 |
Francis Adams Ashley PVT | Korea | Army | Lebanon | 8/10/32 | 11/26/50 | 18 |
John Low Babson Jr. 2nd Lt | Korea | Marines | Contocook | 3/3/29 | 10/26/52 | 39 |
Phillip Kendall Balch AN | Korea | Navy | Claremont | 6/21/29 | 8/26/51 | 22 |
Gerard E. Beaupre PFC | Korea | Army | Franklin | 4/10/30 | 7/20/50 | 20 |
Lyman W. Bigelow III SGT | Korea | Army | Warner | 7/21/31 | 10/31/52 | 21 |
Richard Elwin Bigelow PFC | Korea | Army | Portsmouth | 10/15/32 | 2/14/51 | 18 |
Abner Sawyer Black Cpl | Korea | Marines | Peterborough | 12/28/31 | 3/29/53 | 21 |
Charles C. Blanchette Jr. PVT | Korea | Army | Peterborough | 12/22/33 | 11/9/51 | 17 |
Philip Albert Botsford PFC | Korea | Army | Lyndenborough | 9/16/29 | 7/20/50 | 20 |
Arthur John Bower Jr. CPL | Korea | Marines | Laconia | 1/1/29 | 9/24/50 | 21 |
John Charles Brennan | Korea | Air Force | Groveton | 2/25/33 | 11/14/52 | 19 |
Kenneth M Brown | Korea | Concord | 0 | |||
Leroy L. Brown CPL | Korea | Army | North Conway | 8/13/07 | 5/1/51 | 43 |
Arthur Delbert Buckley Jr. CPL | Korea | Army | Keene | 7/26/30 | 12/9/50 | 20 |
Elmer Trombly Bullock 1st Lt | Korea | Air Force | Portsmouth | 11/19/22 | 4/12/51 | 28 |
Oswald E. Carbonneau PFC | Korea | Army | Littleton | 7/8/31 | 9/2/51 | 20 |
Walter Francis Carey PFC | Korea | Marines | Manchester | 9/1/29 | 9/2/51 | 22 |
William Arthur. Cartier 1st Lt | Korea | Army | Manchester | 7/6/22 | 10/10/51 | 29 |
Madison Freeman Charles Cpl | Korea | Army | Carroll County | 1/6/26 | 7/10/50 | 24 |
Lester Thomas Chase Caprain | Korea | Marines | Exeter | 9/27/16 | 11/29/50 | 34 |
Thomas J. Chatigny PFC | Korea | Army | Exeter | 5/23/32 | 9/16/50 | 18 |
Guy O. Chesley PFC | Korea | Army | Lyme Center | 1/25/32 | 2/14/51 | 19 |
Roland E. Christian PFC | Korea | Army | Jaffrey | 7/18/28 | 1/16/51 | 22 |
Albert Charles Colby PFC | Korea | Army | Claremont | 12/6/27 | 9/3/51 | 23 |
Robert Connelly | Korea | 0 | ||||
Roger Bertrand Cote PFC | Korea | Army | Manchester | 8/4/30 | 9/1/50 | 20 |
Claude Irving Crawford PVT | Korea | Army | Stewartstown | 9/2/31 | 9/12/52 | 21 |
George Armand Curley Jr. PVT MIA | Korea | Army | Laconia | 5/9/32 | 11/30/50 | 18 |
James H. Dame PVT | Korea | Army | Dover | 6/3/31 | 2/6/51 | 19 |
Francis R. Decapot PFC | Korea | Army | Nashua | 12/16/29 | 11/10/50 | 20 |
Joseph Adelard Marcel Demers PFC | Korea | Marines | Auburn | 4/29/29 | 12/2/50 | 21 |
Armand R. Deschenes PVT | Korea | Army | Hollis | 8/9/29 | 9/1/50 | 21 |
Roger Louis Desclos PFC | Korea | Marines | Nashua | 9/20/30 | 8/13/52 | 21 |
Myron Gracian Dick SGT | Korea | Army | Calais Maine | 1926 | 11/30/50 | 26 |
Henry J. Dionne PFC | Korea | Army | Nashua | 1/22/23 | 3/2/51 | 28 |
Robert A. Doll PFC | Korea | Army | Portsmouth | 9/6/32 | 3/25/51 | 18 |
Donald Austin Douglas PFC | Korea | Army | Woodsville | 8/18/29 | 12/5/52 | 23 |
George R. Dow CPL | Korea | Marines | Portsmouth | 1/4/31 | 7/20/53 | 22 |
Gerard Leo Joseph Dubay PFC | Korea | Army | Portsmouth | 10/11/30 | 5/18/51 | 20 |
Richard Edward Ducharme PFC | Korea | Army | Nashua | 11/22/30 | 6/13/53 | 22 |
Gilbert David Dumais PFC | Korea | Army | Nashua | 1/11/32 | 8/19/50 | 18 |
Leland Rockwood Dunham Major | Korea | Army | Littleton | 12/12/11 | 7/20/50 | 38 |
Arthur W. Dunton Jr. PFC | Korea | Army | Fitzwilliam | 3/24/28 | 10/3/51 | 23 |
William Newell Eaton PFC | Korea | Army | Seabrook | 7/19/32 | 8/16/50 | 18 |
Edward F. Ewens CPL | Korea | Army | Campton | 2/18/29 | 4/10/51 | 22 |
Lionel Robert Favreau SGT | Korea | Army | Manchester | 7/2/30 | 12/1/50 | 20 |
Warren Arthur Fish PVT | Korea | Army | Jaffrey | 9/1/31 | 7/18/53 | 21 |
Henry C. Flanders SGT | Korea | Army | Bath | 4/12/04 | 12/12/50 | 46 |
Frederick Eugene Fleming SGT | Korea | Army | Sullivan | 2/6/29 | 8/15/50 | 21 |
Robert Sargent Fletcher PFC | Korea | Army | Manchester | 12/4/22 | 7/16/50 | 27 |
Kenneth Clyde Foss | Korea | Army | Center Harbor | 11/23/29 | 10/19/51 | 21 |
Gordon Ray Fox CPL | Korea | Army | Manchester | 6/16/30 | 7/24/53 | 23 |
Reginald E. Frazier PVT | Korea | Army | East Swanzey | 8/23/32 | 11/2/50 | 18 |
Orville Joseph Gale | Korea | Army | Northfield | 6/21/30 | 9/27/50 | 20 |
Gerald Paul Gauthier PVT | Korea | Army | Franklin | 1/27/33 | 5/16/53 | 20 |
David M. Gordon PVT | Korea | Army | Fitzwilliam | 7/4/32 | 9/10/51 | 19 |
Frederick M. Gray CPL | Korea | Army | Portsmouth | 5/6/32 | 9/7/50 | 18 |
Eugene W. Grendell | Korea | Army | Conway | 3/24/27 | 8/8/52 | 25 |
Benjamon W. Griggs Jr. PVT | Korea | Army | West Lebanon | 3/7/31 | 11/30/50 | 19 |
Rudy Henry Haferkamp PFC | Korea | Army | Laconia | 1/7/24 | 3/10/51 | 27 |
Elmer Rix Hamlin PVT | Korea | Army | Milan | 10/8/27 | 8/27/51 | 23 |
Robert Shurben Hedman PFC MIA | Korea | Army | Hampton | 6/8/29 | 11/28/50 | 21 |
Richard C. Henson 1st LT | Korea | Army | Colebrook | 3/29/20 | 11/29/50 | 30 |
Herbert Alsa Hesseltine Jr. CPL | Korea | Army | Littleton | 8/7/31 | 11/30/50 | 19 |
James Arlin Hildreth PO3 | Korea | Navy | Laconia | 11/30/27 | 10/16/53 | 25 |
George Norman Hill CPL MIA | Korea | Army | Bristol | 5/20/28 | 11/30/50 | 22 |
Phillip Noyes Hobson Jr. CPL | Korea | Marines | Hampton | 2/5/32 | 8/13/52 | 20 |
Robert James Holbrook PFC | Korea | Marines | Nashua | 10/26/32 | 11/30/50 | 18 |
Roy Kay Holleran | Korea | Army | Berlin | 9/6/10 | 1/8/54 | 43 |
Winfield Scott House PVT | Korea | Army | Wolfeboro | 4/5/30 | 9/6/50 | 20 |
Clayton Maynard Huckins CPL | Korea | Army | Orford | 3/17/32 | 3/12/53 | 20 |
Leo W. Jacques PVT | Korea | Army | Rochester | 3/11/33 | 8/15/50 | 17 |
Leon J. Jacques Jr. 1st Lt | Korea | Army | Milford | 5/2/24 | 7/12/50 | 26 |
Ananias Janvrin II CPL | Korea | Army | Seabrook | 9/3/31 | 11/28/50 | 19 |
Paul Hebert Jordon CPT | Korea | Army | Nashua | 1913 | 11/2/50 | 37 |
Vasilio Karagiozis PFC | Korea | Army | Manchester | 12/22/18 | 1/1/51 | 32 |
John Murray Kelley PFC MIA | Korea | Army | North Chichester | 7/1/27 | 11/30/50 | 23 |
Raymond E. Kelley PFC | Korea | Army | Fremont | 1932 | 3/24/51 | 19 |
Warren Oscar Kendall PFC MIA | Korea | Army | Concord | 8/26/30 | 12/1/50 | 20 |
Charles King Kerr PFC | Korea | Army | Nashua | 1/6/28 | 5/18/51 | 23 |
Arthur Raymond Labonte PFC | Korea | Marines | Manchester | 6/26/30 | 12/27/52 | 22 |
Leo H Lapointe PVT | Korea | Army | Campton | 2/13/31 | 7/4/51 | 20 |
Leon P Lapointe | Korea | 0 | ||||
Roland Laurent Leblanc PVT MIA | Korea | Army | Manchester | 1/1/29 | 11/2/50 | 21 |
Theodore William Ledoux SGT MIA | Korea | Army | Littleton | 5/21/31 | 11/28/50 | 19 |
Gordon R. Lemay SGT | Korea | Army | Auburn Mass | 4/15/29 | 11/2/50 | 21 |
Ronald Norman Levasseur PFC | Korea | Marines | Portsmouth | 1/7/30 | 11/29/50 | 20 |
Walter Sylvester Livermore PFC | Korea | Army | Newton | 9/29/31 | 8/10/51 | 19 |
Frank E. Mabey SGT | Korea | Army | Portsmouth | 1/1/22 | 9/15/50 | 28 |
William P Maher Chaplain | Korea | Air Force | Manchester | 10/19/15 | 3/18/53 | 37 |
Robert Hugh Malloy SGT | Korea | Marines | Keene | 8/22/30 | 8/7/52 | 21 |
David Charles Joseph Marier PFC | Korea | Marines | Suncook | 12/23/29 | 3/2/51 | 21 |
Thomas Edward Mason PFC | Korea | Army | Lyman | 6/29/28 | 1/8/53 | 24 |
Earney Alfred Mayo Jr. PFC | Korea | Marines | Concord | 8/28/31 | 8/8/52 | 20 |
James Joseph Mayo PFC | Korea | Army | Rochester | 7/15/17 | 12/10/50 | 33 |
Albert Anthony McCarthy SFC | Korea | Army | Laconia | 1/1/22 | 11/2/50 | 28 |
Edward Arthur John McCormack PVT | Korea | Army | Concord | 2/21/31 | 7/31/52 | 21 |
Ronald William MCKenzie PFC | Korea | Army | Claremont | 7/12/29 | 8/12/50 | 21 |
Joseph Hector Raymond Mercier PFC | Korea | Army | Berlin | 11/17/29 | 3/15/51 | 21 |
Ralph Crowell Merrill Jr.PVT | Korea | Army | Meredith | 12/18/31 | 7/5/50 | 18 |
Bruce Robert Mills PFC | Korea | Army | New Durham | 9/27/32 | 11/2/50 | 18 |
Robert J. Moody PFC | Korea | Army | Rochester | 7/3/30 | 3/7/51 | 20 |
Carol Junior Moreau CPL | Korea | Army | Rochester | 4/27/31 | 3/8/51 | 19 |
Fernand Aime Morin PFC | Korea | Army | Madawaska Me | 12/13/29 | 11/2/50 | 20 |
Peter Joseph Morin Jr. SGT | Korea | Army | Lancaster | 2/15/29 | 5/18/51 | 22 |
Edward Joseph Morse Jr. CPL | Korea | Army | Loudon | 3/30/31 | 11/30/50 | 19 |
Fulton Thomas Mountain | Korea | Navy | Bretton Woods | 10/16/53 | ||
John Martin Murphy CPL | Korea | Army | Hanover | 7/14/27 | 5/27/53 | 25 |
Lelon A. Olson PFC | Korea | Army | Antrim | 2/14/33 | 2/14/51 | 18 |
Chester Earl Paris CPL | Korea | Marines | Charlestown | 12/1/26 | 9/24/50 | 23 |
Joseph Norman Pelletier PFC | Korea | Army | Berlin | 6/5/30 | 2/13/51 | 20 |
Donald Edward Perry PFC | Korea | Army | Manchester | 12/13/31 | 9/22/50 | 18 |
Gene Leon Piela CPL | Korea | Army | Franklin | 11/20/29 | 7/17/52 | 22 |
Raymond Stewart Pike PFC | Korea | Army | Tilton | 11/17/29 | 10/7/52 | 22 |
Joseph E. Potvin CPL | Korea | Army | Gonic | 1926 | 8/12/50 | 24 |
Alphonse H. Raymond Jr. PVT | Korea | Army | Manchester | 6/1/32 | 10/3/51 | 19 |
Elmer Powers Richard PFC | Korea | Army | Exeter | 6/3/30 | 12/2/50 | 20 |
Norman Andrew Riddle SFC | Korea | Army | Concord | 8/17/26 | 12/24/52 | 26 |
Wallace Fred Ritter PFC | Korea | Army | Salem | 6/26/31 | 11/28/50 | 19 |
Richard E. Rivers PFC | Korea | Army | Campton | 6/24/32 | 9/23/50 | 18 |
Clifford E Roalf PFC | Korea | Army | Surry | 10/13/30 | 7/21/50 | 19 |
Donald Albert Roberge PFC | Korea | Army | Somersworth | 10/27/31 | 7/15/53 | 21 |
Joseph Armand Robillard Jr. PVT | Korea | Army | Manchester | 9/21/32 | 11/30/50 | 18 |
Harold J. Rolfe Jr. PFC | Korea | Army | Groveton | 2/28/30 | 10/17/51 | 21 |
Leonard Edmond Roy PFC | Korea | Marines | Manchester | 7/1/29 | 9/5/52 | 23 |
Ernest Fallon Russell SGT | Korea | Army | Keene | 10/27/30 | 12/12/50 | 20 |
John L. Sanborn PVT | Korea | Army | Laconia | 6/5/32 | 9/5/50 | 18 |
Delmo Santos | Korea | Army | Manchester | 3/28/26 | 9/7/50 | 24 |
Leo Paul Telesphore Savard PVT | Korea | Army | Northumberland | 8/28/34 | 10/24/52 | 18 |
Alfred Harry Sidney CPL POW | Korea | Army | Littleton | 12/9/27 | 5/18/51 | 23 |
Harry Sparrow Smith SGT | Korea | Army | Lancaster | 11/1/31 | 11/2/50 | 19 |
Roger Armand St. Pierre PFC | Korea | Army | Manchester | 11/19/32 | 6/12/52 | 19 |
Ernest Harold Stevens SGT | Korea | Army | East Rochester | 3/16/15 | 8/25/50 | 35 |
Gary Scott Stickles PVT | Korea | Army | Dover | 7/9/35 | 7/8/53 | 17 |
George Walker Stimpson PFC | Korea | Army | Littleton | 8/1/29 | 8/10/50 | 21 |
Donald A. Stuart CPL | Korea | Army | Rochester | 1929 | 1/19/53 | 24 |
Allan Maurice Tarr 2nd LT | Korea | Air Force | Derry | 5/22/28 | 2/22/53 | 24 |
Aurel Normand Tremblay PFC | Korea | Army | Nashua | 1/29/27 | 7/30/50 | 23 |
Joseph William Troy PVT | Korea | Army | Concord | 4/3/27 | 6/10/53 | 26 |
Roger Trudeau SGT | Korea | Army | Manchester | 11/15/21 | 8/16/50 | 28 |
Edmund Joseph Turcotte PVT | Korea | Army | Rochester | 8/19/33 | 9/27/51 | 18 |
Leon Howard Tutt SFC | Korea | Army | Wolfeboro | 5/16/21 | 12/1/50 | 29 |
Earl P Tyler PFC | Korea | Army | Nashua | |||
Donald Francis Van Den Berghe CPL | Korea | Army | Manchester | 7/30/29 | 7/23/53 | 23 |
Leigh Mayhew Wentworth PVT | Korea | Army | Concord | 5/23/30 | 7/18/52 | 22 |
Mark Anthony Wentworth PVT | Korea | Army | Dummer | 5/17/30 | 10/19/52 | 22 |
Walter Edward West PFC | Korea | Army | Exeter | 1/14/30 | 4/2/53 | 23 |
Francis Edward Wilson PVT | Korea | Army | Epping | 12/18/30 | 9/4/50 | 19 |
Clarence Cleon Woodman CPL | Korea | Army | Rochester | 3/4/33 | 2/1/52 | 18 |
William James Wright PFC | Korea | Army | Columbia | 12/19/27 | 1/23/51 | 23 |
Edwin Charles Young Jr. PFC | Korea | Army | Laconia | 5/10/33 | 11/23/52 | 19 |
Ernest A. Zecha Jr. 2nd LT | Korea | Army | Cheshire County | 1/1/28 | 6/13/53 | 25 |
New Hampshire World War I Honor Roll - New Hampshire State House

New Hampshire Sharp Shooters Monument - Gettysburg

Gettysburg 1st NH Battery Monument

2nd NH Volunteers Monument - Gettysburg

5th New Hampshire Gettysburg Monument

Colonel Edward Cross Gettysburg Wounding Marker

Gettysburg 12th NH Volunteers Monument

Alstead, New Hampshire Civil War Memorial

Alstead NH Korean War Veterans Memorial

Alstead New Hampshire Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Alton NH Civil War Veterans Memorial

Alton NH - World War I Veterans Honor Roll

Alton NH World War II Veterans Honor Roll

Alton NH - Vietnam Veterans Honor Roll

Amherst New Hampshire - Civil War Veterans Memorial

Amherst, New Hampshire - World War I Veterans Memorial

Amherst New Hampshire - World War II Veterans Honor Roll

Amherst New Hampshire Korean War Veterans Honor Roll

Amherst New Hampshire Vietnam War Veterans Honor Roll

Antrim, NH Civil War Veteran Honor Roll

Antrim NH - World War I Veterans Memorial
Antrim New Hampshire World War I Honor Roll
Charles H Abbott Albert A Baker Robert T Barker Frank O Bemis Lawrence K Black
Clarence H Bradshaw Carlton L Brooks Fannie Burnham Grace E Burnham Byron G Butterfield
Philip H Butterfield John W Bryer Donald K Cameron Robert H Cleaves Charles M Clough
Paul R Colby Willian Congreve Jr. D. Wallace Cooley Donald B Cram Carl W Crampton
Nelson F Cressy Matthew N Cuddihy Frank E Cutter Bernard M Davis Orrin H Edwards
Cranston D Eldridge H. Burr Eldridge Roy D Elliot Lewis E Evans Arthur Fluri Kasimir Fluri
Andrew S. Fuglestad A. Wallace George Harry L. Gerstenberger Howard C Gokey Roger F Hilton
W. Scott Hilton Burt D Hodges David H Hodges George A Hodges James M Hodges
Oscar E Huot Ralph G Hurlin Ira C Hutchinson James W Jameson George H Kiblin
Donald B Madden John W Matson Harold G Miner Leo E Mulhall William L Mulhall
Charles Myers William M Myers Ernest H McClure Henry E Newhall John L Newhall
Robert M Nylander Howard E Paige Paul F Paige William F Parker Archie D Perkins
Otis W Pike Cecil H Prentiss Paul W Prentiss Margaret M Redmond Waldo A Robb
Charles N Robertson Don H Robinson Harry J Rogers Helen S Stowell C. Harold Tewksbury
Norman A Thompson John W Thornton Edson H Tuttle Fred A Whitney John S Whitney
John S Whitney Francis A Whittermore Albert J Zabriskie Robert W Jameson William J.B. Cannell

Atkinson New Hampshire - Civil War Veterans Memorial

Atkinson New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Atkinson New Hampshire World War II & Korean War Veterans Memorial

Atkinson New Hampshire Jeremy Graczyk Afghanistan Memorial

Auburn New Hampshire Veterans Memorials

Auburn New Hampshire - Civil War Veterans Memorial

Auburn New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Auburn New Hampshire - World War II Veterans Memorial

Auburn New Hampshire - Korean War & Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Barnstead New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Bath New Hampshire Veterans Memorials

Berlin New Hampshire World War I Memorial

Berlin New Hampshire Veterans Memorial Park


Berlin New Hampshire POW/MIA Veterans Memorial

Berlin New Hampshire Veterans Memorial Bridge

Bethlehem New Hampshire Veterans Memorials
Name | Conflict | Town | Name | Conflict | |
Charles W Bachellor | Civil War | Bethlehem | Karl P Abbott | World War I | |
Jerome T Bean | Civil War | Bethlehem | Richard C Atwood | World War I | |
Edward C Beemas | Civil War | Bethlehem | Merrick V Barnes | World War I | |
Almon R Blandin | Civil War | Bethlehem | George L Bean  | World War I | |
Nathaniel Bullock | Civil War | Bethlehem | Charles A Bishop | World War I | |
John S Cheeney | Civil War | Bethlehem | Everett C Bishop | World War I | |
Luther W Crane | Civil War | Bethlehem | William R Bishop | World War I | |
Williiam A Crane | Civil War | Bethlehem | Wilbur Briggs | World War I | |
Joshua W Dudley | Civil War | Bethlehem | Edward C Brooks | World War I | |
John T Dutton | Civil War | Bethlehem | John M Burroughs | World War I | |
E Alonzo Eudy | Civil War | Bethlehem | Charles W Burt | World War I | |
Leonard M Eudy | Civil War | Bethlehem | Frederick D Callender | World War I | |
William D Eudy | Civil War | Bethlehem | John P Callender | World War I | |
James R Gale | Civil War | Bethlehem | George W Cassidy | World War I | |
Alburn G Goddard | Civil War | Bethlehem | Paul Chasse | World War I | |
Thomas Harrigan | Civil War | Bethlehem | Warren S Churchill | World War I | |
Charled H Hoit | Civil War | Bethlehem | Millard F Clark | World War I | |
Caleb Huntoon | Civil War | Bethlehem | James D Conley | World War I | |
Eli Huntoon | Civil War | Bethlehem | William Cullen | World War I | |
John Huntoon | Civil War | Bethlehem | Robert Duran | World War I | |
William J Huntoon | Civil War | Bethlehem | Willian Finn | World War I | |
Horace J Kenney | Civil War | Bethlehem | Fayette W Fitzgerald | World War I | |
Willard Miller | Civil War | Bethlehem | Walter C Gannon | World War I | |
Jesse B Nourse | Civil War | Bethlehem | Hermie D Gardner | World War I | |
Lorenzo Phillips | Civil War | Bethlehem | Charles E Green | World War I | |
Oscar H Presby | Civil War | Bethlehem | Thomas Harrigan | World War I | |
Charles Rivers | Civil War | Bethlehem | Ralph B Hildreth | World War I | |
Joseph E Sawyer | Civil War | Bethlehem | Roy T Hildreth | World War I | |
Murry Scott | Civil War | Bethlehem | Earl B Howland | World War I | |
William S Shattuck | Civil War | Bethlehem | Elbridge G Huntoon | World War I | |
Andrew J Sherman | Civil War | Bethlehem | Alice E Jobin | World War I | |
Asa E Swasey | Civil War | Bethlehem | Harold H Lang | World War I | |
Levi L Tyrrell | Civil War | Bethlehem | Robert M Lewis | World War I | |
John Wilds | Civil War | Bethlehem | John H McDonald | World War I | |
Bethlehem | Geoege G McGregor | World War I | |||
Bethlehem | Alfred Milne | World War I | |||
Bethlehem | Thomas S Morris | World War I | |||
Bethlehem | Elec Patrick | World War I | |||
Bethlehem | Manus H Perkins | World War I | |||
Bethlehem | John R Phillips | World War I | |||
Bethlehem | Murray S Plant | World War I | |||
Bethlehem | Paul L Prescott | World War I | |||
Bethlehem | Smith A Quimby | World War I | |||
Bethlehem | Frank U Ramsey | World War I | |||
Bethlehem | Walter L Ramsey | World War I | |||
Bethlehem | Stephen J Reynolds | World War I | |||
Bethlehem | William F Reside | World War I | |||
Bethlehem | George W Seymour | World War I | |||
Bethlehem | George Sonia | World War I | |||
Bethlehem | Webb W Trefethen | World War I | |||
Bethlehem | Carroll A Wells | World War I | |||
Bethlehem | Verdi E Whitcomb | World War I |
Bethlehem New Hampshire - Civil War Honor Roll

Bethlehem New Hampshire - World War I Honor Roll

Bethlehem New Hampshire - World War II Honor Roll

Name | Conflict | Town | Name | Conflict | |
Francis J Beaton | World War II | Bethlehem | Frederick C LaClair | World War II | |
L.F Blackburn | World War II | Bethlehem | Osman E Lang | World War II | |
George A Blaney | World War II | Bethlehem | Richard M Lang | World War II | |
Arthur E Blaney | World War II | Bethlehem | Ernerst Lapete | World War II | |
Ellwin E Blaney | World War II | Bethlehem | Maurice Lapete  | World War II | |
Jasper W Blandin | World War II | Bethlehem | Raymond Lapete | World War II | |
Richard G Blandin | World War II | Bethlehem | Walter J Lewis | World War II | |
Earle L Briggs | World War II | Bethlehem | Stanley P Lowell | World War II | |
Raymond  C Brooks | World War II | Bethlehem | Edward K Lynch | World War II | |
Floyd S Brown | World War II | Bethlehem | William R Lynch | World War II | |
R. SÂ Callender Jr | World War II | Bethlehem | Henry Marcotte Jr | World War II | |
Wilbur WÂ Callender | World War II | Bethlehem | William G McKenna | World War II | |
William Cere | World War II | Bethlehem | Donald J McLeod | World War II | |
Wilbur J Churchill | World War II | Bethlehem | C. Wendell McLeod | World War II | |
Kenneth Clark | World War II | Bethlehem | Elwin L Miller | World War II | |
Millard S Clark | World War II | Bethlehem | Thomas L Morris | World War II | |
Stephen Clark | World War II | Bethlehem | Forrest Nelson | World War II | |
Henry A Colby | World War II | Bethlehem | James W Newcomb | World War II | |
Douglas Cole | World War II | Bethlehem | George T Noyes | World War II | |
Richard J Coney | World War II | Bethlehem | Nathan H Pearce | World War II | |
Margaret C Coney | World War II | Bethlehem | Manus R Perkins Jr. | World War II | |
Alvin Corliss | World War II | Bethlehem | Willie Perry | World War II | |
Edward B Corliss | World War II | Bethlehem | Irving G Phillips | World War II | |
Willard Corliss | World War II | Bethlehem | Warren E Pierce | World War II | |
George C Cotnoir | World War II | Bethlehem | Maurice Plante | World War II | |
Stephen D Currie | World War II | Bethlehem | Hamilton Pollock | World War II | |
Edward Cyr | World War II | Bethlehem | John Pollock  | World War II | |
E. Lewis Davidson | World War II | Bethlehem | Gilbert Perry | World War II | |
Claude Delaney | World War II | Bethlehem | Roland Quimby | World War II | |
Joseph Delisle | World War II | Bethlehem | Francis Ramsey | World War II | |
Walter R Drohen | World War II | Bethlehem | Arthur J Reid | World War II | |
Donald J Duranty | World War II | Bethlehem | George E Reid | World War II | |
Edward R Duranty | World War II | Bethlehem | Albert Ross | World War II | |
George J Duranty | World War II | Bethlehem | Leonard Ross | World War II | |
Raymond T Duranty | World War II | Bethlehem | G. Douglas Stafford | World War II | |
Ward Gardner | World War II | Bethlehem | Frank Steller | World War II | |
John C Garneau | World War II | Bethlehem | Harry M Stevenson | World War II | |
Leon H Garneau | World War II | Bethlehem | Malcolm J Stevenson | World War II | |
Thomas A Garneau | World War II | Bethlehem | Frederick M Stevenson | World War II | |
William R Garneau | World War II | Bethlehem | Edward Stone | World War II | |
Donald Girouard | World War II | Bethlehem | Paul Stone | World War II | |
William J Green | World War II | Bethlehem | Harold Thornton | World War II | |
David Greenlaw | World War II | Bethlehem | George F Tucker Jr | World War II | |
Henry Greenlaw | World War II | Bethlehem | Robert W Turner | World War II | |
Robert Greenlaw | World War II | Bethlehem | Theodore Whitcomb | World War II | |
John W Guider | World War II | Bethlehem | Victor R Whitcomb | World War II | |
Leslie J Halen | World War II | Bethlehem | Charles T Winget | World War II | |
Roy E Harrigan | World War II | Bethlehem | F.W. Winterbottom | World War II | |
David M Hazen | World War II | Bethlehem | L.F. Winterbottom | World War II | |
Henry Hoik | World War II | Bethlehem | Muriel E Winterbottom | World War II | |
Lawrence F Hoik | World War II | Bethlehem | Ernest J Wolcott  | World War II | |
Bernard J Howe | World War II | Bethlehem | Gerald H Wolcott   | World War II | |
Burleigh E Huntoon | World War II | Bethlehem | John L Wolcott | World War II | |
Charley E Huntoon | World War II | Bethlehem | Charles A Wolcott | World War II | |
Lyle Huntoon | World War II | ||||
Irving S Hyfer | World War II | ||||
Luther M Jackson | World War II | ||||
Arthur Jobin | World War II | ||||
John W Jobin | World War II | ||||
William R Jobin | World War II | ||||
Donald Johnston | World War II | ||||
John Johnston Jr.   | World War II | ||||
John Johnston Jr. | World War II |
Bradford New Hampshire - World War I & World War II Honor Roll

Brentwood NH Civil War & World War I Veterans Memorial

Bristol New Hampshire - Revolutionary War Honor Roll

Bristol New Hampshire Civil War Memorial

Bristol New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Bristol New Hampshire WWII Veterans Memorial

Town | Last Name | First Name | Full Name | Conflict |
Bristol | Adams | Farrington D | Farrington D Adams | World War II |
Bristol | Adams | Fred H | Fred H Adams | World War II |
Bristol | Adams | Henry B | Henry B Adams | World War II |
Bristol | Adams | James A | James A Adams | World War II |
Bristol | Adams | Robert F | Robert F Adams | World War II |
Bristol | Akerman | Curtis H | Curtis H Akerman | World War II |
Bristol | Allard | Rodney W | Rodney W Allard | World War II |
Bristol | Avery | Merrill D | Merrill D Avery | World War II |
Bristol | Babb | William F.L. | William F.L. Babb | World War II |
Bristol | Baker | Everett D | Everett D Baker | World War II |
Bristol | Barrett | James F | James F Barrett | World War II |
Bristol | Bean | Albert W | Albert W Bean | World War II |
Bristol | Bean | Fenton H | Fenton H Bean | World War II |
Bristol | Bean | Wilfred G | Wilfred G Bean | World War II |
Bristol | Beaunoyer | Edward | Edward Beaunoyer | World War II |
Bristol | Bennett | John C Jr | John C Bennett Jr. | World War II |
Bristol | Bergh | Frank A | Frank A Bergh | World War II |
Bristol | Bliss | Frederick P | Frederick P Bliss | World War II |
Bristol | Bliss | Gerald L | Gerald L Bliss | World War II |
Bristol | Bliss | Gordon L | Gordon L Bliss | World War II |
Bristol | Bliss | Elmore A | Elmore A Bliss | World War II |
Bristol | Bond | Carl T Jr | Carl T Bond Jr | World War II |
Bristol | Bragg | George G | George G Bragg | World War II |
Bristol | Bragg | Herbert L | Herbert L Bragg | World War II |
Bristol | Bragg | Lendall N | Lendall N Bragg | World War II |
Bristol | Bragg | Leroy J | Leroy J Bragg | World War II |
Bristol | Blake | Rodwell L | Rodwell L Blake | World War II |
Bristol | Brianas | Robert | Robert Brianas | World War II |
Bristol | Brown | E. Dean | E. Dean Brown | World War II |
Bristol | Brown | Kenneth P | Kenneth P Brown | World War II |
Bristol | Brown | Stanley E | Stanley E Brown | World War II |
Bristol | Brown | Trevor W * | Trevor W Brown * | World War II |
Bristol | Bucklin | Walter P | Walter P Bucklin | World War II |
Bristol | Cabral | Arthur C | Arthur C Cabral | World War II |
Bristol | Cabral | Joseph N | Joseph N Cabral | World War II |
Bristol | Calley | Lyle H | Lyle H Calley | World War II |
Bristol | Calley | Willis G | Willis G Calley | World War II |
Bristol | Caldon | Roy F | Roy F Caldon | World War II |
Bristol | Caswell | Burney L | Burney L Caswell | World War II |
Bristol | Cate | Samuel G | Samuel G Cate | World War II |
Bristol | Cavis | Morton H | Morton H Cavis | World War II |
Bristol | Chase | Ralph N | Ralph N Chase | World War II |
Bristol | Chase | William G | William G Chase | World War II |
Bristol | Conway | Valmore J | Valmore J Conway | World War II |
Bristol | Corneau | Fred O | Fred O Corneau | World War II |
Bristol | Corneau | George S | George S Corneau | World War II |
Bristol | Corneau | Harry G | Harry G Corneau | World War II |
Bristol | Corneau | Richard L | Richard L Corneau | World War II |
Bristol | Clarke | Gertrude R | Gertrude R Clarke | World War II |
Bristol | Cota | Raphael F | Raphael F Cota | World War II |
Bristol | Cotting | Roland E | Roland E Cotting | World War II |
Bristol | Currier | Verrold A | Verrold A Currier | World War II |
Bristol | Currier | Victor A | Victor A Currier | World War II |
Bristol | Davis | William G | William G Davis | World War II |
Bristol | Dearborn | Earl J Jr. | Earl J Dearborn Jr. | World War II |
Bristol | Dearborn | Karl E Jr. | Karl E Deareborn Jr. | World War II |
Bristol | Dearborn | Kurt P | Kurt P Dearborn | World War II |
Bristol | De Wolf | Fletcher M | Fletcher M De Wolf | World War II |
Bristol | Dickinson | Amos G | Amos G Dickinson | World War II |
Bristol | Dodge | Clinton C | Clinton C Dodge | World War II |
Bristol | Dodge | Harold T | Harold T Dodge | World War II |
Bristol | Dole | Malcolm E | Malcolm E Dole | World War II |
Bristol | Dole | Gordon S | Gordon S Dole | World War II |
Bristol | Douglas | Eugene M | Eugene M Douglas | World War II |
Bristol | Dow | Howard A | Howard A Dow | World War II |
Bristol | Downes | Robert M | Robert M Downes | World War II |
Bristol | Durfee | Archie V | Archie V Durfee | World War II |
Bristol | Dyer | Isaac W II | Isaac W Dyer II | World War II |
Bristol | Eastman | Charles L | Charles L Eastman | World War II |
Bristol | Ellis | Chester E | Chester E Ellis | World War II |
Bristol | Emmons | George R | George R Emmons | World War II |
Bristol | Emmons | Ralph R | Ralph R Emmons | World War II |
Bristol | Emmons | Robert D | Robert D Emmons | World War II |
Bristol | Evans | Perley L | Perley L Evans | World War II |
Bristol | Fellows | Ralph S | Ralph S Fellows | World War II |
Bristol | Firth | Fred R Jr | Fred R Firth Jr | World War II |
Bristol | Fleury | Bernard A | Bernard A Fleury | World War II |
Bristol | Fleury | Reginald J | Reginald J Fleury | World War II |
Bristol | Fogg | Charles W | Charles W Fogg | World War II |
Bristol | Follansbee | Calvin C * | Calvin C Follansbee* | World War II |
Bristol | Freese | John L | John L Freese | World War II |
Bristol | French | Stanley K | Stanley K French | World War II |
Bristol | Gale | Melville B | Melville B Gale | World War II |
Bristol | Gilbert | Thomas H | Thomas H Gilbert | World War II |
Bristol | Goodhue | Seth A | Seth A Goodhue | World War II |
Bristol | Goodnough | Reginald E | Reginald E Goodnough | World War II |
Bristol | Goodwin | Lorimer E Jr, | Lorimer E Goodwin Jr, | World War II |
Bristol | Goulette | Helen E | Helen E Goulette | World War II |
Bristol | Gray | Bern M | Bern M Gray | World War II |
Bristol | Gray | Robert P | Robert P Gray | World War II |
Bristol | Gray | Wayne E | Wayne E Gray | World War II |
Bristol | Guyotte | Alphonse R | Alphonse R Guyotte | World War II |
Bristol | Hahto | Auvo A | Auvo A Hahto | World War II |
Bristol | Haight | John MCV Jr. | John MCV HaightJr. | World War II |
Bristol | Hamel | Edward W | Edward W Hamel | World War II |
Bristol | Hamel | Felix W | Felix W Hamel | World War II |
Bristol | Haskell | Glenn N | Glenn N Haskell | World War II |
Bristol | Haskell | Howard P | Howard P Haskell | World War II |
Bristol | Hatfield | Willis M | Willis M Hatfield | World War II |
Bristol | Haynes | Alice R | Alice R Haynes | World War II |
Bristol | Haynes | N. Wesley | N. Wesley Haynes | World War II |
Bristol | Hazelton | Glenn V | Glenn V Hazelton | World War II |
Bristol | Heath | Arnold E | Arnold E Heath | World War II |
Bristol | Heath | Maynard L | Maynard L Heath | World War II |
Bristol | Hewitt | Robert N | Robert N Hewitt | World War II |
Bristol | Higgins | Robert J | Robert J Higgins | World War II |
Bristol | Higgins | Robert F | Robert F Higgins | World War II |
Bristol | Hill | Claude W | Claude W Hill | World War II |
Bristol | Hill | Merton E | Merton E Hill | World War II |
Bristol | Hiscock | Deane D | Deane D Hiscock | World War II |
Bristol | Hopkins | Orvis H | Orvis H Hopkins | World War II |
Bristol | Hunt | Frederick S Jr. | Frederick S Hunt Jr. | World War II |
Bristol | Jaquis | George F Jr | George F Jaquis Jr | World War II |
Bristol | Jewell | Henry N | Henry N Jewell | World War II |
Bristol | Jewell | Lawrence W | Lawrence W Jewell | World War II |
Bristol | Jewell | Shirley R | Shirley R Jewell | World War II |
Bristol | Jones | Harry A | Harry A Jones | World War II |
Bristol | Jones | Harry E | Harry E Jones | World War II |
Bristol | Jones | Frank M | Frank M Jones | World War II |
Bristol | Johnson | Charles B | Charles B Johnson | World War II |
Bristol | Johnson | David L | David L Johnson | World War II |
Bristol | Johnson | Eldrid H | Eldrid H Johnson | World War II |
Bristol | Kenney | Sidney R | Sidney R Kenney | World War II |
Bristol | King | John C | John C King | World War II |
Bristol | LaClair | Harlan F | Harlan F LaClair | World War II |
Bristol | Lambert | Stephen F | Stephen F Lambert | World War II |
Bristol | Lamson | Donald C Jr. | Donald C Lamson Jr. | World War II |
Bristol | Lamson | Richard G | Richard G Lamson | World War II |
Bristol | LeSan | Leo H Jr. | Leo H LeSan Jr. | World War II |
Bristol | Levine | Harold D | Harold D Levine | World War II |
Bristol | Lewis | Frederick H | Frederick H Lewis | World War II |
Bristol | Littlefield | Allan H | Allan H Littlefield | World War II |
Bristol | MacDougall | Gene D | Gene D MacDougall | World War II |
Bristol | MacDougall | Norman S | Norman S MacDougall | World War II |
Bristol | MacLean | Rodney J | Rodney J MacLean | World War II |
Bristol | Mansur | Arthur J | Arthur J Mansur | World War II |
Bristol | Mansur | Leslie P | Leslie P Mansur | World War II |
Bristol | Martin | Clanton E | Clanton E Martin | World War II |
Bristol | McKinley | Lawrence A Sr. | Lawrence A McKinley Sr. | World War II |
Bristol | McKinley | Lawrence A Jr. | Lawrence A McKinley Jr. | World War II |
Bristol | McKinley | Linwood N | Linwood N McKinley | World War II |
Bristol | McLeod | Maxwell G | Maxwell G McLeod | World War II |
Bristol | McMurphy | Rolland W | Rolland W McMurphy | World War II |
Bristol | Merrill | Clair N | Clair N Merrill | World War II |
Bristol | Merrill | Selwyn H | Selwyn H Merrill | World War II |
Bristol | Miller | Edward L | Edward L Miller | World War II |
Bristol | Mitchell | Luther K | Luther K Mitchell | World War II |
Bristol | Mitchell | Margaret M | Margaret M Mitchell | World War II |
Bristol | Mitchell | William O | William O Mitchell | World War II |
Bristol | Monteiro | Nicholas Jr. | Nicholas Monteiro Jr. | World War II |
Bristol | Morgan | Douglas H | Douglas H Morgan | World War II |
Bristol | Morgan | Robert E | Robert E Morgan | World War II |
Bristol | Morrill | Manson C | Manson C Morrill | World War II |
Bristol | Morrill | Raymond C | Raymond C Morrill | World War II |
Bristol | Mosher | Clyde F | Clyde F Mosher | World War II |
Bristol | Mosher | Raymond M | Raymond M Mosher | World War II |
Bristol | Nadon | John A | John A Nadon | World War II |
Bristol | Nadon | Mose R | Mose R Nadon | World War II |
Bristol | Newton | Elwyn | Elwyn Newton | World War II |
Bristol | Newton | William H | William H Newton | World War II |
Bristol | Palmer | Everrett A | Everrett A Palmer | World War II |
Bristol | Patten | George A | George A Patten | World War II |
Bristol | Patten | Henry B | Henry B Patten | World War II |
Bristol | Plumer | Richard O | Richard O Plumer | World War II |
Bristol | Plumer | William B | William B Plumer | World War II |
Bristol | Plummer | Melvin V | Melvin V Plummer | World War II |
Bristol | Plummer | Walter M | Walter M Plummer | World War II |
Bristol | Pollard | Leigh O | Leigh O Pollard | World War II |
Bristol | Pope | Ralph P | Ralph P Pope | World War II |
Bristol | Powden | Charles G | Charles G Powden | World War II |
Bristol | Pray | Norman C | Norman C Pray | World War II |
Bristol | Preble | George H Jr | George H Preble Jr | World War II |
Bristol | Quint | Preston M | Preston M Quint | World War II |
Bristol | Quint | Silas E | Silas E Quint | World War II |
Bristol | Remeck | Roland A * | Roland A Remeck* | World War II |
Bristol | Remeck | Rodney E | Rodney E Remeck | World War II |
Bristol | Rice | Wallace A | Wallace A Rice | World War II |
Bristol | Roby | Ronald E | Ronald E Roby | World War II |
Bristol | Robinson | Forrest G | Forrest G Robinson | World War II |
Bristol | Rockwell | Gerald G | Gerald G Rockwell | World War II |
Bristol | Rockwell | Herbert L. Jr. | Herbert L. Rockwell Jr. | World War II |
Bristol | Schofield | Charles S | Charles S Schofield | World War II |
Bristol | Seaver | Robert H | Robert H Seaver | World War II |
Bristol | Shaw | Paul S | Paul S Shaw | World War II |
Bristol | Smith | Clyde E | Clyde E Smith | World War II |
Bristol | Smith | Donald H | Donald H Smith | World War II |
Bristol | Smith | Frank W | Frank W Smith | World War II |
Bristol | Smith | Hazel M | Hazel M Smith | World War II |
Bristol | Smith | Irving B | Irving B Smith | World War II |
Bristol | Smith | Oscar H | Oscar H Smith | World War II |
Bristol | Southard | Aaron G | Aaron G Southard | World War II |
Bristol | Southard | Reginald W | Reginald W Southard | World War II |
Bristol | Stevens | Harry D | Harry D Stevens | World War II |
Bristol | Stuart | Gordon J | Gordon J Stuart | World War II |
Bristol | Stuart | Lloyd L | Lloyd L Stuart | World War II |
Bristol | Tapply | Philip G | Philip G Tapply | World War II |
Bristol | Tapply | Richard A | Richard A Tapply | World War II |
Bristol | Thayer | Wirt O | Wirt O Thayer | World War II |
Bristol | Thompson | Donald R | Donald R Thompson | World War II |
Bristol | Thompson | Malcolm H | Malcolm H Thompson | World War II |
Bristol | Townsend | Ernest W | Ernest W Townsend | World War II |
Bristol | Tucker | Edwin H | Edwin H Tucker | World War II |
Bristol | Vittum | Carroll M | Carroll M Vittum | World War II |
Bristol | Welch | Richard A | Richard A Welch | World War II |
Bristol | Wells | Chester F | Chester F Wells | World War II |
Bristol | Wells | Harris A | Harris A Wells | World War II |
Bristol | Wells | Oscar G | Oscar G Wells | World War II |
Bristol | Wells | Perley G | Perley G Wells | World War II |
Bristol | Wells | Ralph G | Ralph G Wells | World War II |
Bristol | Whipple | Chandler S * | Chandler S Whipple * | World War II |
Bristol | White | William C Jr. | William C White Jr. | World War II |
Bristol | Woodhouse | David T | David T Woodhouse | World War II |
Bristol | Woodward | Alpheus S | Alpheus S Woodward | World War II |
Bristol | Woodward | Ernest D | Ernest D Woodward | World War II |
Bristol | Woodward | George C | George C Woodward | World War II |
Bristol | Woodward | Willie C | Willie C Woodward | World War II |
Bristol | Worthen | Samuel E | Samuel E Worthen | World War II |
Bristol | Wright | Edward B | Edward B Wright | World War II |
Bristol New Hampshire Persian Gulf War Veterans Memorial

Brookline New Hampshire Pre-World War II Veterans Memorial

Brookline, New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial

Brookline New Hampshire Korean War & Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Canaan, New Hampshire - Civil War Honor Roll

Canaan, New Hampshire - World War I Honor Roll

Canaan, New Hampshire - World War II Honor Roll

Canaan New Hampshire Korean War & Vietnam War Honor Roll

Canaan New Hampshire Global War on Terror Veterans Honor Roll

Canterbury Veterans Memorial

Canterbury Civil War Veterans Honor Roll

Published and Proud - The 2020 Canterbury New Hampshire Town Report

Carroll New Hampshire Veterans Memorials

Charlestown, NH - Veterans Memorial Civil War - WWI

Chester, New Hampshire - Civil War Memorial

Chester, New Hampshire - World War I Honor Roll

Chester New Hampshire Veterans of the Spanish/American War and World War I
Fredrick C. Bartlett Watland J Berry Walter S Brown Bert R Cammett James M Forsaith *
Hans A Hanson William A Holland * Walter E Holmes Raymond Kourian James Maguire
Walter W Maguire Emerson P Maple * Clarence H McGully Allen J Parker Clifford E Richardson
Hartwell H Roberts Victor B Spollett Percy S Stowe Charles C Warren Howard F West *
Howard A Woodard Leroy S Woodard
Red Cross Nurse: LillianS Mackintosh * = Died in Service
Chesterfield, New Hampshire Veterans Memoria

Claremont Civil War Veterans Memorial

Claremont, New Hampshire - World War I & World War II Veterans Memorial

Conway, New Hampshire - World War II Honor Roll

Cornish New Hampshire Veterans Memorials

Deerfield New Hampshire Soldiers Memorial Library

Deerfield New Hampshire Revolutionary & War of 1812 Veterans Honor Roll

Deerfield New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Honor Roll

Deerfield New Hampshire World War I Veterans Honor Roll

Deerfield New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial

Deerfield New Hampshire Vietnam War Veterans Honor Roll

Deering, New Hampshire Veterans Park

Derry, New Hampshire - World War I Honor Roll

Derry, New Hampshire - World War II Honor Roll

Derry, New Hampshire - Korea & Vietnam Honor Roll

Dover, New Hampshire - Civil War Memorial

USS Maine Memorial - Dover New Hampshire

Dover, NH - Spanish American War Memorial

Dover New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Dover New Hampshire Korean War VeteranHonor Roll

Dover New Hampshire Vietnam War Veteran Honor Roll

Dunbarton NH - World War I Veterans Memorial

Dunbarton NH - World War I - Veterans Honor Roll
Oliver J Bunten - William B Burnham - Bradford W Burnham - Carroll H Crosby - Harold J Dickey - John L Fitts - Walter Gould
I. Reed Gourley - C. Ross Gourley - John B Ireland - Joseph Lepage - Harold B Lakeman - Frank J Murray - William D Murray
Ernest C Murphy - Henry Severance - Ernest A Tucker - Leon S Tucker - Ralph C Walker
Dunbarton New Hampshire - World War II Veterans Memorial

Dunbarton New Hampshire - Korean War Veterans Memorial

Dunbarton New Hampshire - Korean War - Honor Roll
Armand F Beliueau - Arthur J Benoit - Rodney W Doucet Jr - Fred R Dugremier - William A Earle - Thomas C Elliot - Charles B Green
Frederick D Paris Jr - Dawson F Savage - William C Sherman - John R Swindelhurst - Leon R Tucker - Donald E Untiet
James B Walker - Theodore H Walsh - Jogm D Warriner - Gordon E Westover
Dunbarton New Hampshire - Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Dunbarton NH - Vietnam War - Veterans Honor Roll
Kevin S Bartlett - Paul E Bartlett - Murray C Duke - Ronald J Delude - Richard R Dewehr - Richard J Goupil - Daniel K Gravas
Eric T Greenhalge III - Daniel E McGrath - Ray U Mills - Gordon R Mooney - Mark W Morgan - Ross C Nash - David L Nichols
William B Nichols - James H Opie - Paul E Rivard - Armand P Thibault Jr - Roy P Thibault - Leon R Tucker - David H Williams
Charles F Williamson
Epsom New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Exeter NH World War I Monument - Gale Memorial Park - Created by Daniel Chester French

Francestown New Hampshire World War I, World War II & Korean War Memorials

Franconia NH World War I Veterans Memorial

Franklin New Hampshire Civil War & Spanish-American War Veterans Memorial

Franklin New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Franklin New Hampshire - Heroes of World War II

Franklin New Hampshire World War II, Korean War & Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Franklin New Hampshire Vietnam War Medal of Honor Recipient Jedh C Barker

Fremont NH - Revolutionary War - Civil War & World War I Veterans Memorial

Fremont NH - World War II Veterans Memorial

Gilford NH World War I Veterans Honor Roll

Gilford New Hampshire World War I - Honor Roll
Maynard A. Ames - Rodger M. Ames - Archie Andrews - Lawrence H. Bartlett - Stephen L. Berryman - Charles Carter
Robert Deware - Guy A. Dow - Lucius M. Gordon - Albert J. Harriman - Willis C. Harriman - John B. Hoyt
Roscoe C. Johnson - Wiolliam F. Magrath - Francis D. Marden - Royce E. Sanborn - Eugene Savage - Luther A. Tucker

Goffstown NH Veterans Memorial

Gorham, New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Gorham New Hampshire World War II Veterans Honor Roll

Gorham, New Hampshire World War II, Korean War & Vietnam War Veterans Honor Roll

Goshen, New Hampshire Military Honor Roll

Grafton New Hampshire Veterans Memorials

Greenland New Hampshire Remembrance Park

Myrtle Marsh Memorial Veterans Park - Greenville NH

Greenville New Hampshire World War II - Honor Roll
Roland J Alix - Ulysse L Alix - Ronald F Basha - Patrick L Baillargeon - Marcel H Beausoleil - Howard F Banks
Arthur P Bernier - Lucien P Bernier - Rosario Bernier - Lionel R Bergeron - Edward L Blanchette - Nelson D Blanch
Joseph E Belanger - Gerard Boisse - George Bouley - Arthur J Caron - Josepg A.C. Caron - J.A. Thomas Caron
Raoul J Caron - Lionel J Caron - Robert G Caron - Wilfred G Caron - Alfred F Caouette - Clifton Campbell
Roland J Champagne - Romeo Champagne - Jules J Chouinard - Lionel E Chouinard - Lionel V Chouinard
William Cleary Jr. - Omer J Dancause - Gilbert Deschenes Jr. - Joseph A Deschenes - Cyril G. Desrosiers
Frederick J Desrosiers - Alelard Desrosiers Jr. - Roland H Desrosiers - Kenneth C Doonan - Leon J Emond
Charles E Fagnant - Francis R Flitner - Bertrand Fournier - Leo P Fournier - Francois H Fortin - Bertrand H Gagnon
Oliver R Gagnon - Roland C Gauvin - Howard Greene Jr. - Benoit E Jean - Elle L Jean - Roland C Knight

Greenville NH - Korean War & Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Hampstead New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial

Hampstead New Hampshire - World War I Veterans Memorial

Hampstead New Hampshire World War II Veterans Honor Roll

Hampstead New Hampshire - Korean War Veterans Memorial

Hampstead New Hampshire Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Hampstead New Hampshire - Post-Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Hampton New Hampshire Veterans Memorials

Hampton New Hampshire Global War on Terrorism Memorial

Hampton Beach Marine Memorial

Hampton Falls, NH (WWI & WWII) Veteran's Honor Roll

Hancock NH Veterans Memorial

Haverhill NH Veterans Memorial

East Haverhill, NH - World War I Veteran's Honor Roll

Henniker New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial

Henniker New Hampshire Colonel LeanderCogswell Veterans Memorial

Hill New Hampshire Veterans Park

Hillsborough New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Hillsborough New Hampshire World War I Veterans Honor Roll

Memorial Day Order : May 30, 1868 - Fuller Public Library - Hillsborough New Hampshire

Hillsborough New Hampshire World War II Veterans Honor Roll

Holderness New Hampshire Veterans Honor Roll

Hooksett New Hampshire Veterans Memorial Park

PFC Arthur C Mourtgis Jr 1948 - 1967 Vietnam War Casualty from Hooksett NH

Hooksett New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial

Hooksett New Hampshire - World War I Veterans Memorial

Hooksett New Hampshire - World War II Veterans Memorial

Hopkington New Hampshire Civil War Memorial

Hopkington New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Hopkington New Hampshire World War II / Korean War / Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Hopkington New Hampshire Memorial to Officer Sean Powers

Hudson, New Hampshire - World War I Honor Roll

Hudson New Hampshire - World War I - Honor Roll
Lester F Adams - Peter Arpin - Joseph A Baker - Reuben J Baker - Alfred Barrett - Joseph F Bathelon - Charles Betts - Joseph Boyer
Wilder Brown - Arthur W Butler - Oscar C Campbell - Frank W Chapman - Victor Clark - John H Crenner - Robert A Crenner
Willis B Cross - Herbert E Dandley - Harry D Emerson - Joseph E Farland - Harold G French - Arthur E Fuller - Frederick S Fuller
William J Gagne - Ouila J Gaudette - Reuben S Groves - Horatio U Hall - Leopold J Harvey - Guy Harwood - Merton L Haselton
Page S Haselton - Eugend F Hastings - Paul M Hill - Harland S Hills - Lyman W Hills - Orlando G Hills - Ron J Honeywell
Elwyn C Hopkins - Ralph E Hunnewell - Gedion A Laquerre - Carl A Larson - Anthione J LeClerc - Eugene C LeClerc
Fred C Lovejoy - Winn Merrill - Arthur E Morrill - Raymond D Muir - Edward C Myers - Edward M Parker - Fred W Parker
Wayne S Peters - Carlton L Petry - Eugene L Provencal - Leo C Pyne - Henri M Renaud - Amedee Ricord - Mark A Ridley
Roger L Robinson - Basil W Shepard - Albert E Smith - Deering O Smith - Victor H Smith - Harold M Spaulding - Forrest H Spinney
Arthur Trupany - Ralph E Trufant - Rot H Walsh - Charles E Webber - Paul C Webster - Arthur M Wells - Leland H Woods
Gilbert Young
Hudson New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Jackson NH - World War I Veterans Honor Roll

Jackson NH - World War II Veterans Honor Roll

Jackson NH - Korean War Veterans Honor Roll

Jackson NH - Vietnam War Veterans Honor Roll

Jaffrey, New Hampshire - Civil War Memorial

Jaffrey, New Hampshire - World War I Honor Roll

Jefferson New Hampshire - Military Service Memorial

Jefferson New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Keene New Hampshire - Civil War Monument

Keene New Hampshire Veterans Memorial Park

Laconia NH Civil War Memorial

Laconia NH Spanish-American War Veterans Honor Roll

Laconia NH WWII Veteran's Memorial

Laconia NH Korean War Veterans Memorial

Laconia NH Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Lancaster New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Lancaster New Hampshire Civil War Memorial

Lancaster New Hampshire Memorial to Colonel Edward E Cross - Civil War

Lempster New Hampshire World War I & 2 Veterans Memorial

Lincoln, New Hampshire - World War I & II Honor Roll

Lincoln, NH Korean War & Vietnam Honor Roll

Lisbon New Hampshire Veterans Memorials

Littleton NH - Revolutionary War Veterans Memorial

Littleton New Hampshire - Civil War Veterans Memorial

Littleton New Hampshire - World War II and Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Littleton New Hampshire World War I, World War II and Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Littleton New Hampshire Vietnam War Veteran Honor Roll
Name | Conflict | Town | Name | Conflict | |
Littleton | William J Labonte | Vietnam | |||
Stephen A Albee | Vietnam | Littleton | Norman A Laflamme | Vietnam | |
Larry D Andrews | Vietnam | Littleton | Osman E Lang | Vietnam | |
Lord A Antanaitis | Vietnam | Littleton | Alphonse T Lapanne | Vietnam | |
Ernest A Bagley Jr. | Vietnam | Littleton | Joseph M Lavoice | Vietnam | |
Harry F Baker | Vietnam | Littleton | Lopuie J Lavoie | Vietnam | |
Richard K Baker | Vietnam | Littleton | Winston E Lefebvre | Vietnam | |
Thomas K Baker | Vietnam | Littleton | Herbert S Lewis | Vietnam | |
David G Ballou | Vietnam | Littleton | Royal C Lewis | Vietnam | |
Donald P Barr | Vietnam | Littleton | Steven R Lewis | Vietnam | |
Robert A Barr | Vietnam | Littleton | Timothy W Maciver | Vietnam | |
William R Beard | Vietnam | Littleton | Robert G Maguire | Vietnam | |
Gabriel J Begin | Vietnam | Littleton | Russel P Mardin | Vietnam | |
John T Belmore | Vietnam | Littleton | Lloyd H Mayne | Vietnam | |
Robert E Benoit | Vietnam | Littleton | Michael K McCabe | Vietnam | |
Donald J Bilodeau | Vietnam | Littleton | Barry D McGuire | Vietnam | |
Kenneth E Bixby Jr. | Vietnam | Littleton | Michael McIntyre | Vietnam | |
George G Blodgett | Vietnam | Littleton | Peter M McLaughlin | Vietnam | |
Charles H Bowen | Vietnam | ` | Littleton | David F McLure | Vietnam |
Edward C Boynton | Vietnam | Littleton | Graig S Miller | Vietnam | |
Robert J Brodeur | Vietnam | Littleton | Raymond C Morris | Vietnam | |
David A Brown | Vietnam | Littleton | Richard H Morton | Vietnam | |
Peter W Buffington | Vietnam | Littleton | Gene D Murphy | Vietnam | |
Wendel A Buffington | Vietnam | Littleton | Lawrence A Myott Jr. | Vietnam | |
Dale F Burgess | Vietnam | Littleton | Maurice W Paradis Jr. | Vietnam | |
William L Burgess | Vietnam | Littleton | Richard A Paradis | Vietnam | |
Mark K Buxton Jr. | Vietnam | Littleton | Eugene A Parent | Vietnam | |
Leroy E Byron Jr. | Vietnam | Littleton | John D Parent Jr. | Vietnam | |
Ernard A Cady | Vietnam | Littleton | James S Phillips | Vietnam | |
Robert R Cady | Vietnam | Littleton | Gordon A Polson | Vietnam | |
Nathaniel W Carmen | Vietnam | Littleton | Robert A Poulsen | Vietnam | |
William T Cere | Vietnam | Littleton | Maurice L Provencal | Vietnam | |
Trevor H Champagne | Vietnam | Littleton | Steven I Ray | Vietnam | |
Frank P Childs | Vietnam | Littleton | Arthur C Rich | Vietnam | |
Evelyn M Christie | Vietnam | Littleton | Edwin W Richards | Vietnam | |
Leonard J Clark | Vietnam | Littleton | Gary H Richards | Vietnam | |
Robert A Clark | Vietnam | Littleton | Michael A Richards | Vietnam | |
Wayne E Colby | Vietnam | Littleton | Johnstone B Richardson Jr. | Vietnam | |
Helen W Collings | Vietnam | Littleton | Everett JN Rioux | Vietnam | |
Gary A Collins | Vietnam | Littleton | Keven E Rioux | Vietnam | |
Wayne A Corliss | Vietnam | Littleton | Edward H Santy | Vietnam | |
David C Crossett | Vietnam | Littleton | George A Santy | Vietnam | |
Daniel J Cullin | Vietnam | Littleton | Anthony W Sarausky | Vietnam | |
Robert Desrochers | Vietnam | Littleton | Irving W. N. Schultz Jr. | Vietnam | |
John S Detcheverry | Vietnam | Littleton | Richard D. W. Schultz | Vietnam | |
Clayton E Dezan | Vietnam | Littleton | Paul J Shea | Vietnam | |
Donald L Dezan | Vietnam | Littleton | Harry C Shufelt | Vietnam | |
Maurice A Dezan | Vietnam | Littleton | Arthur B Sias Jr. | Vietnam | |
Arthur H Dubey Jr. | Vietnam | Littleton | Scott C Simons | Vietnam | |
Joseph N Duval | Vietnam | Littleton | John B Smith | Vietnam | |
Rockwood Dunham | Vietnam | Littleton | Clesson B Spencer | Vietnam | |
James R Emery | Vietnam | Littleton | Ronald E Streeter | Vietnam | |
John W Farr III | Vietnam | Littleton | Samuel R Strong | Vietnam | |
Jerry Lee Fisher | Vietnam | Littleton | Thomas S Swan | Vietnam | |
Robert C Flanders | Vietnam | Littleton | Jay T Tann | Vietnam | |
Daniel R Gattoni | Vietnam | Littleton | Howard C Tewksbury | Vietnam | |
Riochard A Gilfillan | Vietnam | Littleton | Dyanna D Thresher | Vietnam | |
Joseph D Girouard | Vietnam | Littleton | Craig S Trombley | Vietnam | |
Yvon E Girouard | Vietnam | Littleton | Richard L Trombley | Vietnam | |
Robert F Gould | Vietnam | Littleton | Robert E Trombley | Vietnam | |
Arthur J Greaves | Vietnam | Littleton | Terry J Ward | Vietnam | |
Scott R Harris | Vietnam | Littleton | Randall A Waterman | Vietnam | |
Lindsay D Hartshorn | Vietnam | Littleton | Albert J Welch | Vietnam | |
Thomas W Heinemann | Vietnam | Littleton | Frederick J Welch | Vietnam | |
Edward A Hennessey | Vietnam | Littleton | Jeffrey N Wells | Vietnam | |
Gregory C Holmes | Vietnam | Littleton | Harry W Wentworth | Vietnam | |
Herbert M Horner | Vietnam | Littleton | John M West | Vietnam | |
Bernard A Houle | Vietnam | Littleton | Roger Y Wetherbee | Vietnam | |
Marcel F Houle | Vietnam | Littleton | Robert J Whitcomb | Vietnam | |
Wayne W Howe | Vietnam | Littleton | Kenneth A White | Vietnam | |
Keith E Howland | Vietnam | Littleton | David D Wright | Vietnam | |
Burleigh E Huntoon Jr. | Vietnam | Littleton | Terry E Wright | Vietnam | |
Josephone E Jack | Vietnam | Littleton | Sally A Wyatt | Vietnam | |
Richard F Jackman Jr. | Vietnam | Littleton | William D Wyatt | Vietnam | |
Bonnie M Karaberis | Vietnam | Littleton | Jesse A Young | Vietnam | |
Ronald M Kelley | Vietnam | ||||
Conrad D Kelly | Vietnam | ||||
George R Kilbourne Jr. | Vietnam | ||||
Jimmy V Kimball | Vietnam | ||||
Marshall H Knapp | Vietnam | ||||
Robert L Knapp Jr. | Vietnam | ||||
David L Kuhner | Vietnam |
Londonderry New Hampshire
Londonderry New Hampshire Revolutionary War Veterans Memorial

Londonderry New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial

Londonderry New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Londonderry New Hampshire World War II , Korean War & Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Londonderry New Hampshire September 11th Terrorist Attack Memorial

Lyme, New Hampshire - Veteran's Memorial

Loudon New Hampshire Veterans Memorial Park

Lyme, New Hampshire - Civil War Memorial

Madison Mew Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Marlow New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Mason New Hampshire - Veterans Monument

Captain Benjamin Mann - Mason NH Bunker Hill Monument

Meredith New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial

Meredith New Hampshire World War II Veterans Honor Roll

Merrimack NH VFW Post 8641 Valerie J Quayle Veterans Memorial Wall

Milford NH Korean War Veterans Memorial

Milford NH - World War II Veterans Memorial

Milton NH - Veterans Memorial Park

Milton New Hampshire Civil War Memorial
Milton New Hampshire WWII Honor Roll

Town | Name | Conflict |
Milton | Joseph Adjutant | World War II |
Milton | Norris Anderson | World War II |
Milton | Robert R Anderson | World War II |
Milton | Charles E Badger Jr. | World War II |
Milton | David F Badger | World War II |
Milton | Clifton I Bailey | World War II |
Milton | Melvin D Bailey | World War II |
Milton | Ralston Bailey | World War II |
Milton | Arthur E Benner | World War II |
Milton | Oliver J Black | World War II |
Milton | William E Bigelow | World War II |
Milton | Alfred Blair | World War II |
Milton | Harry E Blair | World War II |
Milton | Franklin J Borsvert | World War II |
Milton | Bailey Boudon | World War II |
Milton | Cemore Boudon | World War II |
Milton | Harold Boudon | World War II |
Milton | Robert Boudon | World War II |
Milton | Ambrose M Brown | World War II |
Milton | John Victor Brown | World War II |
Milton | George D Burrows | World War II |
Milton | Eugene N Burroughs | World War II |
Milton | Benjamin F Butler | World War II |
Milton | Charles E Butler | World War II |
Milton | John P Butler | World War II |
Milton | Patrick Butler | World War II |
Milton | Thomas Butler | World War II |
Milton | Walter Butler | World War II |
Milton | Kenneth Bruce | World War II |
Milton | Robert B Canney | World War II |
Milton | Douglas Carmichael | World War II |
Milton | Fred E Carswell | World War II |
Milton | Gardener M Chamberlain | World War II |
Milton | Howard Chamberlain | World War II |
Milton | Grace Chandler | World War II |
Milton | Arthur Leonard Chase | World War II |
Milton | Raymond Cleveland | World War II |
Milton | Fred E Clough | World War II |
Milton | Leon E Clough | World War II |
Milton | Raymond Columbus | World War II |
Milton | Joseph A Comeau | World War II |
Milton | Thomas Stron Copp | World War II |
Milton | Damon Currier | World War II |
Milton | John T Curry | World War II |
Milton | Charles M Drew | World War II |
Milton | Clyde E Drew | World War II |
Milton | Ernest Drew | World War II |
Milton | Louis Downs | World War II |
Milton | Clifton E Dunnels | World War II |
Milton | Russell E Ellis | World War II |
Milton | Willard G Feeney | World War II |
Milton | Harry P Fletcher Jr. | World War II |
Milton | Harvey Fletcher | World War II |
Milton | George W French | World War II |
Milton | George C Goodin | World War II |
Milton | Maurice C Goodwin | World War II |
Milton | Clyde Gordon | World War II |
Milton | Clifton Carswell | World War II |
Milton | Herbert A Downs | World War II |
Milton | Walter C Greeley | World War II |
Milton | Joseph O Greenwood | World War II |
Milton | Bernard Ham | World War II |
Milton | Lawrence R Ham | World War II |
Milton | Philip Hayes | World War II |
Milton | Roland Henner | World War II |
Milton | Clifton F Herson | World War II |
Milton | Owen Hill | World War II |
Milton | Leslie J Hood | World War II |
Milton | Raymond F Horne | World War II |
Milton | Charles F Hunter | World War II |
Milton | John C Hurd | World War II |
Milton | Leeland H Jeness | World War II |
Milton | Maurice Labrie | World War II |
Milton | Kenneth W Lasky | World War II |
Milton | Ralph L Lavertue | World War II |
Milton | Ralph L Lavertue Jr. | World War II |
Milton | Charles N Logan | World War II |
Milton | Merce Lover | World War II |
Milton | Wilbur Colin Lover | World War II |
Milton | Gary Masury | World War II |
Milton | Frank E McIntire | World War II |
Milton | George C McIntire | World War II |
Milton | Clifford Martineau | World War II |
Milton | Lawrence Martineau | World War II |
Milton | Theodore Moody | World War II |
Milton | Walter Moody | World War II |
Milton | Philip S Nafes | World War II |
Milton | Arnold M Nash | World War II |
Milton | Harold Neal | World War II |
Milton | Alvin A Newell | World War II |
Milton | Elmer Noble | World War II |
Milton | Carlyle L Osgood | World War II |
Milton | Bernard Parson | World War II |
Milton | Alfred G Patch | World War II |
Milton | Herbert Perkins Jr. | World War II |
Milton | Charles E Perry  | World War II |
Milton | Henry Perry | World War II |
Milton | Francis W Perry | World War II |
Milton | Franklin R Pike | World War II |
Milton | Seth R Pike | World War II |
Milton | Winston H Pinkham | World War II |
Milton | Bard B Plummer | World War II |
Milton | Lyman Plummer | World War II |
Milton | George R Pratt | World War II |
Milton | Edward Provencher | World War II |
Milton | Albert L Purtea | World War II |
Milton | Charles Ramsey | World War II |
Milton | Earle E Ramsey | World War II |
Milton | Leo Edward Rand | World War II |
Milton | Raymond J Regan | World War II |
Milton | Maurice Savoie | World War II |
Milton | Alfred J Smith | World War II |
Milton | Cecil E Smith | World War II |
Milton | Earl Leroy Smith | World War II |
Milton | George Smith | World War II |
Milton | Guy R Smith | World War II |
Milton | Marshall W Smith | World War II |
Milton | Elmer O Stillings   | World War II |
Milton | Harold Stillings | World War II |
Milton | Donald W Stowe | World War II |
Milton | Kenneth R Stowe | World War II |
Milton | Adele Tanner | World War II |
Milton | Clarence P Tanner | World War II |
Milton | John R Tarlton | World War II |
Milton | Olin Tarlton | World War II |
Milton | Melvin E Tebbets | World War II |
Milton | George C Tibbet | World War II |
Milton | Harvey l Titcom | World War II |
Milton | Norman Valley | World War II |
Milton | Donald S Warnecke | World War II |
Milton | William M Warnecke Jr. | World War II |
Milton | Albert N Waitt | World War II |
Milton | Donald E Weare | World War II |
Milton | Earl E Wentworth | World War II |
Milton | Harry Wentworth | World War II |
Milton | LLoyd Wentworth | World War II |
Milton | Irene Whitehouse | World War II |
Milton | Luther Wiggins | World War II |
Milton | N. Fletcher Willy | World War II |
Milton | Richard M Willy | World War II |
Milton | Irving Williams  | World War II |
Milton | Charles W Wilson | World War II |
Milton | Robert M Wilson | World War II |
Milton | Perley I Witham | World War II |
Milton | Luther A Wyatt | World War II |
Milton | Willard Young | World War II |

Mont Vernon, NH - Revolutionary War Honor Roll

Mont Vernon, New Hampshire - Civil War Honor Roll

Mont Vernon, New Hampshire - World War I Honor Roll

Mont Vernon, New Hampshire -World War II Navy Honor Roll

Nashua New Hampshire Veterans Memorials

New Boston NH - Veterans Memorial

Newfields New Hampshire Veterans Memorials

Newington New Hampshire - Revolutionary & Civil War Veterans Memorial

Newington NH World War II Veterans Memorial
George L Beals William H Beals Theodore M Blood Jr. Arthur R Brooks Harold A Clough
Arthur L Coffey John J Coffey Anthony J Colecclied Clark M Coleman Fred L Cook
Harold Cook James A Cook Wallace Cutting Jr. Frances Dedovitch Stanley A Drinkwater
Robert Drown Calvin B Dunwoody Nancy C Dunwoody Harry Estey Quentin Estey
Fred H Garland George A Garland Jr John W Gould Jr Wallace P Hale Raymond T Hallett
John D Hamilton Benjamin Hoyt George R Hunter Dominic Karlo George H Kimball Jr
Eldridge A Knox Francis W Lavertue Walter E Newcomb George J Newick LLoyd G Nevious
Thomas B Parrott Leon A Pickering Walter H Pickering Jr. William D Rees Donald A Robinson
Lewis E Robinson Richard C Robinson John F Rowe Felix Samchuk Clayton S Spinney
Huey P Wilson Thornton D Wilson

Newington NH - Korean War Veteran's Memorial

Newington NH - Vietnam War / Lebanon & Panama Veterans Memorial

Newington NH - War on Terror Veterans Memorial

New Ipswich NH Veterans Memorial

New Ipswich - World War I Veterans Memorial

New Ipswich Civil War Veterans Memorial

Northfield , New Hampshire Wold War I Veterans Memorial
North Conway, New Hampshire - World War I Veterans Memorial

North Hampton - Civil War Veterans Memorial

North Hampton - World War I - Veterans Memorial

North Hampton - World War II Veterans Memorial

North Hampton NH Korean and Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Northfield New Hampshire - World War I - Honor Roll
Joseph G Baker - Arthur Bartlett - Edgar Begin - Alonzo L Bolis - John A Brown - Oscar E Brown - Lester A Buffington
Donald K Burleigh - Phillip Burton - Henry E Chapman - Guy Colby - Arthur L Connolly - Frank H Cross - Leon H Cross
Joseph P Currier - Floyd Y Davis - Frank A Deragon - Lewis Deragon - Arthur J Dunlap - Arthur L Fogg - William B Follett
George M Godeck - Mark Goedeck - Thomas H Gravison - Walter E Hamel - John A Henderson - Leoniel Langolen
Joseph L Ledoux - Dean B Lockwood - Raymond B Lord - Alfred Luneau - Arthur Luneau - William Lynch - Engilias T Martel
Howard E Merrill - Merton A Merrill - Ora G Merrill - Edgar G Miller - Henry H Nelson - Lawrence R Nelson - Gerald O'Shea
Harold P O'shea - Alfred A Payson - Charles H Payson - Lawrence Pickard - Mary E Pickup - Arthur B Rand - Earle C Robertson
Franklin F Sargent - Clayton H Seavey - Donald L Sharon - Leonard P Sharon - Raymond A Sharon - Clifton F Shaw - Harold G Shaw
Hartley F Simpson Jr - John E Simpson - Carmen Southwick - Robert H Spritzner - Martin H Streeter - Harry L Tilton -
John W Tyrer - Charles H Walker - Harold H Whigher - Benjamen A Young

Northumberland New Hampshire Veterans Memorials

Northwood New Hampshire Veterans Memorials

Orford New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Pittsburg New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Pittsfield New Hampshire - General Harrison Thyng Memorial

Pittsfield New Hampshire Civil War Memorial

Pittsfield New Hampshire World War I Veterans Honor Roll (Town Hall)

Pittsfield New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Pittsfield New Hampshire Early American Wars Memorial

Pittsfield New Hampshire World War I , World War II, Korean War & Vietnam War Memorial

Plymouth New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Doug DiGenzo Memorial - Plymouth NH

Portsmouth Civil War Monument - Goodwin Park- Portsmouth

Portsmouth NH - World War I Honor Roll - Goodwin Park

Portsmouth New Hampshire POW/MIA Memorial

Randolph New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Raymond New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial

Raymond New Hampshire - World War I Veterans Memorial

Raymond New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Raymond New Hampshire World War II Veterans Honor Roll

Raymond NH Korean War Veterans Honor Roll

Raymond NH Vietnam War Veterans Honor Roll

Rindge New Hampshire

Rindge New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Rochester, New Hampshire - Civil War Memorial

Rochester, New Hampshire - Veterans Memorial

Rochester, New Hampshire - POW - MIA Memorial

Rochester New Hampshire - World War II Veterans Honor Roll

Rumney New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Rye New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Rye New Hampshire - World War I Veterans Honor Roll
Arthur L Brown Charles R Brown James W Brown William Brown Phillip D Davidson Willard H Drake
Ernest G Eaton J Russell Elwell Donald L Finlayson Herbert O Foss Ray H Foss Ray H Foss
Wallace H Garrett Forrest G Jenness Burleigh Johnson Harry R Keltchner Galvin W Lear Thomas D McLaughlin
Rollo A Morton Charles W Parsons John L Parsons George O Philbrick Manning H Philbrick Seth E Rand
Wallace E Rand Albert M Remick Harold Remick Ervin Seavey Maurice Smart Morris Trefethen
Phillip W Tucker Ernest M Varrell Jesse M Walker Garland F Wynott Maynard L Young

Sandwich New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Somersworth New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Springfield New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Stark New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Sutton, New Hampshire Civil War Memorial

Tamworth New Hampshire Veterans Memorial Park

Tamworth New Hampshire Revolutionary War, War of 1812 and World War I Veterans Memorial
Town | Name | Conflict |
Tamworth | Edson L Alley | World War I |
Tamworth | Chas. B Bickford | World War I |
Tamworth | Chester J Bickford | World War I |
Tamworth | Chas A Blaisdell | World War I |
Tamworth | August L Blodgett | World War I |
Tamworth | Edward V Bookholz * | World War I |
Tamworth | William F Brennan * | World War I |
Tamworth | Andrew C Buxton | World War I |
Tamworth | John Clough * | World War I |
Tamworth | Elmer E. Downs | World War I |
Tamworth | Harold E Gilman | World War I |
Tamworth | Wilbur J Gilman | World War I |
Tamworth | Harold M Gray | World War I |
Tamworth | Harold D Griffith | World War I |
Tamworth | Lawrence D Hayford | World War I |
Tamworth | Henry A Hutchins | World War I |
Tamworth | H Mason | World War I |
Tamworth | Elmer P Moody | World War I |
Tamworth | Norman C Nickerson | World War I |
Tamworth | Carroll Potter | World War I |
Tamworth | Levi W Remick | World War I |
Tamworth | Elmer R Robertson | World War I |
Tamworth | Hebert H Ross | World War I |
Tamworth | Ellis R Sanborn * | World War I |
Tamworth | Harold B Trash | World War I |

Tamworth New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial

Tamworth New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial
Name | Conflict | Town | Name | |
Maurice E Abbot | World War II | Tamworth | Barbara Mason Jardine | |
Walden L Ainsworth | World War II | Tamworth | William F Jennings | |
Percy Ames | World War II | Tamworth | Hartley Jewett | |
Robert Ames | World War II | Tamworth | Arthur Jones Jr. | |
Elias Baker | World War II | Tamworth | Mabel A. E. Jones | |
Wallace Baker | World War II | Tamworth | Karl F Kane | |
Edson O Bartlett | World War II | Tamworth | Edward C Knox Jr | |
Alec T Behr | World War II | Tamworth | Edward C Knox Sr | |
Charles E Behr | World War II | Tamworth | George W Lawrence | |
Richard Behr | World War II | Tamworth | Clarence Leach | |
Roland A Bennett | World War II | Tamworth | Edward Leach | |
Richard G Berry | World War II | Tamworth | John Leach | |
Roland C Berry | World War II | Tamworth | Lyle Leach | |
Ben C Bickford | World War II | Tamworth | Richard Leach | |
Edwin A Blackey Jr. | World War II | Tamworth | William Leach Jr. | |
Albert G Boothby POW | World War II | Tamworth | Gordon Littlefield | |
James E Boothby | World War II | Tamworth | Philip A Littlefield | |
Kenneth Arthur Brett * | World War II | Tamworth | Rueben C MacKay | |
Robert E Brown | World War II | Tamworth | Fred Mason | |
Robert W Brown | World War II | Tamworth | Harold Mason | |
Richard A Bunker | World War II | ` | Tamworth | Robert Mason |
Marybelle Welch Carter | World War II | Tamworth | Edward L Moody | |
Robert W Carter | World War II | Tamworth | Albert R Moore | |
Langdon D Chamberlain | World War II | Tamworth | Aurthur D Moulton Jr. | |
Preston Chase | World War II | Tamworth | Richard S Moulton | |
Louis Cooper | World War II | Tamworth | Robert E Moulton | |
George E Corson | World War II | Tamworth | George R Nickerson Jr. | |
Donald E Cummings | World War II | Tamworth | Elton A Perkins | |
Harry F Damon Jr. | World War II | Tamworth | Theodore G Perkins | |
Herbert S Damon | World War II | Tamworth | Richard Phenix | |
Stephen F Damon | World War II | Tamworth | Bernard Powers | |
Kenneth Davis | World War II | Tamworth | Lucinda N Pratt | |
Raymond A Davis | World War II | Tamworth | Marguerite M Pratt | |
Robert E Davis | World War II | Tamworth | Richard R Pratt | |
Sydney Davis | World War II | Tamworth | William V Pratt | |
Elias E Downs | World War II | Tamworth | Sheldon Prescott | |
Wendell E Drew | World War II | Tamworth | Adrian B Preston | |
Bertha Robinson Eastwick | World War II | Tamworth | Edward P Prince | |
Robert Eastwick | World War II | Tamworth | Lincoln D Remick * | |
Andrew W Eldridge | World War II | Tamworth | Emery R Roberts | |
Richard J Elliot | World War II | Tamworth | Harold C Robinson | |
Alton Estey | World War II | Tamworth | Henry E A Robinson | |
Whipple F Farnum | World War II | Tamworth | Leslie J Robinson | |
Edward Fennell | World War II | Tamworth | Ernest J Ross | |
C. David Fortier | World War II | Tamworth | John A Savard | |
Edward A Fortier | World War II | Tamworth | Merle E Severy | |
Horace J Fortier | World War II | Tamworth | Donald A Shaw | |
J. Martin Fortier | World War II | Tamworth | Parker C Shaw | |
Richard R Fortier | World War II | Tamworth | George H Smalle Jr. | |
Walter W Fortier | World War II | Tamworth | Philip J Smith | |
William K Fortier | World War II | Tamworth | Marion I Spaulding | |
Alston F Frost | World War II | Tamworth | Richard A Stearns | |
Norris W Frost | World War II | Tamworth | Frederic L Steele | |
Howard E Grace | World War II | Tamworth | Lloyd F Stevens | |
Walter A Greene | World War II | Tamworth | Walter L Sturtevant | |
Celia Hammond | World War II | Tamworth | Herbert Taylor | |
Charles Hammond | World War II | Tamworth | Ralph W Trask | |
Everett C Henderson | World War II | Tamworth | Robert H Trask | |
Harry D Hobbs | World War II | Tamworth | Dale F Tripp | |
Maurice B Hobbs | World War II | Tamworth | Allen C Tutt | |
Thomas Hobbs | World War II | Tamworth | Carroll Whiting | |
Donald Hutchins | World War II | Tamworth | Richard A Wiggin | |
Earle Hutchins | World War II | Tamworth | Charles W Williams Jr. | |
Paul Hutchins | World War II | |||
Russell Hutchins | World War II |

Tamworth New Hampshire World War II & Korean War Veterans Memorial
Last Name | Conflict | Town | Name | |
Warren Anthony | Korea | Tamworth | Henry Hobbs Jr. | |
Arnold Autio | Korea | Tamworth | Phil Hobbs | |
Frank E Blackey | Korea | Tamworth | Harlan Hurd | |
Fernan Roger Butterfield | Korea | Tamworth | Earle Jones | |
Kenneth Carr | Korea | Tamworth | Joyce Mason Jones | |
Roger Cummings | Korea | Tamworth | Donald Larrabee | |
Arthur Drew | Korea | Tamworth | John McCaughin | |
James T Elliott | Korea | Tamworth | Charles Moody | |
Roger S Elliott | Korea | Tamworth | Robert Moore | |
Almon Jr. Evans | Korea | Tamworth | Pike Gordon Perkins Jr. | |
Alton Evans | Korea | Tamworth | Ronald C Remick Sr. | |
Gordon Evans | Korea | Tamworth | Harland Ross | |
Robert Floyd | Korea | Tamworth | Richard A Stearns | |
Horace J Fortier | Korea | Tamworth | Edward P Welch | |
William Gill | Korea | Tamworth | George R Whiting | |
Sameul Gilman | Korea | Tamworth | Leland F Whiting | |
Everett Grace | Korea | Tamworth | Raymond V Whiting | |
Roy C Grace | Korea | Tamworth | Winslow Whiting | |
G. Roy Hammond | Korea | Tamworth | Harold H Wiggin | |
Robert Hammond | Korea | Tamworth | Alan Wilkinson | |
Ernest Hayford | Korea | Tamworth | Richard Williams | |
Tamworth | Howard Woodward |

Tamworth New Hampshire Vietnam War Veterans Memorial
Name | Conflict | Town | Name | |
David Anthony | Vietnam | Tamworth | Anthony C Mather | |
Gregg Anthony | Vietnam | Tamworth | Ronald Moore | |
Stanley Anthony | Vietnam | Tamworth | Dean W Nixon | |
Wilbur E Blackey | Vietnam | Tamworth | Walter Nystedt | |
James E Boothby | Vietnam | Tamworth | Davis C Olson | |
Kenneth W Chase | Vietnam | Tamworth | Paul R Olson | |
Peter A Chase | Vietnam | Tamworth | Harry E Remick | |
Richard Chase | Vietnam | Tamworth | Stuart N Remick | |
Dennis Dicey | Vietnam | Tamworth | Benjamin C Riggs | |
Wendell Dicey | Vietnam | Tamworth | Diane S Salazar | |
Clifford Downs Jr. | Vietnam | Tamworth | Edouard Sandoz | |
Roger S Elliott | Vietnam | Tamworth | Stephen W Staples | |
David G Gibson | Vietnam | Tamworth | Wayne R Stearns | |
Douglas Gibson | Vietnam | Tamworth | Raymond Streeter | |
Jere W Grace | Vietnam | Tamworth | Neil E Swenson | |
Robert Hammond | Vietnam | Tamworth | Robert F Thomas | |
Stanley Hammond | Vietnam | Tamworth | Alan W Thurston | |
Robert Harmon | Vietnam | Tamworth | F Wayne Thurston | |
Samuel Hidden | Vietnam | Tamworth | James Walker | |
Daniel Jennings | Vietnam | Tamworth | Richard Walker | |
Paul Jennings | Vietnam | ` | Tamworth | Walter Walker Jr. |
Dennis Johnson | Vietnam | Tamworth | Thomas Weare | |
Harry Johnson | Vietnam | Tamworth | Fred Welch | |
Larry Johnson | Vietnam | Tamworth | Gerald Whiting | |
Alan Larrabee | Vietnam | Tamworth | Robert Woodward | |
Arnold Larrabee | Vietnam | Tamworth |

Town | Name | Conflict |
Tamworth | Russell Allan Austin | Lebanon/Grenada |
Tamworth | Davis P Davis | Lebanon/Grenada |
Tamworth | Robert Davis | Lebanon/Grenada |
Tamworth | Jeffrey A Dearborn | Lebanon/Grenada |
Tamworth | Cindy Evans | Lebanon/Grenada |
Tamworth | Wanda A Davis-Kaltschnee | Lebanon/Grenada |
Tamworth | Gerald Whiting | Lebanon/Grenada |
Tamworth | Richard Whiting | Lebanon/Grenada |
Tamworth | Michael D Williams | Lebanon/Grenada |
Town | Name | Conflict |
Tamworth | Timothy S Anthony | Panama |
Tamworth | Russell Allan Austin | Panama |
Tamworth | David P Davis | Panama |
Tamworth | Tracy H Davis | Panama |
Tamworth | Jeffrey A Dearborn | Panama |
Tamworth | Jason H Hansen | Panama |
Tamworth | Wanda A Davis-Kaltschnee | Panama |
Tamworth | Kelly Locke | Panama |
Tamworth | Jesse Merrill | Panama |
Tamworth | Michael D Remick | Panama |
Tamworth | Richard Swain | Panama |
Tamworth | Robert Swain | Panama |
Tamworth | Gerald Whiting | Panama |
Tamworth | Jo Ann Wilkinson | Panama |
Tamworth | Michael D Williams | Panama |
Temple, New Hampshire - Veteran's Memorial

Temple NH - Revolutionary War Veteran Honor Roll

Temple NH - Spanish-American War & World War I Veterans Honor Roll

Thornton, New Hampshire - World War I Honor Roll

Thorton New Hampshire - World War I - Honor Roll
Charles W. Biddle - Samuel G. Biddle - John E. Burnett - Everett E. Caldon - Gordon B. Cann - Clarence B. Downing
H. Alden Fifield - Lillie F. Fifield - Elmer Green - George A. Head - Edwin J. Hoffman - Carl H. Lyford - John M. McKay
Walter C. Meegan - Sidney W. Perkins - J. Newton Smith - Emery J. Tobyne - Raymond M. Tobyne
Thornton, New Hampshire - World War II Honor Roll

Thornton New Hampshire World War II - Honor Roll
Victor Aldridge - Richard Anderson - Ernest Applebee - John Applebee - Floyd Boyce - Lyman Boyce Jr. - Preston Boyce
Archie Brown - Roland Brown - John Caldon - Daniel Cochran - Floyd Danforth - Howard Downing - Lewis Downing
Richard Downing - Roger Downing - Thomas Downing - Philip Grey - William Guay - Edward Haynes - Floyd Haynes
Franklin Haynes - Kenneth Haynes - Robert Haynes - John Hayward - Malcolm Hazeltine - Oscar Inkel - Philip LaPoint
Eric Leonhardt - Harold Madison Jr. - Harold Mitchell - Robert Robinson - David Rodgers Jr. - Lester Sabourn - Lester Sargeant
Russell Sargeant - Bernard Slavin - Raymond Smith - Frank Steele - Roger Steele - Nelson Sweeney - George Thompson Jr.
John White Jr. - Norton White
Tilton New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Troy New Hampshire - Civil War Memorial

Troy, New Hampshire Veteran's Memorial

Wakefield NH World War I & World War II Veterans Honor Roll

Wakefield New Hampshire - World War I Veterans Honor Roll
Name | Conflict | Town | Name | |
Charles A Bennett  | World War I | Wakefield | Arthur H Paul Jr. | |
Margaret Blake   | World War I | Wakefield | Chesley A Paul | |
Paul H Brown   | World War I | Wakefield | Edward A Paul  | |
William E Brown | World War I | Wakefield | Joseph N Paul | |
Willard C Chick  | World War I | Wakefield | Samuel H Paul | |
Robert N Colbath | World War I | Wakefield | Myron F Pickering | |
Henry L Cowper | World War I | Wakefield | Earle F Randall   | |
Archie L Cox   | World War I | Wakefield | Arthur J Robertson | |
Earle E Cox | World War I | Wakefield | H. Sanborn Rogers | |
H. Eugene E Cox | World War I | Wakefield | Walter E Rogers | |
Joseph L Crateau | World War I | Wakefield | Elmer A Scott  | |
William J Desharnais | World War I | Wakefield | Frank E Smith | |
R. Donald Dodge | World War I | Wakefield | Guy W Stevens | |
Charles A Drew    | World War I | Wakefield | Percy C Stevens | |
Harold S Drew | World War I | Wakefield | Fred D Swett | |
Lyle S Drew | World War I | Wakefield | J. Carroll Tucker | |
H Leon Drown | World War I | Wakefield | Morris A Tucker | |
John C Eckhardt | World War I | Wakefield | Willard B Tucker | |
Arthur H Fox  | World War I | Wakefield | Irving D Tuttle | |
Oscar E Gagnon | World War I | Wakefield | Harry H Varney | |
J. Phillip Garvin | World War I | ` | Wakefield | Harvey B Waldron   |
J. Howard Garvin Jr | World War I | Wakefield | Raymond A Weeks | |
Josiah D Garvin | World War I | Wakefield | Rufus J Weeks  | |
Sidney A Glidden | World War I | Wakefield | Diah H Wentworth | |
Raymond E Hamilton | World War I | Wakefield | Edward Wentworth | |
Ralph W Hanson | World War I | Wakefield | Herbert Wentworth | |
Walter H Hart | World War I | Wakefield | Oscar H Wentworth | |
Elliot E Hodson | World War I | Wakefield | Robert Wentworth | |
Roy E Hooper | World War I | Wakefield | Walter W Wiggins  | |
Frank G Kelley | World War I | Wakefield | Edwin F Willey | |
Harry Littlefield | World War I | Wakefield | Clayton Woodman | |
Henry Littlefield | World War I | Wakefield | Harry E Woodman | |
Fred A Lover | World War I | Wakefield | Samuel K Young | |
Edward J Marcoux | World War I | |||
Henry A Marcoux  | World War I | |||
Oscar Marcoux | World War I | |||
Robert A Mee | World War I | |||
Leon E Meserve | World War I | |||
Ralph S Mills | World War I | |||
Earle G Mooney | World War I | |||
Sidney B Mooney  | World War I | |||
Russell B Morgan | World War I | |||
Roger H Morrison | World War I |

Wakefield New Hampshire World War II Veterans Honor Roll
Name | Conflict | Town | Name | |
R. Emerson Abbott    | World War II | Wakefield | Elmer B Maleham | |
William A Bailey | World War II | Wakefield | Robert H Materham | |
Doris A Berry  | World War II | Wakefield | Maude R McBride | |
Alfred C Blair | World War II | Wakefield | Paul H McNally | |
Ralph A Boston | World War II | Wakefield | Vinton Miliner | |
Ralph E Brackett | World War II | Wakefield | Donald R Nason | |
Henry T Brouillard | World War II | Wakefield | Ernest E Nason | |
Edwin F Brown  | World War II | Wakefield | Glendon R Nason | |
Luella L Burroughs | World War II | Wakefield | Johnnie W Nason  | |
Robert B Burroughs | World War II | Wakefield | Pauline E Nutter | |
Harris E Chapamn | World War II | Wakefield | Willard M Nutter | |
Ralph H Chick Jr.         | World War II | Wakefield | Louise M Paul | |
Kenneth R Clark | World War II | Wakefield | Francis E Perry | |
Rainsford E Colbath | World War II | Wakefield | Robert H Pratt  | |
Robert N Colbath Jr | World War II | Wakefield | Albert T Pullsifer | |
Richard G Colby | World War II | Wakefield | Frank E Randall  | |
Erford O Cowan | World War II | Wakefield | Fred B Randall | |
Earle E Cox | World War II | Wakefield | Richard J Randall | |
Gilbert E Cox | World War II | Wakefield | James A Reed Jr. | |
Russell H Cox | World War II | Wakefield | Leonard Robertson | |
Francis L Crowley | World War II | ` | Wakefield | Austin W Robinson  |
George H Davenport | World War II | Wakefield | Roscoe C Robinson | |
James B Davenport | World War II | Wakefield | Harley R Sanborn | |
Kenneth B Dickinson | World War II | Wakefield | Richard D Sanborn | |
Carl A Dodier | World War II | Wakefield | Clifford H Sayre | |
Earl S Dodier | World War II | Wakefield | Stephen M Seisel | |
Frank R Dodier | World War II | Wakefield | Alfred H Shea | |
Robert T Doe | World War II | Wakefield | Carroll M Shea | |
Richard E Douglass | World War II | Wakefield | Russell F Shea | |
Fred W Downs | World War II | Wakefield | John Silva | |
Victor Drapeau | World War II | Wakefield | Leonard E Smart | |
Charles M Drew | World War II | Wakefield | Raymond E Smith | |
Clyde A Drew | World War II | Wakefield | Albert j Soucy Jr, | |
Enoch P Drew | World War II | Wakefield | Alphonse Soucy Jr | |
Ernest L Drew | World War II | Wakefield | Armand J Soucy | |
Leon R Drew | World War II | Wakefield | Edgar J Soucy | |
Omer A Duchand | World War II | Wakefield | Leo P Soucy | |
Henry P Ellis | World War II | Wakefield | Louis A Soucy  | |
Norman Emmons | World War II | Wakefield | Oscar J Soucy  | |
Margaret G Fergison  | World War II | Wakefield | Roger A Soucy | |
Stanley A Flynn | World War II | Wakefield | Bernie G Sparks Jr. | |
Walter E French | World War II | Wakefield | Louis E Sprague | |
Aristide Gagnon | World War II | Wakefield | George W Stevens | |
Leon Gagnon | World War II | Wakefield | Janet R Stevens | |
Anton J Gapinski | World War II | Wakefield | Roy A Stevens | |
Earl F Garland | World War II | Wakefield | Walter R Stevens Jr. | |
Forrest A Garland | World War II | Wakefield | Howard C Stewart | |
Roy L Garland | World War II | Wakefield | Leslie D Stewart  | |
Willis L Garland | World War II | Wakefield | Richard T Still     | |
Josiah D Garvin Jr | World War II | Wakefield | George E Tessier | |
Armand Gauthier | World War II | Wakefield | Walter F Thomas Jr | |
Leo I Gauthier | World War II | Wakefield | Arthur L Thompson | |
Omer I Gauthier | World War II | Wakefield | Everett W Thompson | |
Jean J Ghisoni | World War II | Wakefield | Russell C Thompson | |
Donald K Hanson | World War II | Wakefield | N. Parker Trafton | |
R. Waldo Hanson Jr | World War II | Wakefield | Irving D Tuttle Jr. | |
Raymond F Harris | World War II | Wakefield | Stanley M Varney | |
Robert W Hatch | World War II | Wakefield | Alfred H Weeks | |
Owen R Hill | World War II | Wakefield | Harry G Weeks | |
John H Hooper | World War II | Wakefield | Hope A Weeks | |
Robert W Hooper | World War II | Wakefield | Lawrence P Weeks | |
Charles E Horne | World War II | Wakefield | Howard A Weeman | |
Robert D Horne | World War II | Wakefield | Louis C Welsh  | |
Arthur W Howe | World War II | Wakefield | Albert C Wentworth | |
Carlton S Howe | World War II | Wakefield | Earl R Wentworth | |
Edwin F Howe  | World War II | Wakefield | LLoyd D Wentworth | |
Edwin H Hutchins  | World War II | Wakefield | Myron E Wentworth | |
Romeo A Jette | World War II | Wakefield | Roger P Wentworth | |
Oscar K Joy   | World War II | Wakefield | Walter E Wentworth | |
Addie W Karcher | World War II | Wakefield | William B Wentworth  | |
Charles E Karcher | World War II | Wakefield | Albert W Wiggin Jr. | |
William A Karcher Jr. | World War II | Wakefield | Stuart D Wiggin | |
J. Ward Kimball | World War II | Wakefield | Raymond E Wilkinson | |
Wallace O Kimball  | World War II | Wakefield | William H Willey   | |
Harris L Lane | World War II | Wakefield | Donald Williams | |
Henry J Lane | World War II | Wakefield | Harrison P Wilson | |
Payson E Littlefield | World War II | Wakefield | Sumner D Zimmer | |
Richard P Littlefield | World War II |

Wakefield New Hampshire - Korea - Vietnam & Persian Gulf Veterans Honor Roll

Wakefield New Hampshire Korean War Veterans Honor Roll
Name | Conflict | Town | Name | |
Dale V Ashby | Korea | Wakefield | Albert R Leighton | |
Edwin R Ashby | Korea | Wakefield | Herbert F Leighton | |
James R Ashby | Korea | Wakefield | Francis J McNally | |
Charles Bosley | Korea | Wakefield | James C McNally | |
Kenneth F Clark | Korea | Wakefield | Bernard W Miliner | |
Richard P Colbath | Korea | Wakefield | Maurice E Nason | |
Robert N Colbath Jr. | Korea | Wakefield | James A Reilly Jr | |
George H Davenport | Korea | Wakefield | Roscoe C Robinson | |
Langdon H Dillaway | Korea | Wakefield | Clifford R Savre | |
Paul D Drapeau | Korea | Wakefield | Stephen J Shaugnessy | |
Enoch F Drew | Korea | Wakefield | Clifford A Singelais | |
Stephen C Drown | Korea | Wakefield | Robert E Smart | |
William F Drown | Korea | Wakefield | Robert A Smith Sr. | |
Phillip H Dunk | Korea | Wakefield | Joseph F Soucy | |
John R Forder | Korea | Wakefield | Paul D Soucy | |
Marshall H Fox | Korea | Wakefield | David S Stevens | |
Roland E Garland | Korea | Wakefield | Leslie D Stewart | |
Paul J Gillespie | Korea | Wakefield | Jerald J Stuart | |
Donald K Hanson | Korea | Wakefield | Ellsworth R Thompson | |
Ellis Hebert | Korea | Wakefield | Robert C Tinkham | |
John H Hooper | Korea | ` | Wakefield | Philip Twombley |
Edwin C Horne | Korea | Wakefield | Leo A Vachon | |
Paul B Hutchins | Korea | Wakefield | Forrest E Weeman | |
James F Keating II | Korea | Wakefield | Albert W Wiggin Jr. | |
Wakefield | Bruce R Wiggin |

Wakefield New Hampshire Vietnam War Veterans Honor Roll
Name | Conflict | Town | Name | |
William H Beckwith | Vietnam | Wakefield | Gerard F Lang | |
John J. Blackwood | Vietnam | Wakefield | Thomas A Lang | |
William O Blackwood | Vietnam | Wakefield | Robert C Leighton | |
Leon W Blair | Vietnam | Wakefield | Edward E Libby | |
Glen A Brewster | Vietnam | Wakefield | Delbert W Littlefield | |
Paul J Brodzinski | Vietnam | Wakefield | Joel H MacLeod | |
Peter G Brown | Vietnam | Wakefield | Peter B Martell | |
Randall A Chase | Vietnam | Wakefield | Kenneth M Martin | |
Robert N Clark II | Vietnam | Wakefield | Jameres J McDonald III | |
James A Cotton | Vietnam | Wakefield | John R McDonald | |
Michael H Cotton | Vietnam | Wakefield | Dwight E Miliner | |
John E Davidson | Vietnam | Wakefield | James W Miliner | |
Gerard J Dion | Vietnam | Wakefield | Keith E Miliner | |
Richard E Douglass | Vietnam | Wakefield | Richard E Miner | |
Robert F Drew | Vietnam | Wakefield | Richard V Montgomery | |
Stephen C Drown | Vietnam | Wakefield | Stanley E Mooney | |
Richard L Dudley | Vietnam | Wakefield | Glenn R Nason | |
Philip H Dunk | Vietnam | Wakefield | Clinton J Plummer | |
John Fisher | Vietnam | Wakefield | James L Plummer | |
Gary N Fogg | Vietnam | ` | Wakefield | Vernon R Plummer |
Felton G Francis | Vietnam | Wakefield | Allen W Richards | |
Glenn A Francis | Vietnam | Wakefield | Bruce E Richards | |
Ronald A Gagnon | Vietnam | Wakefield | Donald E Richards | |
Corliss F Garland | Vietnam | Wakefield | Douglas C Richards | |
Karen Garland | Vietnam | Wakefield | Wayne A Robinson | |
Randolph J Gerard Jr. | Vietnam | Wakefield | Forrest W Smart | |
William P Gerard | Vietnam | Wakefield | Richard A Smith | |
Richard M Glennon | Vietnam | Wakefield | William N Sparhawk III | |
Wesley J Glennon | Vietnam | Wakefield | Gerald S Traudi | |
Michael P Grigas | Vietnam | Wakefield | Phillip D Twombley | |
Daniel J Hickey | Vietnam | Wakefield | Roger A Van Doorn | |
Eileen Hickey | Vietnam | Wakefield | Thomas E Wilcox | |
Wayne E Hill | Vietnam | Wakefield | Richard L Vitale | |
Peter D Jette | Vietnam | Wakefield | Charles P Wilkinson | |
Stephen D Jette | Vietnam | Wakefield | George W Wilkinson | |
Ronald Karcher | Vietnam | Wakefield | James M Wilkinson | |
David X Kenney | Vietnam | Wakefield | Kenneth H Wilkinson | |
Randy M Kinville | Vietnam | Wakefield | Richard J Williams | |
Wakefield | Kenneth A Wilson | |||
Wakefield | Gary R Winton | |||
Wakefield | Alfred J Zalenski |

Warren New Hampshire Veterans Memorials
Warren New Hampshire Civil War Memorial

Warren New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Warren New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial

Warren New Hampshire Korean War Veterans Memorial

Warren New Hampshire Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Warner New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial

Warner New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Warner New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial

Warner New Hampshire Korean War Veterans Memorial

Warner New Hampshire Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Town | Name | Conflict |
Warner | Kevin D Allway | Vietnam |
Warner | James H Bagley | Vietnam |
Warner | Norma Locke Barclay | Vietnam |
Warner | Peter H Bates | Vietnam |
Warner | Ronald M Bean | Vietnam |
Warner | Ernst M Bewersdorf | Vietnam |
Warner | Frederick A Jr. Bewersdorf | Vietnam |
Warner | Charles P Black | Vietnam |
Warner | Dana Black | Vietnam |
Warner | Anthony C Bologna | Vietnam |
Warner | Grant S Boughton | Vietnam |
Warner | Russell G Boutwell Jr. | Vietnam |
Warner | Arthur H Bovee | Vietnam |
Warner | Richard D Brown | Vietnam |
Warner | Walter Brunner Jr. | Vietnam |
Warner | Alan J Carr | Vietnam |
Warner | William A Carr | Vietnam |
Warner | Thomas E Chandler | Vietnam |
Warner | Richard U Cogswell Jr. | Vietnam |
Warner | Colin Cogsgrove | Vietnam |
Warner | Gerald B Courser | Vietnam |
Warner | Richard M Cutting | Vietnam |
Warner | Kenneth H Drew | Vietnam |
Warner | Charles R Durgin | Vietnam |
Warner | Bruce B Ellsworth | Vietnam |
Warner | Neal R Jr. Flagg | Vietnam |
Warner | Stephen Fredericks | Vietnam |
Warner | Jocelyn Fuller | Vietnam |
Warner | Philip B Fuller | Vietnam |
Warner | Kenneth B George | Vietnam |
Warner | Irving Robert George | Vietnam |
Warner | James L Gervais | Vietnam |
Warner | Raymond Gordon | Vietnam |
Warner | Rees G Hansbury | Vietnam |
Warner | Derek H Heins | Vietnam |
Warner | Daniel C Hill | Vietnam |
Warner | Harld J Hill | Vietnam |
Warner | Stephen A Howlett | Vietnam |
Warner | Stuart H Howlett | Vietnam |
Warner | Jackson M Hunt | Vietnam |
Warner | Carl A Jewell | Vietnam |
Warner | William A Jewell | Vietnam |
Warner | William H Joyce | Vietnam |
Warner | Wesley E Knipe | Vietnam |
Warner | Robert T Lathrop | Vietnam |
Warner | John W Leger | Vietnam |
Warner | Henry F Lopez | Vietnam |
Warner | George Huntoon Marion | Vietnam |
Warner | Peter J Meacham | Vietnam |
Warner | Marie E Merrill | Vietnam |
Warner | John E Mottram | Vietnam |
Warner | L. Ernest Nichols | Vietnam |
Warner | Steven H Osborn | Vietnam |
Warner | William Roy Pearson ** | Vietnam |
Warner | Wesley F. Rand Jr. | Vietnam |
Warner | Maurice J Randall | Vietnam |
Warner | Howard B Roby | Vietnam |
Warner | Haskell Jr. Royce | Vietnam |
Warner | Stephen G Smith | Vietnam |
Warner | Karl H Thulin | Vietnam |
Warner | Paul G Trefethen | Vietnam |
Warner | Alden W Turner | Vietnam |
Warner | Paul E Violette | Vietnam |
Warner | David J Wachsmuth | Vietnam |
Warner | Willard R Webber | Vietnam |
Warner | Freeman West Jr. | Vietnam |
Warner | Donald H Wheeler | Vietnam |
Warner | Randall Whitehead | Vietnam |
Warner | Carl V Wibel | Vietnam |
Warner | George I. Wood | Vietnam |
Weare New Hampshire - Veterans Honor Roll - Historical Society Museum

Webster New Hampshire Veterans Memorials

Westmoreland Veterans Honor Roll

Westmoreland World War I Veterans Honor Roll

Westmoreland NH - World War I - Honor Roll
Elton P Britton - Roy H Corey - Lyle L Craig - Frank Gannett - Robert E Knight - Raymond E. Paine - Thornton H Paine
Harold D Ploof - Ernest L Richards - Artthur L Sheldon - Perley O Thompson - Leon A Torrey - Ralph W Wheeler
Charles S Winchester - Frank W Wyman
Westmoreland World War II VeteransHonor Roll

Whitefield New Hampshire Veterans Memorials

Whitefield New Hampshire - World War I Veterans Memorial

Winchester New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Winchester New Hampshire - World War II, Korean War & Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Winchester New Hampshire Korean War Veterans Honor Roll

Winchester New Hampshire Vietnam War Veterans Honor Roll

Wolfeboro, New Hampshire - Civil War Memorial

Wolfeboro WWII - Korea - Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Wolfeboro New Hampshire World War II Veterans Honor Roll
Name | Conflict | Town | Name | Conflict | Town | Name | Conflict | Town | Name | Conflict | |||
Harold W Adjutant | World War II | Wolfeboro | Alfred J Gagne | World War II | Wolfeboro | Leslie W MacDonald | World War II | Wolfeboro | Howard B Sabin | World War II | |||
Norman L Adjutant | World War II | Wolfeboro | Robert J Gilman | World War II | Wolfeboro | G. Douglas Macfarlane | World War II | Wolfeboro | John A Sandstrom | World War II | |||
Owen S Adjutant | World War II | Wolfeboro | Donald E Glidden | World War II | Wolfeboro | David E Macmartin | World War II | Wolfeboro | Bernard J Sargent | World War II | |||
Lee A Albee | World War II | Wolfeboro | Ella W Glidden | World War II | Wolfeboro | Donald E Macmartin | World War II | Wolfeboro | Harry A Sargent | World War II | |||
Kenneth M Alexander | World War II | Wolfeboro | George E Glidden | World War II | Wolfeboro | Edward B Macmartin | World War II | Wolfeboro | John A Sargent | World War II | |||
Charles Aspinall | World War II | Wolfeboro | Gordon E Glidden | World War II | Wolfeboro | Frank J Macmartin | World War II | Wolfeboro | Frank W Sinclair | World War II | |||
Albert F Auderer Jr. | World War II | Wolfeboro | Gordon S Glidden | World War II | Wolfeboro | Warren J Macmartin | World War II | Wolfeboro | Clarance G Shannon | World War II | |||
Robert H Ballentine | World War II | Wolfeboro | Lawrence W Glidden | World War II | Wolfeboro | Frank P McBride | World War II | Wolfeboro | R. Mitchell Sherlock | World War II | |||
Hazel J Bean | World War II | Wolfeboro | Nelson Glidden | World War II | Wolfeboro | Maurice F McBride | World War II | Wolfeboro | Lawrence A Smart | World War II | |||
Herbert A Bean | World War II | Wolfeboro | Paul V Glidden | World War II | Wolfeboro | William J McDonald | World War II | Wolfeboro | Joseph H Smith | World War II | |||
Howard E Bean Jr. | World War II | Wolfeboro | George Glines | World War II | Wolfeboro | Arthur L McHugh Jr. | World War II | Wolfeboro | Warren A Smith | World War II | |||
Hildreth F Beaulieu | World War II | Wolfeboro | Richard Y Goodhue | World War II | Wolfeboro | John D. McHugh II | World War II | Wolfeboro | Amedee Spadone Sr. | World War II | |||
Ludger H Beaulieu Jr. | World War II | Wolfeboro | Barbara L Goodrich | World War II | Wolfeboro | John D. McHugh III | World War II | Wolfeboro | Amedee Spadone Jr. * | World War II | |||
Hugh C Bell | World War II | Wolfeboro | Philip F Gorman | World War II | Wolfeboro | Lawrence W McHugh | World War II | Wolfeboro | Donald Spadone | World War II | |||
Frank C Berry | World War II | Wolfeboro | Lawrence D Graham | World War II | Wolfeboro | Robert J McHugh | World War II | Wolfeboro | Mitchell S. Spadone * | World War II | |||
Fred W Berry | World War II | Wolfeboro | Roger H Grant | World War II | Wolfeboro | Thomas L McHugh | World War II | Wolfeboro | Richard F Sterling | World War II | |||
Leonard F Berry | World War II | Wolfeboro | Charles D Graves | World War II | Wolfeboro | Laerence McIntyre | World War II | Wolfeboro | Vincent R Stevens | World War II | |||
Raymond J Berry | World War II | Wolfeboro | Roger W Gregory | World War II | Wolfeboro | Alfred S Manson | World War II | Wolfeboro | Janet H Swift | World War II | |||
Everret J Bickford | World War II | Wolfeboro | Alcide J Grenier | World War II | Wolfeboro | Leon Marden Jr. | World War II | Wolfeboro | Marguerite Swift | World War II | |||
Maurice R Bickford | World War II | Wolfeboro | Leonel V Grenier | World War II | Wolfeboro | Richard G Marden | World War II | Wolfeboro | Charles E Tebbetts | World War II | |||
Frederick K Beirweiler | World War II | Wolfeboro | Alonzo J Grenier * | World War II | Wolfeboro | Kenneth P Massey | World War II | Wolfeboro | Harry A Tebbetts * | World War II | |||
Romeo E Bilodeau | World War II | Wolfeboro | Paul E Gridley | World War II | Wolfeboro | Richard N Massey | World War II | Wolfeboro | Harvey F Tebbetts* | World War II | |||
Lewis P Bissell | World War II | Wolfeboro | Asahel W Guild | World War II | Wolfeboro | Roland I Massey | World War II | Wolfeboro | Carroll E Thibeau | World War II | |||
Walter C Bodwell | World War II | Wolfeboro | Arthur W Hanson Jr. | World War II | Wolfeboro | Warren A Massey | World War II | Wolfeboro | George E Thibodeau | World War II | |||
James E Bovairo | World War II | Wolfeboro | Robert L Hanson | World War II | Wolfeboro | Ralph W Mastern | World War II | Wolfeboro | Donald C Thomas | World War II | |||
Francis T Bowles | World War II | Wolfeboro | Richard W Hart | World War II | Wolfeboro | Roger W Mattison | World War II | Wolfeboro | Alvah G Tibbetts | World War II | |||
Evelyn M Brewster | World War II | Wolfeboro | Stella L Hart | World War II | Wolfeboro | Avon W Milliner | World War II | Wolfeboro | Donald E Tibbetts | World War II | |||
John N Brewster | World War II | Wolfeboro | Richard Haven | World War II | Wolfeboro | Grover L Moody | World War II | Wolfeboro | Dorothy B Tibbetts | World War II | |||
Lloyd F Brewster | World War II | Wolfeboro | Carleen M Hayes | World War II | Wolfeboro | Walter L Moody | World War II | Wolfeboro | Ernest H Tibbetts | World War II | |||
Mary C Brewster | World War II | Wolfeboro | Eugene M Head | World War II | Wolfeboro | Vilene M Moody | World War II | Wolfeboro | Robert J Tibbetts | World War II | |||
N. Blair Brewster | World War II | Wolfeboro | William A Head | World War II | Wolfeboro | Clair B Moore | World War II | Wolfeboro | Josedph W Tinker | World War II | |||
Charles Brickman | World War II | Wolfeboro | Fenner G Headley | World War II | Wolfeboro | David B Moore | World War II | Wolfeboro | Philip E Thurrell | World War II | |||
Fred J Britton | World War II | Wolfeboro | Francis E Headley | World War II | Wolfeboro | Elanor D Moore | World War II | Wolfeboro | Robert F Thurrell Jr. | World War II | |||
Napolean J Britton Jr. | World War II | Wolfeboro | R. Ferrell Headley | World War II | Wolfeboro | Harrison D Moore | World War II | Wolfeboro | Robert F Thurrell | World War II | |||
Harold E Brock | World War II | Wolfeboro | Gene L Herbert | World War II | Wolfeboro | Kenneth E Moore | World War II | Wolfeboro | Robert D Thurston | World War II | |||
Clifford R Brown | World War II | Wolfeboro | Werland Herbert | World War II | Wolfeboro | Marilyn J Moore | World War II | Wolfeboro | Wilbur O Tracy | World War II | |||
Frank A Burleigh | World War II | Wolfeboro | Woodrow W Herbert | World War II | Wolfeboro | Fred H Morgan | World War II | Wolfeboro | Joseph F Turner | World War II | |||
Gordon Carlisle | World War II | Wolfeboro | Carroll F Hersey | World War II | Wolfeboro | Kenneth H Morgan | World War II | Wolfeboro | Norman W Turner | World War II | |||
Charles E Campbell | World War II | Wolfeboro | John W Hildreth | World War II | Wolfeboro | Lloyd C Morgan | World War II | Wolfeboro | Delmar L Tutt | World War II | |||
John G Carpenter * | World War II | Wolfeboro | William W Hildreth Sr. | World War II | Wolfeboro | Lowell C Morgan | World War II | Wolfeboro | James G Tutt | World War II | |||
James W Carr | World War II | Wolfeboro | William W Hildreth Jr. | World War II | Wolfeboro | Maynard A Morgan | World War II | Wolfeboro | Leon H Tutt | World War II | |||
John A Chamberlain | World War II | Wolfeboro | Cavin J Hill | World War II | Wolfeboro | Richard L Morgan | World War II | Wolfeboro | Richard N Tutt | World War II | |||
Mary L Chamberlain | World War II | Wolfeboro | Howard A Hooper | World War II | Wolfeboro | Robert E Mulvey | World War II | Wolfeboro | Raymond G Tuttle | World War II | |||
Arthur F Chamberlin | World War II | Wolfeboro | Russell R Hooper | World War II | Wolfeboro | Heorge W Nary Jr. | World War II | Wolfeboro | Henry F Valley | World War II | |||
Albert J Champagne | World War II | Wolfeboro | Archie A Horne Jr. | World War II | Wolfeboro | Lawrence A Newhall Jr. | World War II | Wolfeboro | Joseph Valley | World War II | |||
Henry J Champagne | World War II | Wolfeboro | Beatrice L Horne | World War II | Wolfeboro | Samuel Niblett Jr | World War II | Wolfeboro | William J Valley JR. * | World War II | |||
Leodore J Champagne | World War II | Wolfeboro | Paul E Horne | World War II | Wolfeboro | Alfred H Nichols | World War II | Wolfeboro | Burtis F Vaughan Jr. | World War II | |||
Oliver F Champagne | World War II | Wolfeboro | Raplh M Horn | World War II | Wolfeboro | Frederick A Nichols | World War II | Wolfeboro | Irving L Vaughan | World War II | |||
Leonard F Charles | World War II | Wolfeboro | Elmer C Hurlburt | World War II | Wolfeboro | Bernard F Osgood | World War II | Wolfeboro | Hugh S Wallace | World War II | |||
Chester E Chellman Jr. | World War II | Wolfeboro | Albert A Hutchins | World War II | Wolfeboro | Howard F Osgood | World War II | Wolfeboro | Donald E Walter Jr. | World War II | |||
George E Chick Jr. | World War II | Wolfeboro | Lyford Hutchins | World War II | Wolfeboro | Robert R Page | World War II | Wolfeboro | Earl L Walsh Jr. | World War II | |||
Marguerite J Chick | World War II | Wolfeboro | Russell E Hutchins | World War II | Wolfeboro | Emilio J Paolucci | World War II | Wolfeboro | William G Welch | World War II | |||
Russell G Claflin | World War II | Wolfeboro | Walter A Hutchins | World War II | Wolfeboro | Stephen M Parshley | World War II | Wolfeboro | John L Wentworth | World War II | |||
John E Clark | World War II | Wolfeboro | Edwin F Irish | World War II | Wolfeboro | Russell O Pecunies | World War II | Wolfeboro | J Arthur Wheeler Jr. | World War II | |||
Loring T Clark | World War II | Wolfeboro | Louise H Irish | World War II | Wolfeboro | Edwin M Pennell | World War II | Wolfeboro | Albert E White | World War II | |||
Oscar F Clark Jr. | World War II | Wolfeboro | Robert J Irish | World War II | Wolfeboro | Sarah Pennell | World War II | Wolfeboro | Alvin R White | World War II | |||
Stanley R Clark | World War II | Wolfeboro | Dean M Jackson | World War II | Wolfeboro | Henry W Perry | World War II | Wolfeboro | Joseph W White Jr. | World War II | |||
Edwin L Clifford | World War II | Wolfeboro | John F Jarvis | World War II | Wolfeboro | Raymond E Perry | World War II | Wolfeboro | Harold Whittum Jr. | World War II | |||
Lewis W Clifford | World War II | Wolfeboro | Bernard W Jewell | World War II | Wolfeboro | Charles C Piper | World War II | Wolfeboro | John A Wiggin | World War II | |||
Walter H Clifford Jr. | World War II | Wolfeboro | Edmund A Jewell | World War II | Wolfeboro | Clinton T Piper | World War II | Wolfeboro | Ernest H Wilkes | World War II | |||
Fred Clough | World War II | Wolfeboro | Martha E Jewell | World War II | Wolfeboro | Elmer C Piper | World War II | Wolfeboro | Ernest B Wilshire | World War II | |||
James L Clough Jr. | World War II | Wolfeboro | H. Furber Jewett | World War II | Wolfeboro | John H Poelman | World War II | Wolfeboro | I Frederick Wood | World War II | |||
Curtis L Clow | World War II | Wolfeboro | Elmore H Johnson | World War II | Wolfeboro | John Pollini | World War II | Wolfeboro | Lawrence J Wood | World War II | |||
Jesse W Clow | World War II | Wolfeboro | Kenneth G Jones | World War II | Wolfeboro | Raymond F Pollini | World War II | Wolfeboro | Frank H York | World War II | |||
Earle W Colby | World War II | Wolfeboro | Williard R Jones | World War II | Wolfeboro | Samuel E Pollini | World War II | Wolfeboro | Wallace York | World War II | |||
Gordon P Colby | World War II | Wolfeboro | Leon L Jutras | World War II | Wolfeboro | Wendell E Pratt | World War II | Wolfeboro | Elwin H Young | World War II | |||
Walter B Colby | World War II | Wolfeboro | Charles W Kelley Jr. | World War II | Wolfeboro | Frances B Puffer | World War II | Wolfeboro | Lloyd W Young | World War II | |||
Kenneth E Corliss | World War II | Wolfeboro | Harlan B Kelley Jr. | World War II | Wolfeboro | Basil L Reed | World War II | ||||||
Charles F Corson * | World War II | Wolfeboro | Willis E Kelley | World War II | Wolfeboro | Norman E Reed | World War II | ||||||
Joseph R Corson | World War II | Wolfeboro | Herbert B Kendall Jr. | World War II | Wolfeboro | Frank A Rico | World War II | ||||||
Daniel B Craigue Jr. * | World War II | Wolfeboro | Robert E Kenneson | World War II | Wolfeboro | Charles W Rines | World War II | ||||||
Donald E Craigue | World War II | Wolfeboro | Allen L Kimball | World War II | Wolfeboro | Harry H Rines | World War II | ||||||
Thomas W Danforth | World War II | Wolfeboro | Ernest W Kimball | World War II | Wolfeboro | Edward L Roberge | World War II | ||||||
Homer W Davis Jr. | World War II | Wolfeboro | Gordon S Kimball | World War II | Wolfeboro | Robert P Roberge | World War II | ||||||
Howard E Davis | World War II | Wolfeboro | Harold P Kimball | World War II | Wolfeboro | Donald D Roberts | World War II | ||||||
Allen B Detscher | World War II | Wolfeboro | Robert W Kimball | World War II | Wolfeboro | Richard H Rogers | World War II | ||||||
Richard W Detscher Jr. | World War II | Wolfeboro | Katherine V Kirkland | World War II | Wolfeboro | Lester K Rouleau | World War II | ||||||
Robert M Deyak | World War II | Wolfeboro | Priscilla W Kirkland | World War II | Wolfeboro | Donald P Russell | World War II | ||||||
Howard F Dore | World War II | Wolfeboro | Leo Lampron | World War II | Wolfeboro | George D Russell | World War II | ||||||
Jesse V Dore | World War II | Wolfeboro | Francis L Lavertu | World War II | Wolfeboro | Kenneth M Russell | World War II | ||||||
Lyford W Dore | World War II | Wolfeboro | Robert N Leighton | World War II | |||||||||
Roland F Dore | World War II | Wolfeboro | Carl F Lemery | World War II | |||||||||
Roswell L Dore | World War II | Wolfeboro | George Lemery | World War II | |||||||||
Charles N Doty | World War II | Wolfeboro | Frank L Long Jr. | World War II | |||||||||
Bruce C Douglas | World War II | Wolfeboro | Fred W Long | World War II | |||||||||
James R Douglas | World War II | Wolfeboro | Arnold G Lord | World War II | |||||||||
Leroy E Dow | World War II | Wolfeboro | Charles L Lord | World War II | |||||||||
Earl W Drew | World War II | Wolfeboro | Orion M Lord | World War II | |||||||||
Elwyn T Drew | World War II | Wolfeboro | Jefferson C Lovering | World War II | |||||||||
James E S Dunham | World War II | Wolfeboro | Willard F Lozon | World War II | |||||||||
Elliot Earl | World War II | Wolfeboro | Carroll Lucas | World War II | |||||||||
Golbert H Edgerly | World War II | Wolfeboro | Louis R Lumbar | World War II | |||||||||
Sherman Eldridge | World War II | Wolfeboro | Mary Luxford | World War II | |||||||||
Albert K Elliott | World War II | ||||||||||||
Robert B Emerson | World War II | ||||||||||||
Harlan E Feyler | World War II | ||||||||||||
Forrest G Flanders | World War II | ||||||||||||
Charles E Foss Jr. | World War II | ||||||||||||
Guy L Foss | World War II | ||||||||||||
Ruth F Foster | World War II | ||||||||||||

Wolfeboro New Hampshire Korean War Veterans Honor Roll
Town | Name | Conflict | Town | Name | Conflict | |
Wolfeboro | Bradley Barker | Korean War | Wolfeboro | Herbert C MacMartin | Korean War | |
Wolfeboro | Bruce L Bealieu | Korean War | Wolfeboro | Richard Marshall | Korean War | |
Wolfeboro | Sheldon A Bealieu | Korean War | Wolfeboro | James C McBride | Korean War | |
Wolfeboro | Charlton Beach | Korean War | Wolfeboro | <