New Hampshire Casualties from the Vietnam War

NameConflictBranch of ServiceTownBornDiedAge
Terry Michael Abbott PVTVietnamMarinesLancaster5/8/492/22/6818
David Alan Ackerman PFCVietnamArmyDerry7/18/496/6/6818
Robert Paul Ahern SP5VietnamArmyLaconia3/19/423/30/6927
Daniel John Albert SgtVietnamArmyBerlin11/19/4811/21/6820
John Christopher Archbold MajorVietnamMarinesPortsmouth10/17/296/7/6939
Gary Wayne Ball SP4VietnamArmyWalpole3/25/487/16/6820
Glendon Roman Barnett SP4VietnamArmyJaffrey3/19/446/14/6723
James B Bartlett SGTVietnamArmyPortsmouth4/6/427/2/6624
Gaetan Jean Guy Beaudoin SGTVietnamArmyManchester9/5/488/26/6920
Gilbert Thomas Beaupre SP4VietnamArmyManchester4/3/4310/25/6724
Michael E Bennett 2nd LtVietnamArmyBrentwood4/15/4611/2/6721
Guy Andre Blanchette SGTVietnamArmyManchester11/30/468/26/6922
Lawrence Clifford Bloom SgtVietnamArmyExeter3/28/471/26/6820
Richard George Bouchard CplVietnamMarinesManchester7/17/479/19/6922
Michael Ervan Brady SP4VietnamArmyNewport1/1/461/28/6721
Richard Albert BrooksVietnamMarinesPittsfield8/3/474/25/6820
Cecil Angus Broome Jr. SSGVietnamArmyLancaster9/5/335/26/6632
Bruce WAdleigh Brown 1st LtVietnamArmyHampton2/13/459/12/6823
James Warren Brown PFCVietnamArmyCampton7/16/463/13/6619
Mark Lawrence Brown Sp4VietnamArmyHampton4/19/509/27/6919
Warren Richard SP4 BrownVietnamArmyNashua3/18/472/22/6820
David Elvin BunkerVietnamArmyKingston11/8/4611/13/6721
John Bishop Cabana Jr CaptainVietnamAir ForceNew Castle9/22/393/29/6727
George Eugene CahillVietnamMarinesRochester2/13/388/29/6729
Paul Joseph Camire L CorporalVietnamMarinesExeter11/7/465/25/6720
Frank Lee Cass CplVietnamArmyPlymouth11/1/513/11/7119
Robert Sheehan Castelot PFCVietnamMarinesHillsborough1/21/486/11/6820
William Earl Cate SgtVietnamMarinesHillsborough10/4/369/15/6629
Howard Arthur Chamberlin L CorporalVietnamMarinesBrookfield1/10/479/12/6720
Arthur Edward Clough PFCVietnamMarinesGrantham3/18/502/18/7019
Ronald Raymond Cormier PFCVietnamMarinesPortsmouth4/8/484/21/6719
Martin James Coronis WOVietnamArmyNashua12/6/427/11/6724
Ralph Ronald Cummings PFCVietnamMarinesPortsmouth2/13/513/18/7120
William Stanley Cutting PO2VietnamNavyLebanon10/29/444/1/6823
George Louis Dale SFCVietnamArmyGorham7/4/415/6/6826
Raymond Coyle Daley 1st LtVietnamMarinesDover11/30/437/3/6824
Ronald Charles Davis SGTVietnamArmyNew Boston12/20/481/23/7021
William Thomas Davis PFCVietnamMarinesHolderness7/18/498/25/6819
Darwin James Delano SP4VietnamArmyHinsdale3/23/4711/26/6821
Arthur Emile Demers Jr. CPLVietnamMarinesPenacook11/25/467/2/6720
Richard Arthur Demers CPLVietnamMarinesBerlin2/27/4710/16/6720
Richard Terrance Derosier WOVietnamArmyClaremont7/10/401/3/7029
Maurice Claude Descoteaux SSGVietnamArmyBerlin2/9/308/19/6737
George Philip Desmarais PFCVietnamMarinesConcord7/24/493/28/6818
Charles Joseph Dickey 1st LtVietnamArmyLancaster10/9/417/7/6826
Robert Paul Dionne HRVietnamNavyManchester4/2/437/14/6522
Leon Normand Doucet CPLVietnamMarinesManchester9/8/452/5/6721
William Raymond Douillette Jr. PFCVietnamMarinesConcord10/20/501/29/6918
Lawrence Normand Dubia MSGTVietnamMarinesTilton7/3/342/4/7035
Joseph Agustus Durling III PFCVietnamMarinesDerry3/3/499/7/6718
Orrin Leonard Dyer Jr Rumney CWOVietnamArmyRumney7/1/292/3/6838
Robert Bennett Emro PSGTVietnamArmyStrafford10/27/294/18/6737
John Paul Falcone Jr CPT VietnamArmyHampton10/28/3911/11/6728
William Newcomer Feaster CPT ChaplainVietnamArmyPortsmouth5/14/3810/26/6628
Ralph Barnard Fecteau Jr PVTVietnamMarinesCornish12/6/475/23/6820
Robert Edward Finan Lance CplVietnamMarinesClaremont7/5/4912/16/6920
James Norman Finn SFCVietnamArmySalem6/6/3112/4/6635
George Francis Flanagan SSGTVietnamMarinesNashua9/12/381/4/6829
Peter Fletcher CPLVietnamMarinesHudson9/21/461/20/6922
Marshall H Ford WOVietnamArmyMarlborough4/10/451/7/6822
William George Fraser CPLVietnamMarinesManchester2/4/4712/28/6720
Edward Francis Fratus SP5VietnamArmyConcord2/17/4912/9/6920
Gerald James Frost CPLVietnamArmyDover12/9/476/8/6820
Robert Gene Galbreath SP4VietnamArmyWinchester3/25/522/25/7219
Ernest Ulric Gamelin Jr PFCVietnamArmySuncook11/3/4812/23/6820
Richard Owen Ganley LTCVietnamAir ForceKeene9/22/406/29/7837
David Ernest Gardner PFCVietnamArmyWalpole5/29/4812/11/6820
Robert Louis Gardner SGTVietnamArmyNashua7/1/226/13/6239
Thomas Wilfred Gaudet PO3VietnamNavySalem7/20/474/21/6921
Michael Lewis Geister 1st LTVietnamArmyRye2/17/463/16/7024
Joseph Armand Roger Gelinas CWOVietnamArmyManchester1/3/2810/11/6739
Richard Edgar Genest SSGVietnamArmyManchester8/7/458/26/6924
Yvon Eldmond Girouard PFCVietnamMarinesLittleton4/1/495/23/6920
Richard Gerald Godbout SGTVietnamArmyManchester1/11/4812/30/6719
Barry William Godfrey WOVietnamArmyPelham2/10/508/25/7020
Verne Milton Greeley PFCVietnamMarinesDerry9/11/477/6/6719
Eliot Franklin Guild PO2VietnamMarinesWinchester9/16/461/20/6821
Robert Frederick Haines SSGVietnamArmyLoudon 12/21/428/27/6724
Richard Lee Halgren A1CVietnamAir ForceNashua6/4/469/24/6822
Kenneth Robert Hall SSGTVietnamMarinesKeene5/28/354/24/6630
Kenneth Walter Hall LT ColonelVietnamArmyNashua6/17/266/24/6842
Eugene Howard Harriman SSGVietnamArmyWest Frankin2/13/3612/23/6731
Richard Kenefick Harvell Lance CorporalVietnamMarinesBedford12/17/479/29/6719
Yvon Andre Hebert CPLVietnamArmyStratford10/2/461/17/6720
Carroll Fanklin Hersey MGYSGT GunnyVietnamMarinesWolfeboro5/13/285/18/6941
Davis Wayne Hildreth SP4VietnamArmyWarren9/19/494/14/6919
Barry Malcolm Hillsgrove PFCVietnamArmyDover2/22/473/30/6821
John Lawrence Hogan 1st LtVietnamArmyExeter12/29/473/28/7123
Ralph Arthur Howard SSGVietnamArmyHillsborough8/13/482/10/7021
Jay Allen Hurd PFCVietnamArmyLaconia1/18/479/1/6619
Frank Alan Indyk Lance CprlVietnamArmyRaymond6/22/4912/15/6718
Stephen Dyer Jewett SP4VietnamMarinesEast Andover12/14/4212/27/6523
Richard Bruce Johnston SP4VietnamArmyCandia1/11/466/22/6721
Kenneth Bradley Jordan PFCVietnamMarinesTwin Mountain3/25/483/27/6719
William Arthur Joy HNVietnamMarinesManchester12/3/478/11/6820
William Clyde Joy Lance CprlVietnamMarinesEpsom8/15/509/17/6919
George Edward Joyce PVTVietnamArmyPortsmouth9/15/4312/5/6522
Howard Walker Kaiser 1st LtVietnamAir ForceChesterfield3/25/419/13/6625
Ronald Norman Keller PO3VietnamNavyExeter2/16/482/9/6819
Verne Carl Kelley 1st LtVietnamArmyEast Barrington2/14/422/12/6926
Benjamin Albert Kenison CPLVietnamMarinesJefferson4/2/469/16/6620
Stanley Roy Kilton Jr. PFCVietnamMarinesManchester3/25/486/28/6820
Edward George Kiluk Jr SP4VietnamArmyPelham1/16/497/24/7021
Robert Louis Knight Jr SGTVietnamArmyBennington5/9/484/11/6920
Czeslaw Kowalczyk SSGVietnamArmyNashua3/3/2612/5/6539
David Alan Kreitzer CWOVietnamArmyLaconia4/20/4612/2/6721
Roland Charles Labonte CPTVietnamArmyNashua7/28/354/19/6933
Russell Thomas Lafave PFCVietnamArmyLoudon 8/13/514/1/7018
Ernest Albert Laroche PVTVietnamMarinesWest Frankin4/17/472/26/6618
Ernest Albert Laroche PVTVietnamMarinesWest Frankin4/17/472/26/6618
John Winslow Lawrence Jr. MajorVietnamArmyFarmington1/22/389/16/7133
Daniel Michael Leahy 2nd LtVietnamArmyManchester10/23/454/18/6923
John F Lee 1st LtVietnamArmyNewport1/29/417/6/6625
Paul Raymond Le Houllier Lance CplVietnamMarinesSomersworth9/26/474/5/6921
Gregory A Leighton SP4VietnamArmyExeter12/4/439/6/6622
Richard Edward Letendre PFCVietnamArmyNashua10/30/4810/5/6819
William Nicholas Loomis Lance CplVietnamMarinesSalem1/15/499/13/6718
Dennis Franklin Lorden SP4VietnamArmyNashua9/21/487/14/6920
Norman Gerard Lozeau PFCVietnamArmyManchester4/27/473/9/6719
William Arthur Malenfant SGTVietnamArmyNashua10/27/471/15/7123
Robert Bernard Mann PFC VietnamArmySalem7/2/447/11/6622
Andre Edward Marcotte Lance CplVietnamMarinesRye12/6/487/1/6718
Sotorios Milton Margaritis CPLVietnamMarinesRaymond9/1/468/8/6720
Dennis Hardie Marshall Lance CPLVietnamMarinesLisbon7/17/469/7/6721
Lawrence Jay Marshall MajorVietnamAir ForceManchester1/28/2912/27/7243
Normand Richard Martel PFCVietnamMarinesManchester4/26/455/3/6722
Steven Wayne Martin CaptainVietnamMarinesWolfeboro11/2/4310/11/6824
Rojer James McAllister Jr. SGTVietnamArmyMilford9/6/405/9/6524
Michael Thomas McGlone SGTVietnamArmyDover2/13/509/11/6919
John Winchester Mcguire PFCVietnamArmyDerry11/4/432/3/6824
James Patrick McKeon MajorVietnamAir ForceNashua2/13/332/13/6936
Thomas Michael SGTVietnamArmyDover2/13/493/28/6920
William Michael Miller WOVietnamArmyKeene7/22/479/15/6821
Larry Joseph Milot Lance CplVietnamMarinesManchester9/25/474/2/6820
Peter Whitcomb Morrison 1st LtVietnamAir ForceLaconia12/29/426/9/6724
Thomas Joseph Morrisey Jr CorporalVietnamMarinesDover8/22/486/5/6819
Arthur C Mourtgis Jr PFCVietnamArmyManchester1/7/485/15/6719
Raymond C Mroczynski SFCVietnamArmyManchester8/11/402/26/6928
Walter Aleck Murzin Lance CplVietnamMarinesConcord5/17/4610/2/6620
Charles Edmond Muzzey PFCVietnamMarinesEnfield7/23/471/9/6820
Paul Ernest Nadeau PFCVietnamArmyManchester4/19/329/4/6634
Thomas Dennis Nadeau SP4VietnamArmyNashua12/27/488/11/6819
Leonard King Nute SP4VietnamArmyHudson12/12/465/25/6720
Ronald Leon Olson SP4VietnamArmyConcord3/20/4911/24/6920
William Wayne O'Neil SP4VietnamArmyChesterfield10/11/491/21/7020
Thomas Philip O'Neill SSGTVietnamMarinesDover4/16/423/14/7027
Raymond Louis Paradis PFCVietnamArmyNashua6/24/485/9/7021
Ernest George Paul PFCVietnamMarinesConcord6/10/435/29/6622
William Roy Pearson SGTVietnamAir ForceWarner4/18/514/6/7220
Richard William Pelletier SSGVietnamArmyGreenville12/16/493/24/6919
David B Perreault SP5VietnamArmyFranklin6/18/4610/3/6822
Steven Jay Philbrick PVTVietnamMarinesHampton10/4/496/6/6919
Jerry Dean Pillsbury PFCVietnamMarinesGrantham1/17/479/25/6619
Robert James Plourde CPLVietnamArmyLaconia2/2/493/28/6819
Karl Dennis Porter SP4VietnamArmyLoudon 6/16/511/29/7220
Richard Charles Porter Lance CplVietnamMarinesHanover9/28/491/24/7121
Philip Avery Pratt SP4VietnamArmyFremont4/20/485/31/6921
Wayne Thomas Provencher PFCVietnamArmyConcord6/19/495/10/6818
Lawrence Robert Raymond Lance CPLVietnamMarinesManchester9/23/483/24/6819
Richard Paul RaymondVietnamArmyManchester12/5/418/26/6927
Joseph Andrew Rayno SSGVietnamArmyFranklin1/31/4012/29/6626
Michael P Ribich SP4VietnamArmyGreat Falls11/8/4710/6/7931
George William Riordan PO3VietnamMarinesDover6/23/483/14/6819
Richard Norman Rivard SP4VietnamArmyMerrimack6/10/464/15/6821
Ronald D Roach SGTVietnamArmyConcord9/25/472/12/6820
Edmund Edward Roberge SFCVietnamArmyManchester7/3/323/16/7138
Roger Edward Robichaud SGTVietnamArmyManchester7/1/458/26/6924
Wilfred Roland Robillard PFCVietnamArmyManchester2/26/4710/10/6518
Joseph Robert Robinson SSGTVietnamMarinesDover3/12/383/28/6729
Robert Quentin Roentsch SP4VietnamArmyWalpole2/14/462/19/6620
Everett Porter Runnells SP4VietnamArmyConcord1/14/468/27/6620
Alfred Bayard Russ 1st LtVietnamMarinesHancock1/13/431/13/6825
Thomas John Saltmarsh PFCVietnamArmyConcord2/19/493/14/6819
Bradley Elliott Sandford 1st SGTVietnamArmyPortsmouth9/19/2312/27/7047
Steven Craig Santy Lance CPLVietnamMarinesBelmont12/13/497/14/6818
Ernest Eugene Sanville PO3VietnamNavyNorth Hinsdale11/14/438/31/6824
Michael Jorn Saunders PFCVietnamArmyPenacook1/13/4712/10/6720
James Everett Sawyer Jr CPLVietnamArmyLaconia11/18/476/14/6921
Robert William Sawyer SGTVietnamArmyManchester4/4/498/23/6819
James Edward Schunemann CWOVietnamArmyManchester1/9/483/20/7022
Robert Peter Scibilia SP4VietnamArmyNashua3/9/485/23/6921
John Senechek SMAJVietnamArmyManchester3/18/199/16/7152
Gerald Calvin Seybold CWO2VietnamMarinesConcord6/3/344/28/7136
Frank Joseph Sharek Jr Lance CPLVietnamMarinesManchester4/28/477/23/6821
Robert Ernest Shaw PFCVietnamMarinesNorth Hampton10/10/473/31/6921
Gary Roy Smith SP4VietnamArmyLaconia2/22/494/27/6920
Murray Lawrence Smith MajorVietnamAir ForceHampton Beach5/23/3312/21/6734
Douglas Stewart Souther Jr. SP4VietnamArmySeabrook1/30/494/7/6920
Raymond Ernest Stanley CPLVietnamMarinesManchester2/17/474/30/6821
John Clifton Steer SGTVietnamArmyKingston3/22/4710/31/6720
Harold Kenneth Stevens Jr Lance CPLVietnamMarinesKeene3/26/436/8/6522
Douglas Earl Stover WOVietnamArmyConcord1/1/473/26/6922
Michael Lawrence Succi CPLVietnamMarinesPortsmouth8/7/473/14/6820
Allan Francis Sullivan CPOVietnamNavyLoudon 6/10/292/23/6838
Terrence Colin Sullivan PFCVietnamArmyBerlin4/8/475/20/6720
Michael Bernard Sweeney 2nd LtVietnamArmyKeene11/4/4612/24/6721
Eugene Frederick Sweet JrVietnamArmyPortsmouth7/7/491/4/6818
Armand Alvin Sylvestre CaptainVietnamArmyNashua5/11/367/15/6832
Winston Adams Taggart SP4VietnamArmyManchester6/13/4712/19/6720
Lucien Charles Tessier CaptainVietnamMarinesManchester12/23/439/19/6824
Samuel Silver Theriault MSGVietnamArmyRochester1/6/3411/27/6733
Robert Paul Titcomb CPLVietnamArmyFarmington9/28/489/9/6920
Gary Chester Towle CPLVietnamArmyConcord7/29/425/24/6926
John A Townsend Jr SSGVietnamArmyManchester8/10/3012/4/6838
Raymond L Trudeau CPTVietnamArmyDurham10/2/397/24/6626
Dennis Nick VatistasVietnamArmyDover7/12/4912/22/7021
Thomas Joseph Vezeau CPLVietnamMarinesDerry6/22/512/25/7018
Alfred Viel PFCVietnamArmyDover10/27/4712/22/6821
Joseph George Villiard CPLVietnamArmyManchester3/7/353/24/6631
Alexander George Wainio PFCVietnamMarinesTroy10/19/485/26/6718
John Raymond Walker SP6VietnamArmyRochester11/29/453/20/7226
David Howard Weller PFCVietnamMarinesNashua6/15/476/2/6719
Gary Norman Whipple PFCVietnamArmyClaremont11/12/4812/4/6820
Robert Frederick White CPLVietnamMarinesNewmarket12/9/398/18/6727
Terry James Whittaker PFCVietnamMarinesNewport3/17/474/9/6720
Jonathan Charles Whitticom Lance CPLVietnamMarinesLaconia7/13/476/27/6719
William Wilkowsky Jr PFCVietnamArmyNashua10/1/454/30/6620
Thomas Alan Willard SGTVietnamArmyFarmington12/27/486/18/6920
Alden Bertram Willey SFCVietnamArmyCampton11/11/333/27/6632
Clyde Douglas Alloway Tech SGT MIAVietnamAir ForcePortsmouth10/18/376/7/7032
Frank Neil Badolati SSG MIAVietnamArmyGoffstown3/19/331/29/6632
Sheldon John Burnett Colonel MIA - Body Returned to USVietnamArmyPelham6/9/315/29/7947
Gerald Robert Helmich Colonel MIAVietnamAir ForceManchester11/17/319/1/7846
Quinten Emile Mullervey SP4 MIAVietnamArmyNorth Woodstock12/16/484/3/6819
Albert Linwood Page Jr. Major MIAVietnamAir ForceDerry6/28/355/28/7438
Phillip Joseph Stickney SMSGT MIA Body Returned to USVietnamAir ForceManchester12/23/376/25/7436
Robert Joseph Sullivan MSG MIAVietnamArmyEast Alstead11/19/367/12/6730

New Hampshire Casualties of the Korean War

NameConflictBranch of ServiceTownBornDiedAge
Philip Warren Ackley PVTKoreaArmyNashua3/4/1511/2/5035
John Stewart Albert PFCKoreaMarinesGonic7/3/278/8/5023
Floyd N Alexander SGTKoreaArmyKeene5/5/296/3/5122
Francis Adams Ashley PVTKoreaArmyLebanon8/10/3211/26/5018
John Low Babson Jr. 2nd LtKoreaMarinesContocook3/3/2910/26/5239
Phillip Kendall Balch ANKoreaNavyClaremont6/21/298/26/5122
Gerard E. Beaupre PFCKoreaArmyFranklin4/10/307/20/5020
Lyman W. Bigelow III SGTKoreaArmyWarner7/21/3110/31/5221
Richard Elwin Bigelow PFCKoreaArmyPortsmouth10/15/322/14/5118
Abner Sawyer Black CplKoreaMarinesPeterborough12/28/313/29/5321
Charles C. Blanchette Jr. PVTKoreaArmyPeterborough12/22/3311/9/5117
Philip Albert Botsford PFCKoreaArmyLyndenborough9/16/297/20/5020
Arthur John Bower Jr. CPLKoreaMarinesLaconia1/1/299/24/5021
John Charles BrennanKoreaAir ForceGroveton2/25/3311/14/5219
Kenneth M BrownKorea Concord  0
Leroy L. Brown CPLKoreaArmyNorth Conway8/13/075/1/5143
Arthur Delbert Buckley Jr. CPLKoreaArmyKeene7/26/3012/9/5020
Elmer Trombly Bullock 1st LtKoreaAir ForcePortsmouth11/19/224/12/5128
Oswald E. Carbonneau PFCKoreaArmyLittleton7/8/319/2/5120
Walter Francis Carey PFCKoreaMarinesManchester9/1/299/2/5122
William Arthur. Cartier 1st LtKoreaArmyManchester7/6/2210/10/5129
Madison Freeman Charles CplKoreaArmyCarroll County1/6/267/10/5024
Lester Thomas Chase CaprainKoreaMarinesExeter9/27/1611/29/5034
Thomas J. Chatigny PFCKoreaArmyExeter5/23/329/16/5018
Guy O. Chesley PFCKoreaArmyLyme Center1/25/322/14/5119
Roland E. Christian PFCKoreaArmyJaffrey7/18/281/16/5122
Albert Charles Colby PFCKoreaArmyClaremont12/6/279/3/5123
Robert ConnellyKorea    0
Roger Bertrand Cote PFCKoreaArmyManchester8/4/309/1/5020
Claude Irving Crawford PVTKoreaArmyStewartstown9/2/319/12/5221
George Armand Curley Jr. PVT MIAKoreaArmyLaconia5/9/3211/30/5018
James H. Dame PVTKoreaArmyDover6/3/312/6/5119
Francis R. Decapot PFCKoreaArmyNashua12/16/2911/10/5020
Joseph Adelard Marcel Demers PFCKoreaMarinesAuburn4/29/2912/2/5021
Armand R. Deschenes PVTKoreaArmyHollis8/9/299/1/5021
Roger Louis Desclos PFCKoreaMarinesNashua9/20/308/13/5221
Myron Gracian Dick SGTKoreaArmyCalais Maine192611/30/5026
Henry J. Dionne PFCKoreaArmyNashua1/22/233/2/5128
Robert A. Doll PFCKoreaArmyPortsmouth9/6/323/25/5118
Donald Austin Douglas PFCKoreaArmyWoodsville8/18/2912/5/5223
George R. Dow CPLKoreaMarinesPortsmouth1/4/317/20/5322
Gerard Leo Joseph Dubay PFCKoreaArmyPortsmouth10/11/305/18/5120
Richard Edward Ducharme PFCKoreaArmyNashua11/22/306/13/5322
Gilbert David Dumais PFCKoreaArmyNashua1/11/328/19/5018
Leland Rockwood Dunham MajorKoreaArmyLittleton12/12/117/20/5038
Arthur W. Dunton Jr. PFCKoreaArmyFitzwilliam3/24/2810/3/5123
William Newell Eaton PFCKoreaArmySeabrook7/19/328/16/5018
Edward F. Ewens CPLKoreaArmyCampton2/18/294/10/5122
Lionel Robert Favreau SGTKoreaArmyManchester7/2/3012/1/5020
Warren Arthur Fish PVTKoreaArmyJaffrey9/1/317/18/5321
Henry C. Flanders SGTKoreaArmyBath4/12/0412/12/5046
Frederick Eugene Fleming SGTKoreaArmySullivan2/6/298/15/5021
Robert Sargent Fletcher PFCKoreaArmyManchester12/4/227/16/5027
Kenneth Clyde FossKoreaArmyCenter Harbor11/23/2910/19/5121
Gordon Ray Fox CPLKoreaArmyManchester6/16/307/24/5323
Reginald E. Frazier PVTKoreaArmyEast Swanzey8/23/3211/2/5018
Orville Joseph GaleKoreaArmyNorthfield6/21/309/27/5020
Gerald Paul Gauthier PVTKoreaArmyFranklin1/27/335/16/5320
David M. Gordon PVTKoreaArmyFitzwilliam7/4/329/10/5119
Frederick M. Gray CPLKoreaArmyPortsmouth5/6/329/7/5018
Eugene W. GrendellKoreaArmyConway3/24/278/8/5225
Benjamon W. Griggs Jr. PVTKoreaArmyWest Lebanon3/7/3111/30/5019
Rudy Henry Haferkamp PFCKoreaArmyLaconia1/7/243/10/5127
Elmer Rix Hamlin PVTKoreaArmyMilan10/8/278/27/5123
Robert Shurben Hedman PFC MIAKoreaArmyHampton6/8/2911/28/5021
Richard C. Henson 1st LTKoreaArmyColebrook3/29/2011/29/5030
Herbert Alsa Hesseltine Jr. CPLKoreaArmyLittleton8/7/3111/30/5019
James Arlin Hildreth PO3KoreaNavyLaconia11/30/2710/16/5325
George Norman Hill CPL MIAKoreaArmyBristol5/20/2811/30/5022
Phillip Noyes Hobson Jr. CPLKoreaMarinesHampton2/5/328/13/5220
Robert James Holbrook PFCKoreaMarinesNashua10/26/3211/30/5018
Roy Kay HolleranKoreaArmyBerlin9/6/101/8/5443
Winfield Scott House PVTKoreaArmyWolfeboro4/5/309/6/5020
Clayton Maynard Huckins CPLKoreaArmyOrford3/17/323/12/5320
Leo W. Jacques PVTKoreaArmyRochester3/11/338/15/5017
Leon J. Jacques Jr. 1st LtKoreaArmyMilford5/2/247/12/5026
Ananias Janvrin II CPLKoreaArmySeabrook9/3/3111/28/5019
Paul Hebert Jordon CPTKoreaArmyNashua191311/2/5037
Vasilio Karagiozis PFCKoreaArmyManchester12/22/181/1/5132
John Murray Kelley PFC MIAKoreaArmyNorth Chichester7/1/2711/30/5023
Raymond E. Kelley PFCKoreaArmyFremont19323/24/5119
Warren Oscar Kendall PFC MIAKoreaArmyConcord8/26/3012/1/5020
Charles King Kerr PFCKoreaArmyNashua1/6/285/18/5123
Arthur Raymond Labonte PFCKoreaMarinesManchester6/26/3012/27/5222
Leo H Lapointe PVTKoreaArmyCampton2/13/317/4/5120
Leon P LapointeKorea    0
Roland Laurent Leblanc PVT MIAKoreaArmyManchester1/1/2911/2/5021
Theodore William Ledoux SGT MIAKoreaArmyLittleton5/21/3111/28/5019
Gordon R. Lemay SGTKoreaArmyAuburn Mass4/15/2911/2/5021
Ronald Norman Levasseur PFCKoreaMarinesPortsmouth1/7/3011/29/5020
Walter Sylvester Livermore PFCKoreaArmyNewton9/29/318/10/5119
Frank E. Mabey SGTKoreaArmyPortsmouth1/1/229/15/5028
William P Maher ChaplainKoreaAir ForceManchester10/19/153/18/5337
Robert Hugh Malloy SGTKoreaMarinesKeene8/22/308/7/5221
David Charles Joseph Marier PFCKoreaMarinesSuncook12/23/293/2/5121
Thomas Edward Mason PFCKoreaArmyLyman6/29/281/8/5324
Earney Alfred Mayo Jr. PFCKoreaMarinesConcord8/28/318/8/5220
James Joseph Mayo PFCKoreaArmyRochester7/15/1712/10/5033
Albert Anthony McCarthy SFCKoreaArmyLaconia1/1/2211/2/5028
Edward Arthur John McCormack PVTKoreaArmyConcord2/21/317/31/5221
Ronald William MCKenzie PFCKoreaArmyClaremont7/12/298/12/5021
Joseph Hector Raymond Mercier PFCKoreaArmyBerlin11/17/293/15/5121
Ralph Crowell Merrill Jr.PVTKoreaArmyMeredith12/18/317/5/5018
Bruce Robert Mills PFCKoreaArmyNew Durham9/27/3211/2/5018
Robert J. Moody PFCKoreaArmyRochester7/3/303/7/5120
Carol Junior Moreau CPLKoreaArmyRochester4/27/313/8/5119
Fernand Aime Morin PFCKoreaArmyMadawaska Me12/13/2911/2/5020
Peter Joseph Morin Jr. SGTKoreaArmyLancaster2/15/295/18/5122
Edward Joseph Morse Jr. CPLKoreaArmyLoudon3/30/3111/30/5019
Fulton Thomas MountainKoreaNavyBretton Woods 10/16/53
John Martin Murphy CPLKoreaArmyHanover7/14/275/27/5325
Lelon A. Olson PFCKoreaArmyAntrim2/14/332/14/5118
Chester Earl Paris CPLKoreaMarinesCharlestown12/1/269/24/5023
Joseph Norman Pelletier PFCKoreaArmyBerlin6/5/302/13/5120
Donald Edward Perry PFCKoreaArmyManchester12/13/319/22/5018
Gene Leon Piela CPLKoreaArmyFranklin11/20/297/17/5222
Raymond Stewart Pike PFCKoreaArmyTilton11/17/2910/7/5222
Joseph E. Potvin CPLKoreaArmyGonic19268/12/5024
Alphonse H. Raymond Jr. PVTKoreaArmyManchester6/1/3210/3/5119
Elmer Powers Richard PFCKoreaArmyExeter6/3/3012/2/5020
Norman Andrew Riddle SFCKoreaArmyConcord8/17/2612/24/5226
Wallace Fred Ritter PFCKoreaArmySalem6/26/3111/28/5019
Richard E. Rivers PFCKoreaArmyCampton6/24/329/23/5018
Clifford E Roalf PFCKoreaArmySurry10/13/307/21/5019
Donald Albert Roberge PFCKoreaArmySomersworth10/27/317/15/5321
Joseph Armand Robillard Jr. PVTKoreaArmyManchester9/21/3211/30/5018
Harold J. Rolfe Jr. PFCKoreaArmyGroveton2/28/3010/17/5121
Leonard Edmond Roy PFCKoreaMarinesManchester7/1/299/5/5223
Ernest Fallon Russell SGTKoreaArmyKeene10/27/3012/12/5020
John L. Sanborn PVTKoreaArmyLaconia6/5/329/5/5018
Delmo SantosKoreaArmyManchester3/28/269/7/5024
Leo Paul Telesphore Savard PVTKoreaArmyNorthumberland8/28/3410/24/5218
Alfred Harry Sidney CPL POWKoreaArmyLittleton12/9/275/18/5123
Harry Sparrow Smith SGTKoreaArmyLancaster11/1/3111/2/5019
Roger Armand St. Pierre PFCKoreaArmyManchester11/19/326/12/5219
Ernest Harold Stevens SGTKoreaArmyEast Rochester3/16/158/25/5035
Gary Scott Stickles PVTKoreaArmyDover7/9/357/8/5317
George Walker Stimpson PFCKoreaArmyLittleton8/1/298/10/5021
Donald A. Stuart CPLKoreaArmyRochester19291/19/53 24
Allan Maurice Tarr 2nd LTKoreaAir ForceDerry5/22/282/22/5324
Aurel Normand Tremblay PFCKoreaArmyNashua1/29/277/30/5023
Joseph William Troy PVTKoreaArmyConcord4/3/276/10/5326
Roger Trudeau SGTKoreaArmyManchester11/15/218/16/5028
Edmund Joseph Turcotte PVTKoreaArmyRochester8/19/339/27/5118
Leon Howard Tutt SFCKoreaArmyWolfeboro5/16/2112/1/5029
Earl P Tyler PFCKoreaArmyNashua  
Donald Francis Van Den Berghe CPLKoreaArmyManchester7/30/297/23/5323
Leigh Mayhew Wentworth PVTKoreaArmyConcord5/23/307/18/5222
Mark Anthony Wentworth PVTKoreaArmyDummer5/17/3010/19/5222
Walter Edward West PFCKoreaArmyExeter1/14/304/2/5323
Francis Edward Wilson PVTKoreaArmyEpping12/18/309/4/5019
Clarence Cleon Woodman CPLKoreaArmyRochester3/4/332/1/5218
William James Wright PFCKoreaArmyColumbia12/19/271/23/5123
Edwin Charles Young Jr. PFCKoreaArmyLaconia5/10/3311/23/5219
Ernest A. Zecha Jr. 2nd LTKoreaArmyCheshire County1/1/286/13/5325

New Hampshire World War I Honor Roll - New Hampshire State House

New Hampshire World War I Veterans Honor Roll - New Hampshire State House
New Hampshire World War I Veterans Honor Roll - New Hampshire State House
New Hampshire World War I Veterans Honor Roll - New Hampshire State House
NH State House WWI Veterans Honor Roll

New Hampshire Sharp Shooters Monument - Gettysburg

New Hampshire Sharp Shooters Monument, Gettysburg

Gettysburg 1st NH Battery Monument

Gettysburg 1st NH Battery Monument
Gettysburg 1st NH Battery Monument

2nd NH Volunteers Monument - Gettysburg

Gettysburg 2nd NH Volunteers Monument
Gettysburg 2nd NH Volunteers Monument

5th New Hampshire Gettysburg Monument

5th New Hampshire Gettysburg Monument
5th New Hampshire Gettysburg Monument
5th New Hampshire Gettysburg Monument
5th New Hampshire Gettysburg Monument
5th New Hampshire Gettysburg Monument

Colonel Edward Cross Gettysburg Wounding Marker

5th New Hampshire Gettysburg Monument
5th New Hampshire Gettysburg Monument
5th New Hampshire Gettysburg Monument
5th New Hampshire Gettysburg Monument
5th New Hampshire Gettysburg Monument

Gettysburg 12th NH Volunteers Monument

Gettysburg 12th NH Volunteers Monument

Alstead, New Hampshire Civil War Memorial

Alstead, New Hampshire, Civil War Monument

Alstead NH Korean War Veterans Memorial

Alstead NH Korean War Veterans Memorial
Alstead NH Korean War Veterans Memorial

Alstead New Hampshire Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Alstead NH Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Alstead NH Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Alton NH Civil War Veterans Memorial

Alton Nh Civil War Veterans Memorial

Alton NH - World War I Veterans Honor Roll

Alton NH World War I Veterans Honor Roll

Alton NH World War II Veterans Honor Roll

Alton NH World War II Honor Roll

Alton NH - Vietnam Veterans Honor Roll

Alton NH Vietnam Veterans Honor Roll

Amherst New Hampshire - Civil War Veterans Memorial

Amherst New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Amherst New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Amherst New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Amherst New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Amherst New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial


Amherst, New Hampshire - World War I Veterans Memorial

Amherst New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial
Amherst New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Amherst New Hampshire - World War II Veterans Honor Roll

Amherst New Hampshire World War II Veterans Honor Roll
Amherst New Hampshire World War II Veterans Honor Roll
Amherst New Hampshire World War II Veterans Honor Roll

Amherst New Hampshire Korean War Veterans Honor Roll

Amherst New Hampshire Korean War Veterans Honor Roll
Amherst New Hampshire Korean War Veterans Honor Roll
Amherst New Hampshire Korean War Veterans Honor Roll

Amherst New Hampshire Vietnam War Veterans Honor Roll

Amherst New Hampshire Vietnam War Veterans Honor Roll
Amherst New Hampshire Vietnam War Veterans Honor Roll
Amherst New Hampshire Vietnam War Veterans Honor Roll

Antrim, NH Civil War Veteran Honor Roll

Antrim, NH Civil War Veteran Honor Roll

Antrim NH - World War I Veterans Memorial

Antrim New Hampshire World War I Honor Roll

Charles H Abbott          Albert A Baker           Robert T Barker     Frank O Bemis         Lawrence K Black

Clarence H Bradshaw     Carlton L Brooks     Fannie Burnham     Grace E Burnham    Byron G Butterfield

Philip H Butterfield         John W Bryer          Donald K Cameron    Robert H Cleaves     Charles M Clough

Paul R Colby                   Willian Congreve Jr.    D. Wallace Cooley   Donald B Cram        Carl W Crampton

Nelson F Cressy             Matthew N Cuddihy    Frank E Cutter        Bernard M Davis      Orrin H Edwards

Cranston D Eldridge       H. Burr Eldridge          Roy D Elliot             Lewis E Evans           Arthur Fluri     Kasimir Fluri

 Andrew S. Fuglestad     A. Wallace George      Harry L. Gerstenberger      Howard C Gokey      Roger F Hilton

W. Scott Hilton              Burt D Hodges           David H Hodges        George A Hodges        James M Hodges

Oscar E Huot              Ralph G Hurlin            Ira C Hutchinson       James W Jameson       George H Kiblin

Donald B Madden     John W Matson          Harold G Miner          Leo E Mulhall              William L Mulhall

Charles Myers          William M Myers         Ernest H McClure        Henry E Newhall       John L Newhall

Robert M Nylander    Howard E Paige       Paul F Paige                 William F Parker         Archie D Perkins

Otis W Pike              Cecil H Prentiss            Paul W Prentiss         Margaret M Redmond   Waldo A Robb

Charles N Robertson      Don H Robinson    Harry J Rogers       Helen S Stowell       C. Harold Tewksbury

Norman A Thompson     John W Thornton     Edson H Tuttle      Fred A Whitney      John S Whitney

John S Whitney            Francis A Whittermore     Albert J Zabriskie      Robert W Jameson     William J.B. Cannell

Antrim NH World War I Veterans Honor Roll
Antrim New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Atkinson New Hampshire - Civil War Veterans Memorial

Atkinson New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Atkinson New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Atkinson New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Atkinson New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial

Atkinson New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Atkinson New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial
Atkinson New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Atkinson New Hampshire World War II & Korean War Veterans Memorial

Atkinson New Hampshire World War II & Korean War Veterans Memorial
Atkinson New Hampshire World War II & Korean War Veterans Memorial

Atkinson New Hampshire Jeremy Graczyk Afghanistan Memorial

Atkinson New Hampshire Jeremy Graczyk Afghanistan Memorial
Atkinson New Hampshire Jeremy Graczyk Afghanistan Memorial

Auburn New Hampshire Veterans Memorials

Auburn New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Auburn New Hampshire - Civil War Veterans Memorial

Auburn New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial Veterans Memorial
Auburn New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial Veterans Memorial

Auburn New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Auburn New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial
Auburn New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial


Auburn New Hampshire - World War II Veterans Memorial

Auburn New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial
Auburn New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial

Auburn New Hampshire - Korean War & Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Auburn New Hampshire Korean War & Vietnam War Veterans Memorial Veterans Memorial
Auburn New Hampshire Korean War & Vietnam War Veterans Memorial Veterans Memorial

Barnstead New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Barnstead New Hampshire Veterans Memorial



Bath New Hampshire Veterans Memorials

Bath New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Bath New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Bath NH World War I Veterans Memorial
Bath NH World War II Veterans Memorial
Bath NH World War II Veterans Memorial
Bath NH Korean War Memorial
Bath NH Vietnam War Memorial
Bath New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Bath NH Revolutionary War Memorial
Bath NH War of 1812 Memorial
Bath NH Civil War Memorial

Berlin New Hampshire World War I Memorial

Berlin NH World War I Memorial
 Berlin NH World War I Memorial
 Berlin NH World War I Memorial
 Berlin NH World War I Memorial
 Berlin NH World War I Memorial
 Berlin NH World War I Memorial
 Berlin NH World War I Memorial

Berlin New Hampshire Veterans Memorial Park

Berlin New Hampshire Veterans Memorials
Berlin New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial
Berlin New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial
Berlin New Hampshire Korean War Veterans Memorial
Berlin New Hampshire Vietnam War Veterans Memorial


Berlin New Hampshire Vietnam War Veterans Memorial
Berlin New Hampshire Iraqi Freedom Veterans Memorial
Berlin New Hampshire Iraqi Freedom Veterans Memorial

Berlin New Hampshire POW/MIA Veterans Memorial

Berlin New Hampshire POW/MIA Veterans Memorial
Berlin New Hampshire POW/MIA Veterans Memorial
Berlin New Hampshire POW/MIA Veterans Memorial

Berlin New Hampshire Veterans Memorial Bridge

Berlin New Hampshire Veterans Memorial Bridge

Bethlehem New Hampshire Veterans Memorials

NameConflict TownNameConflict
Charles W BachellorCivil War BethlehemKarl P Abbott World War I
Jerome T BeanCivil War BethlehemRichard C Atwood World War I
Edward C Beemas Civil War BethlehemMerrick V BarnesWorld War I
Almon R Blandin Civil War BethlehemGeorge L Bean    World War I
Nathaniel BullockCivil War BethlehemCharles A BishopWorld War I
John S CheeneyCivil War BethlehemEverett C Bishop World War I
Luther W Crane Civil War BethlehemWilliam R BishopWorld War I
Williiam A Crane Civil War BethlehemWilbur Briggs World War I
Joshua W Dudley Civil War BethlehemEdward C BrooksWorld War I
John T DuttonCivil War BethlehemJohn M BurroughsWorld War I
E Alonzo EudyCivil War BethlehemCharles W BurtWorld War I
Leonard M Eudy Civil War BethlehemFrederick D CallenderWorld War I
William D EudyCivil War Bethlehem John P CallenderWorld War I
James R GaleCivil War BethlehemGeorge W CassidyWorld War I
Alburn G GoddardCivil War BethlehemPaul ChasseWorld War I
Thomas HarriganCivil War BethlehemWarren S Churchill World War I
Charled H Hoit  Civil War BethlehemMillard F Clark  World War I
Caleb HuntoonCivil War BethlehemJames D ConleyWorld War I
Eli HuntoonCivil War BethlehemWilliam CullenWorld War I
John HuntoonCivil War BethlehemRobert Duran World War I
William J HuntoonCivil War BethlehemWillian Finn World War I
Horace J KenneyCivil War BethlehemFayette W Fitzgerald World War I
Willard MillerCivil War BethlehemWalter C Gannon  World War I
Jesse B NourseCivil War BethlehemHermie D GardnerWorld War I
Lorenzo PhillipsCivil War BethlehemCharles E Green World War I
Oscar H PresbyCivil War BethlehemThomas HarriganWorld War I
Charles RiversCivil War BethlehemRalph B HildrethWorld War I
Joseph E SawyerCivil War BethlehemRoy T HildrethWorld War I
Murry ScottCivil War BethlehemEarl B HowlandWorld War I
William S ShattuckCivil War BethlehemElbridge G Huntoon World War I
Andrew J ShermanCivil War BethlehemAlice E Jobin World War I
Asa E SwaseyCivil War BethlehemHarold H LangWorld War I
Levi L TyrrellCivil War BethlehemRobert M Lewis World War I
John WildsCivil War BethlehemJohn H McDonaldWorld War I
   BethlehemGeoege G McGregorWorld War I
   BethlehemAlfred MilneWorld War I
   BethlehemThomas S MorrisWorld War I
   BethlehemElec PatrickWorld War I
   BethlehemManus H PerkinsWorld War I
   BethlehemJohn R PhillipsWorld War I
   BethlehemMurray S Plant World War I
   BethlehemPaul L PrescottWorld War I
   BethlehemSmith A Quimby  World War I
   BethlehemFrank U RamseyWorld War I
   BethlehemWalter L RamseyWorld War I
   BethlehemStephen J ReynoldsWorld War I
   BethlehemWilliam F ResideWorld War I
   BethlehemGeorge W SeymourWorld War I
   BethlehemGeorge SoniaWorld War I
   BethlehemWebb W Trefethen World War I
   BethlehemCarroll A WellsWorld War I
   BethlehemVerdi E WhitcombWorld War I

Bethlehem New Hampshire - Civil War Honor Roll

Bethlehem New Hampshire Civil War Honor Roll

Bethlehem New Hampshire - World War I Honor Roll

Bethlehem New Hampshire World War I Honor Roll

Bethlehem New Hampshire - World War II Honor Roll

Bethlehem New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial
NameConflict TownNameConflict
Francis J Beaton World War II BethlehemFrederick C LaClair World War II
L.F Blackburn World War II BethlehemOsman E LangWorld War II
George A BlaneyWorld War II BethlehemRichard M LangWorld War II
Arthur E BlaneyWorld War II BethlehemErnerst LapeteWorld War II
Ellwin E BlaneyWorld War II BethlehemMaurice Lapete  World War II
Jasper W BlandinWorld War II BethlehemRaymond LapeteWorld War II
Richard G BlandinWorld War II BethlehemWalter J Lewis World War II
Earle L BriggsWorld War II BethlehemStanley P Lowell World War II
Raymond  C BrooksWorld War II BethlehemEdward K LynchWorld War II
Floyd S BrownWorld War II BethlehemWilliam R Lynch World War II
R. S  Callender JrWorld War II BethlehemHenry Marcotte JrWorld War II
Wilbur W CallenderWorld War II BethlehemWilliam G McKennaWorld War II
William CereWorld War II BethlehemDonald J McLeod World War II
Wilbur J ChurchillWorld War II BethlehemC. Wendell McLeodWorld War II
Kenneth ClarkWorld War II BethlehemElwin L Miller World War II
Millard S ClarkWorld War II BethlehemThomas L MorrisWorld War II
Stephen ClarkWorld War II BethlehemForrest NelsonWorld War II
Henry A Colby World War II BethlehemJames W NewcombWorld War II
Douglas ColeWorld War II BethlehemGeorge T NoyesWorld War II
Richard J ConeyWorld War II BethlehemNathan H Pearce World War II
Margaret C ConeyWorld War II BethlehemManus R Perkins Jr.World War II
Alvin CorlissWorld War II BethlehemWillie Perry World War II
Edward B Corliss World War II BethlehemIrving G PhillipsWorld War II
Willard CorlissWorld War II BethlehemWarren E PierceWorld War II
George C CotnoirWorld War II BethlehemMaurice PlanteWorld War II
Stephen D CurrieWorld War II BethlehemHamilton PollockWorld War II
Edward Cyr World War II BethlehemJohn Pollock  World War II
E. Lewis DavidsonWorld War II BethlehemGilbert PerryWorld War II
Claude DelaneyWorld War II BethlehemRoland QuimbyWorld War II
Joseph Delisle World War II BethlehemFrancis Ramsey World War II
Walter R DrohenWorld War II BethlehemArthur J Reid World War II
Donald J DurantyWorld War II BethlehemGeorge E ReidWorld War II
Edward R DurantyWorld War II BethlehemAlbert RossWorld War II
George J DurantyWorld War II BethlehemLeonard RossWorld War II
Raymond T DurantyWorld War II BethlehemG. Douglas Stafford World War II
Ward GardnerWorld War II BethlehemFrank StellerWorld War II
John C GarneauWorld War II BethlehemHarry M StevensonWorld War II
Leon H GarneauWorld War II BethlehemMalcolm J StevensonWorld War II
Thomas A GarneauWorld War II BethlehemFrederick M StevensonWorld War II
William R GarneauWorld War II BethlehemEdward Stone World War II
Donald GirouardWorld War II BethlehemPaul StoneWorld War II
William J Green World War II BethlehemHarold ThorntonWorld War II
David GreenlawWorld War II BethlehemGeorge F Tucker JrWorld War II
Henry GreenlawWorld War II BethlehemRobert W TurnerWorld War II
Robert Greenlaw World War II BethlehemTheodore WhitcombWorld War II
John W GuiderWorld War II BethlehemVictor R WhitcombWorld War II
Leslie J HalenWorld War II BethlehemCharles T Winget World War II
Roy E HarriganWorld War II BethlehemF.W. WinterbottomWorld War II
David M HazenWorld War II BethlehemL.F. WinterbottomWorld War II
Henry HoikWorld War II BethlehemMuriel E WinterbottomWorld War II
Lawrence F HoikWorld War II BethlehemErnest J Wolcott  World War II
Bernard J HoweWorld War II BethlehemGerald H Wolcott   World War II
Burleigh E HuntoonWorld War II BethlehemJohn L Wolcott World War II
Charley E HuntoonWorld War II BethlehemCharles A Wolcott World War II
Lyle Huntoon World War II    
Irving S HyferWorld War II    
Luther M JacksonWorld War II    
Arthur Jobin World War II    
John W JobinWorld War II    
William R JobinWorld War II    
Donald JohnstonWorld War II    
John Johnston Jr.   World War II    
John Johnston Jr. World War II   

Bradford New Hampshire - World War I & World War II Honor Roll

Bradford New Hampshire World War I & World War II Veterans Memorial
Bradford New Hampshire World War I & World War II Veterans Memorial
Bradford New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial
Bradford New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial

Brentwood NH Civil War & World War I Veterans Memorial

Brentwood NH Civil War & World War II Veterans Memorial

Bristol New Hampshire - Revolutionary War Honor Roll

Bristol NH Revolutionary War Veterans Memorial

Bristol New Hampshire Civil War Memorial

Bristol New Hampshire Civil War Memorial
Bristol New Hampshire Civil War Memorial
Bristol New Hampshire Civil War Memorial

Bristol New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Bristol New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Bristol New Hampshire WWII Veterans Memorial

Bristol New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial
Bristol New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial
Bristol New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial
Bristol New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial
TownLast NameFirst NameFull NameConflict
BristolAdamsFarrington DFarrington D AdamsWorld War II
BristolAdamsFred HFred H AdamsWorld War II
BristolAdamsHenry BHenry B AdamsWorld War II
BristolAdamsJames AJames A AdamsWorld War II
BristolAdamsRobert FRobert F AdamsWorld War II
BristolAkermanCurtis HCurtis H AkermanWorld War II
BristolAllardRodney WRodney W AllardWorld War II
BristolAveryMerrill DMerrill D AveryWorld War II
BristolBabbWilliam F.L.William F.L. BabbWorld War II
BristolBakerEverett DEverett D BakerWorld War II
BristolBarrettJames FJames F BarrettWorld War II
BristolBeanAlbert WAlbert W BeanWorld War II
BristolBeanFenton HFenton H BeanWorld War II
BristolBeanWilfred GWilfred G BeanWorld War II
BristolBeaunoyerEdwardEdward BeaunoyerWorld War II
BristolBennettJohn C JrJohn C Bennett Jr.World War II
BristolBerghFrank AFrank A BerghWorld War II
BristolBlissFrederick PFrederick P BlissWorld War II
BristolBlissGerald LGerald L BlissWorld War II
BristolBlissGordon LGordon L BlissWorld War II
BristolBlissElmore AElmore A BlissWorld War II
BristolBondCarl T JrCarl T Bond JrWorld War II
BristolBraggGeorge GGeorge G BraggWorld War II
BristolBraggHerbert LHerbert L BraggWorld War II
BristolBraggLendall NLendall N BraggWorld War II
BristolBraggLeroy JLeroy J BraggWorld War II
BristolBlakeRodwell LRodwell L BlakeWorld War II
BristolBrianasRobert Robert BrianasWorld War II
BristolBrownE. DeanE. Dean BrownWorld War II
BristolBrownKenneth PKenneth P BrownWorld War II
BristolBrownStanley EStanley E BrownWorld War II
BristolBrownTrevor W *Trevor W Brown *World War II
BristolBucklinWalter PWalter P BucklinWorld War II
BristolCabralArthur CArthur C CabralWorld War II
BristolCabralJoseph NJoseph N CabralWorld War II
BristolCalley Lyle HLyle H CalleyWorld War II
BristolCalley Willis GWillis G CalleyWorld War II
BristolCaldonRoy FRoy F CaldonWorld War II
BristolCaswellBurney LBurney L CaswellWorld War II
BristolCateSamuel GSamuel G CateWorld War II
BristolCavisMorton HMorton H CavisWorld War II
BristolChaseRalph NRalph N ChaseWorld War II
BristolChaseWilliam GWilliam G ChaseWorld War II
BristolConwayValmore JValmore J ConwayWorld War II
BristolCorneauFred OFred O CorneauWorld War II
BristolCorneauGeorge SGeorge S CorneauWorld War II
BristolCorneauHarry GHarry G CorneauWorld War II
BristolCorneauRichard LRichard L CorneauWorld War II
BristolClarkeGertrude RGertrude R ClarkeWorld War II
BristolCotaRaphael FRaphael F CotaWorld War II
BristolCottingRoland ERoland E CottingWorld War II
BristolCurrierVerrold AVerrold A CurrierWorld War II
BristolCurrierVictor AVictor A CurrierWorld War II
BristolDavisWilliam GWilliam G DavisWorld War II
BristolDearbornEarl J Jr.Earl J Dearborn Jr.World War II
BristolDearbornKarl E Jr.Karl E Deareborn Jr.World War II
BristolDearbornKurt PKurt P DearbornWorld War II
BristolDe WolfFletcher MFletcher M De WolfWorld War II
BristolDickinsonAmos GAmos G DickinsonWorld War II
BristolDodgeClinton CClinton C DodgeWorld War II
BristolDodgeHarold THarold T DodgeWorld War II
BristolDoleMalcolm EMalcolm E DoleWorld War II
BristolDoleGordon SGordon S DoleWorld War II
BristolDouglasEugene MEugene M DouglasWorld War II
BristolDowHoward AHoward A DowWorld War II
BristolDownesRobert MRobert M DownesWorld War II
BristolDurfeeArchie VArchie V DurfeeWorld War II
BristolDyerIsaac W IIIsaac W Dyer IIWorld War II
BristolEastmanCharles LCharles L EastmanWorld War II
BristolEllisChester EChester E EllisWorld War II
BristolEmmonsGeorge RGeorge R EmmonsWorld War II
BristolEmmonsRalph RRalph R EmmonsWorld War II
BristolEmmonsRobert DRobert D EmmonsWorld War II
BristolEvansPerley LPerley L EvansWorld War II
BristolFellowsRalph SRalph S FellowsWorld War II
BristolFirthFred R JrFred R Firth JrWorld War II
BristolFleuryBernard ABernard A FleuryWorld War II
BristolFleuryReginald JReginald J FleuryWorld War II
BristolFoggCharles WCharles W FoggWorld War II
BristolFollansbeeCalvin C *Calvin C Follansbee*World War II
BristolFreeseJohn LJohn L FreeseWorld War II
BristolFrenchStanley KStanley K FrenchWorld War II
BristolGaleMelville BMelville B GaleWorld War II
BristolGilbertThomas HThomas H GilbertWorld War II
BristolGoodhueSeth ASeth A GoodhueWorld War II
BristolGoodnoughReginald EReginald E GoodnoughWorld War II
BristolGoodwinLorimer E Jr,Lorimer E Goodwin Jr,World War II
BristolGouletteHelen EHelen E GouletteWorld War II
BristolGrayBern MBern M GrayWorld War II
BristolGrayRobert PRobert P GrayWorld War II
BristolGrayWayne EWayne E GrayWorld War II
BristolGuyotteAlphonse RAlphonse R GuyotteWorld War II
BristolHahtoAuvo AAuvo A HahtoWorld War II
BristolHaightJohn MCV Jr.John MCV HaightJr.World War II
BristolHamelEdward WEdward W HamelWorld War II
BristolHamelFelix WFelix W HamelWorld War II
BristolHaskellGlenn NGlenn N HaskellWorld War II
BristolHaskellHoward PHoward P HaskellWorld War II
BristolHatfieldWillis MWillis M HatfieldWorld War II
BristolHaynesAlice RAlice R HaynesWorld War II
BristolHaynesN. WesleyN. Wesley HaynesWorld War II
BristolHazeltonGlenn VGlenn V HazeltonWorld War II
BristolHeathArnold EArnold E HeathWorld War II
BristolHeathMaynard LMaynard L HeathWorld War II
BristolHewittRobert NRobert N HewittWorld War II
BristolHigginsRobert JRobert J HigginsWorld War II
BristolHigginsRobert FRobert F HigginsWorld War II
BristolHillClaude WClaude W HillWorld War II
BristolHillMerton EMerton E HillWorld War II
BristolHiscockDeane DDeane D HiscockWorld War II
BristolHopkinsOrvis HOrvis H HopkinsWorld War II
BristolHuntFrederick S Jr.Frederick S Hunt Jr.World War II
BristolJaquisGeorge F JrGeorge F Jaquis JrWorld War II
BristolJewellHenry NHenry N JewellWorld War II
BristolJewellLawrence WLawrence W JewellWorld War II
BristolJewellShirley RShirley R JewellWorld War II
BristolJonesHarry AHarry A JonesWorld War II
BristolJonesHarry EHarry E JonesWorld War II
BristolJonesFrank MFrank M JonesWorld War II
BristolJohnsonCharles BCharles B JohnsonWorld War II
BristolJohnsonDavid LDavid L JohnsonWorld War II
BristolJohnsonEldrid HEldrid H JohnsonWorld War II
BristolKenneySidney RSidney R KenneyWorld War II
BristolKingJohn C John C KingWorld War II
BristolLaClairHarlan FHarlan F LaClairWorld War II
BristolLambertStephen FStephen F LambertWorld War II
BristolLamsonDonald C Jr.Donald C Lamson Jr.World War II
BristolLamsonRichard GRichard G LamsonWorld War II
BristolLeSanLeo H Jr.Leo H LeSan Jr.World War II
BristolLevineHarold DHarold D LevineWorld War II
BristolLewisFrederick HFrederick H LewisWorld War II
BristolLittlefieldAllan HAllan H LittlefieldWorld War II
BristolMacDougallGene DGene D MacDougallWorld War II
BristolMacDougallNorman SNorman S MacDougallWorld War II
BristolMacLeanRodney JRodney J MacLeanWorld War II
BristolMansurArthur JArthur J MansurWorld War II
BristolMansurLeslie PLeslie P MansurWorld War II
BristolMartinClanton EClanton E MartinWorld War II
BristolMcKinleyLawrence A Sr.Lawrence A McKinley Sr.World War II
BristolMcKinleyLawrence A Jr.Lawrence A McKinley Jr.World War II
BristolMcKinleyLinwood NLinwood N McKinleyWorld War II
BristolMcLeodMaxwell GMaxwell G McLeodWorld War II
BristolMcMurphyRolland WRolland W McMurphyWorld War II
BristolMerrillClair NClair N MerrillWorld War II
BristolMerrillSelwyn HSelwyn H MerrillWorld War II
BristolMillerEdward LEdward L MillerWorld War II
BristolMitchellLuther KLuther K MitchellWorld War II
BristolMitchellMargaret MMargaret M MitchellWorld War II
BristolMitchellWilliam OWilliam O MitchellWorld War II
BristolMonteiroNicholas Jr.Nicholas Monteiro Jr.World War II
BristolMorganDouglas HDouglas H MorganWorld War II
BristolMorganRobert ERobert E MorganWorld War II
BristolMorrillManson CManson C MorrillWorld War II
BristolMorrillRaymond CRaymond C MorrillWorld War II
BristolMosherClyde FClyde F MosherWorld War II
BristolMosherRaymond MRaymond M MosherWorld War II
BristolNadonJohn AJohn A NadonWorld War II
BristolNadonMose RMose R NadonWorld War II
BristolNewtonElwynElwyn NewtonWorld War II
BristolNewtonWilliam HWilliam H NewtonWorld War II
BristolPalmerEverrett AEverrett A PalmerWorld War II
BristolPattenGeorge AGeorge A PattenWorld War II
BristolPattenHenry BHenry B PattenWorld War II
BristolPlumerRichard ORichard O PlumerWorld War II
BristolPlumerWilliam BWilliam B PlumerWorld War II
BristolPlummerMelvin VMelvin V PlummerWorld War II
BristolPlummerWalter MWalter M PlummerWorld War II
BristolPollardLeigh OLeigh O PollardWorld War II
BristolPopeRalph PRalph P PopeWorld War II
BristolPowdenCharles GCharles G PowdenWorld War II
BristolPrayNorman CNorman C PrayWorld War II
BristolPrebleGeorge H JrGeorge H Preble JrWorld War II
BristolQuintPreston MPreston M QuintWorld War II
BristolQuintSilas ESilas E QuintWorld War II
BristolRemeckRoland A *Roland A Remeck*World War II
BristolRemeckRodney ERodney E RemeckWorld War II
BristolRiceWallace AWallace A RiceWorld War II
BristolRobyRonald ERonald E RobyWorld War II
BristolRobinsonForrest GForrest G RobinsonWorld War II
BristolRockwellGerald GGerald G RockwellWorld War II
BristolRockwellHerbert L. Jr.Herbert L. Rockwell Jr.World War II
BristolSchofieldCharles SCharles S SchofieldWorld War II
BristolSeaverRobert HRobert H SeaverWorld War II
BristolShawPaul SPaul S ShawWorld War II
BristolSmithClyde EClyde E SmithWorld War II
BristolSmithDonald HDonald H SmithWorld War II
BristolSmithFrank WFrank W SmithWorld War II
BristolSmithHazel MHazel M SmithWorld War II
BristolSmithIrving BIrving B SmithWorld War II
BristolSmithOscar HOscar H SmithWorld War II
BristolSouthardAaron GAaron G SouthardWorld War II
BristolSouthardReginald WReginald W SouthardWorld War II
BristolStevensHarry DHarry D StevensWorld War II
BristolStuartGordon JGordon J StuartWorld War II
BristolStuartLloyd LLloyd L StuartWorld War II
BristolTapplyPhilip GPhilip G TapplyWorld War II
BristolTapplyRichard ARichard A TapplyWorld War II
BristolThayerWirt OWirt O ThayerWorld War II
BristolThompsonDonald RDonald R ThompsonWorld War II
BristolThompsonMalcolm HMalcolm H ThompsonWorld War II
BristolTownsendErnest WErnest W TownsendWorld War II
BristolTuckerEdwin HEdwin H TuckerWorld War II
BristolVittumCarroll MCarroll M VittumWorld War II
BristolWelchRichard ARichard A WelchWorld War II
BristolWellsChester FChester F WellsWorld War II
BristolWellsHarris AHarris A WellsWorld War II
BristolWellsOscar GOscar G WellsWorld War II
BristolWellsPerley GPerley G WellsWorld War II
BristolWellsRalph GRalph G WellsWorld War II
BristolWhippleChandler S *Chandler S Whipple *World War II
BristolWhiteWilliam C Jr.William C White Jr.World War II
BristolWoodhouseDavid TDavid T WoodhouseWorld War II
BristolWoodwardAlpheus SAlpheus S WoodwardWorld War II
BristolWoodwardErnest DErnest D WoodwardWorld War II
BristolWoodwardGeorge CGeorge C WoodwardWorld War II
BristolWoodwardWillie CWillie C WoodwardWorld War II
BristolWorthenSamuel ESamuel E WorthenWorld War II
BristolWrightEdward BEdward B WrightWorld War II

Bristol New Hampshire Persian Gulf War Veterans Memorial

Bristol New Hampshire Persian Gulf War Veterans Memorial

Brookline New Hampshire Pre-World War II Veterans Memorial

Brookline New Hampshire Pre-World War II Veterans Memorial
Brookline New Hampshire Pre-World War II Veterans Memorial

Brookline, New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial

Brookline New Hampshire WWII Veterans Memorial
Brookline New Hampshire WWII Veterans Memorial

Brookline New Hampshire Korean War & Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Brookline New Hampshire Korean War & Vietnam War Veterans Memorial
Brookline New Hampshire Korean War  Veterans Memorial
Brookline New Hampshire Korean War & Vietnam War Veterans Memorial
Brookline New Hampshire Korean War & Vietnam War Veterans Memorial
Brookline New Hampshire Korean War & Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Canaan, New Hampshire - Civil War Honor Roll

Canaan NH Civil War Honor Roll

Canaan, New Hampshire - World War I Honor Roll

Canaan NH World War I Honor Roll

Canaan, New Hampshire - World War II Honor Roll

Canaan NH World War II Honor Roll

Canaan New Hampshire Korean War & Vietnam War Honor Roll

Canaan NH Korean War & Vietnam War Honor Roll
Canaan NH Korean War & Vietnam War Honor Roll
Canaan NH Korean War & Vietnam War Honor Roll

Canaan New Hampshire Global War on Terror Veterans Honor Roll

Canaan New Hampshire Global War on Terror Veterans Honor Roll

Canterbury Veterans Memorial

Canterbury Veterans Memorial

Canterbury Civil War Veterans Honor Roll

Canterbury Civil War Veterans Honor Roll
Canterbury Civil War Veterans Honor Roll
Canterbury Civil War Veterans Honor Roll

Published and Proud - The 2020 Canterbury New Hampshire Town Report

Canterbury NH Town Report - 2020
Canterbury NH Town Report - 2020
Canterbury NH Town Report - 2020
Canterbury NH Town Report - 2020

Carroll New Hampshire Veterans Memorials

Carroll New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Carroll New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Carroll New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Carroll New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Carroll New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Charlestown, NH  -  Veterans Memorial Civil War - WWI

Charlestown NH Veterans Memorial
Charlestown NH Veterans Memorial
Charlestown NH Civil War Veterans Honor Roll
Charlestown NH Veterans Memorial
Charlestown NH WWI Veterans Honor Roll

Chester, New Hampshire - Civil War Memorial

Chester Civil War Memorial

Chester, New Hampshire - World War I Honor Roll

Chester World War I Veteran Honor Roll Monument

Chester New Hampshire Veterans of the Spanish/American War and World War I

Fredrick C. Bartlett              Watland J Berry              Walter S Brown              Bert R Cammett              James M Forsaith *

Hans A Hanson                   William A Holland *        Walter E Holmes            Raymond Kourian          James Maguire

Walter W Maguire              Emerson P Maple *        Clarence H McGully       Allen J Parker                  Clifford E Richardson 

Hartwell H Roberts            Victor B Spollett               Percy S Stowe                Charles C Warren           Howard F West *

Howard A Woodard          Leroy S Woodard

Red Cross Nurse: LillianS Mackintosh                 * = Died in Service

Chesterfield, New Hampshire Veterans Memoria

Chesterfield NH Veterans Memorial
Chesterfield NH Veterans Civil War Honor Roll
Chesterfield NH Civil War Honor Roll
Chesterfield NH World War I Honor Roll

Claremont Civil War Veterans Memorial

Claremont Civil War Veterans Memorial
Claremont Civil War Veterans Memorial
Claremont Civil War Veterans Memorial
Claremont Civil War Veterans Memorial

Claremont, New Hampshire - World War I & World War II Veterans Memorial

Claremont World War I & World War II Veterans Memorial
Claremont World War I & World War II Veterans Memorial
Claremont World War I & World War II Veterans Memorial
Claremont World War I & World War II Veterans Memorial

Conway, New Hampshire - World War II Honor Roll

Conway New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial
Conway New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial
Conway New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial
Conway New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial

Cornish New Hampshire Veterans Memorials

Cornish New Hampshire Veterans Memorial Park
Cornish NH Civil War Memorial
Cornish NH Civil War Memorial
Cornish NH Civil War Memorial
Cornish NH Civil War Memorial
Cornish NH Civil War Memorial
Cornish NH WWI Veterans Memorial
Cornish NH WWII Memorial
Cornish NH Post-WWII Veterans Memorial

Deerfield New Hampshire Soldiers Memorial Library

Deerdield New Hampshire Soldiers Memorial Library
Nathanael Maloon Memorial Plaque - Deerfield NH

Deerfield New Hampshire Revolutionary & War of 1812 Veterans Honor Roll

Deerfield New Hampshire Revolutionary War & War of 1812 Veterans Honor Roll

Deerfield New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Honor Roll

Deerfield New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Honor Roll
Deerfield New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Honor Roll
Deerfield New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Honor Roll

Deerfield New Hampshire World War I Veterans Honor Roll

Deerfield New Hampshire World War I Veterans Honor Roll
Deerfield New Hampshire World War I Veterans Honor Roll
Deerfield New Hampshire World War I Veterans Honor Roll
Deerfield New Hampshire World War I Veterans Honor Roll

Deerfield New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial

Deerfield New Hampshire World War II Veterans Honor Roll
Deerfield New Hampshire Korean War Veterans Honor Roll

Deerfield New Hampshire Vietnam War Veterans Honor Roll

Deerfield New Hampshire Vietnam Veterans Honor Roll
Deerfield New Hampshire Vietnam Veterans Honor Roll
Deerfield New Hampshire Vietnam Veterans Honor Roll

Deering, New Hampshire Veterans Park

Deering New Hampshire Veterans Park
Deering New Hampshire WWI Veterans Memorial
Deering New Hampshire WWI Veterans Memorial
Deering New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Deering New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Derry, New Hampshire - World War I Honor Roll

Derry NH World War I Honor Roll

Derry, New Hampshire - World War II Honor Roll

Derry NH Wortld War II Honor Roll
Derry NH World War II Veterans Memorial
Derry NH World War II Veterans Memorial
Derry NH World War II Veterans Memorial

Derry, New Hampshire - Korea & Vietnam Honor Roll

Derry NH Korea & Vietnam Honor Roll
Derry NH Korean War & Vietnam War Veterans Memorial
Derry NH Korean War & Vietnam War Veterans Memorial
Derry NH Korean War & Vietnam War Memorial Additions
Derry New Hampshire Grenada Panama Persian Gulf Memorial
Derry New Hampshire Iraq War Veterans Memorial

Dover, New Hampshire - Civil War Memorial

Dover, New Hampshire, Civil War Monument

USS Maine Memorial - Dover New Hampshire

Dover, NH - Spanish American War Memorial

Dover New Hampshire Spanish American War Memorial

Dover New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Dover New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial
Dover New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial
Dover New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial
Dover New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Dover New Hampshire Korean War VeteranHonor Roll

Dover NH Korean War Veteran Honor Roll

Dover New Hampshire Vietnam War Veteran Honor Roll


Dover New Hampshire Vietnam War Veteran Honor Roll

Dunbarton NH - World War I Veterans Memorial

Dunbarton NH - World War I Veterans Memorial

Dunbarton NH - World War I - Veterans Honor Roll

Oliver J Bunten - William B Burnham - Bradford W Burnham - Carroll H Crosby - Harold J Dickey - John L Fitts - Walter Gould

I. Reed Gourley - C. Ross Gourley - John B Ireland - Joseph Lepage - Harold B Lakeman - Frank J Murray - William D Murray

Ernest C Murphy - Henry Severance - Ernest A Tucker - Leon S Tucker - Ralph C Walker

Dunbarton New Hampshire - World War II Veterans Memorial


Dunbarton New Hampshire - World War II Veterans Memorial
Dunbarton New Hampshire - World War II Veterans Memorial

Dunbarton New Hampshire - Korean War Veterans Memorial

Dunbarton New Hampshire - Korean War Veterans Memorial

Dunbarton New Hampshire - Korean War - Honor Roll

Armand F Beliueau - Arthur J Benoit - Rodney W Doucet Jr - Fred R Dugremier - William A Earle - Thomas C Elliot - Charles B Green

Frederick D Paris Jr - Dawson F Savage - William C Sherman - John R Swindelhurst - Leon R Tucker - Donald E Untiet

James B Walker - Theodore H Walsh - Jogm D Warriner - Gordon E Westover

Dunbarton New Hampshire - Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Dunbarton NH - Vietnam War - Veterans Honor Roll

Kevin S Bartlett - Paul E Bartlett - Murray C Duke - Ronald J Delude - Richard R Dewehr - Richard J Goupil - Daniel K Gravas

Eric T Greenhalge III - Daniel E McGrath - Ray U Mills - Gordon R Mooney - Mark W Morgan - Ross C Nash - David L Nichols

William B Nichols - James H Opie - Paul E Rivard - Armand P Thibault Jr - Roy P Thibault - Leon R Tucker - David H Williams

Charles F Williamson

Epsom New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Epsom New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Epsom New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Epsom New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Epsom New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Epsom New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Epsom New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Epsom New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Exeter  NH World War I Monument - Gale Memorial Park - Created by Daniel Chester French


Gale Memorial Park Civil War Monunemt, Exeter NH

Francestown New Hampshire World War I, World War II & Korean War Memorials

Francestown New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial
Francestown New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial
Francestown New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial
Francestown New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial
Francestown New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial

Franconia NH World War I Veterans Memorial

Franconia New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial
Franconia New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Franklin New Hampshire Civil War & Spanish-American War Veterans Memorial

Franklin New Hampshire Civil War & Spanish-American War Veterans Memorial
Franklin New Hampshire Civil War & Spanish-American War Veterans Memorial
Franklin New Hampshire Civil War & Spanish-American War Veterans Memorial
Franklin New Hampshire Civil War & Spanish-American War Veterans Memorial

Franklin New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Franklin NH World War I Memorial
Franklin NH World War I Memorial
Franklin NH World War I Memorial
Franklin NH World War I Memorial
Franklin NH World War I Memorial
Franklin NH World War I Memorial
Franklin NH World War I Memorial
Franklin NH World War I Memorial

Franklin New Hampshire - Heroes of World War II

Franklin New Hampshire - Heroes of World War II
Franklin New Hampshire - Heroes of World War II Roger Chandonnait
Franklin New Hampshire - Heroes of World War II Edgar W Hill
Franklin New Hampshire - Heroes of World War II Emile Lefebvre
Franklin New Hampshire - Heroes of World War II Robert W Taylor Jr
Franklin New Hampshire - Heroes of World War II Charles Gerould Jr.
Franklin New Hampshire - Heroes of World War II Edgar a Ripley
Franklin New Hampshire - Heroes of World War II Earl J Thibodeau
Franklin New Hampshire - Heroes of World War II Joseph L Baczkala
Franklin New Hampshire - Heroes of World War II Roger S Martin
Franklin New Hampshire - Heroes of World War II Harry W Rogers
Franklin New Hampshire - Heroes of World War II Mederick Morrell
Franklin New Hampshire - Heroes of World War II Richard Dumond
Franklin New Hampshire - Heroes of World War II Richard G Emerson
Franklin New Hampshire - Heroes of World War II Anthony H Pandini
Franklin New Hampshire - Heroes of World War II Jeremie Doucet
Franklin New Hampshire - Heroes of World War II William F Kadlec
Franklin New Hampshire - Heroes of World War II Henry Barna
Franklin New Hampshire - Heroes of World War II Raymond Joyal

Franklin New Hampshire World War II, Korean War & Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Franklin New Hampshire World War II, Korean War & Vietnam War Veterans Memorial
Franklin New Hampshire World War II, Korean War & Vietnam War Veterans Memorial
Franklin New Hampshire World War II, Korean War & Vietnam War Veterans Memorial
Franklin New Hampshire World War II, Korean War & Vietnam War Veterans Memorial
Franklin New Hampshire World War II, Korean War & Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Franklin New Hampshire Vietnam War Medal of Honor Recipient Jedh C Barker

Franklin New Hampshire Medal of Honor Recipient Jedh C Barker - Vietnam War

Fremont NH - Revolutionary War - Civil War & World War I Veterans Memorial

Fremont NH Revolutionary War - Civil War & World War I Veterans Memorial
Fremont NH Revolutionary War - Civil War & World War I Veterans Memorial
Fremont NH Revolutionary War - Civil War & World War I Veterans Memorial
Fremont NH Revolutionary War - Civil War  Veterans Memorial
Fremont NH Revolutionary War Veterans Memorial

Fremont NH - World War II Veterans Memorial

Fremont NH World War II Veterans Memorial
Fremont NH World War II Veterans Memorial
Fremont NH World War II Veterans Memorial

Gilford NH World War I Veterans Honor Roll

Gilford NH World War I Honor Roll

Gilford New Hampshire World War I - Honor Roll

Maynard A. Ames - Rodger M. Ames - Archie Andrews - Lawrence H. Bartlett - Stephen L. Berryman - Charles Carter

Robert Deware - Guy A. Dow - Lucius M. Gordon - Albert J. Harriman - Willis C. Harriman - John B. Hoyt 

Roscoe C. Johnson - Wiolliam F. Magrath - Francis D. Marden - Royce E. Sanborn - Eugene Savage - Luther A. Tucker

Goffstown NH Veterans Memorial

Goffstown NH Veterans Memorial

Gorham, New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Gorham New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Gorham New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Gorham New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Gorham New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Gorham New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Gorham New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Gorham New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Gorham New Hampshire World War I Veterans Honor Roll
Gorham New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Gorham New Hampshire World War II Veterans Honor Roll

Gorham New Hampshire World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War & Persian Gulf War Veterans Honor Roll
Gorham New Hampshire World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War & Persian Gulf War Veterans Honor Roll
Gorham New Hampshire World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War & Persian Gulf War Veterans Honor Roll

Gorham, New Hampshire World War II, Korean War & Vietnam War Veterans Honor Roll

Gorham NH WWII Korean War & Vietnam War Honor Roll
Gorham NH WWII Korean War & Vietnam War Honor Roll
Gorham NH WWII Korean War & Vietnam War Honor Roll
Gorham NH WWII Korean War  Vietnam War Persian Gulf Honor Roll

Goshen, New Hampshire Military Honor Roll

Goshen New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Goshen New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Goshen New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Goshen New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Goshen New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Goshen New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Goshen New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Grafton New Hampshire Veterans Memorials

Grafton New Hampshire World War I Memorial
Grafton New Hampshire World War I Memorial
Grafton NH World War II Honor Roll
Grafton NH World War II Honor Roll
Grafton New Hampshire All Wars Veterans Memorial

Greenland New Hampshire Remembrance Park

Greenland New Hampshire Memorial Park
Greenland New Hampshire Memorial Park Cannon
Greenland New Hampshire Remembrance Park
Greenland New Hampshire Remembrance Park
Greenland New Hampshire Memorial Park Hudson Van Etten Medal of Honor
Greenland New Hampshire Memorial Park Revolutionary War Memorial
Greenland New Hampshire Memorial Park Revolutionary War Memorial
Greenland New Hampshire Memorial Park Civil War Memorial
Greenland New Hampshire Memorial Park World War I Memorial
Greenland New Hampshire Memorial Park World War I Memorial
Greenland New Hampshire Memorial Park World War II Memorial
Greenland New Hampshire Memorial Park World War II Memorial
Greenland New Hampshire Memorial Park World War II Memorial
Greenland New Hampshire Memorial Park World War II Memorial
Greenland New Hampshire Memorial Park Korean & Vietnam War Memorial
Greenland New Hampshire Memorial Park Korean War Memorial
Greenland New Hampshire Memorial Park Vietnam War Memorial

Myrtle Marsh Memorial Veterans Park - Greenville NH

Myrtle Marsh Veterans Memorial Park WWI & WW2 Veterans
Myrtle Marsh Veterans Memorial Park WWI Veterans

Greenville New Hampshire World War II - Honor Roll


Roland J Alix - Ulysse L Alix - Ronald F Basha - Patrick L Baillargeon - Marcel H Beausoleil - Howard F Banks

Arthur P Bernier - Lucien P Bernier - Rosario Bernier - Lionel R Bergeron - Edward L Blanchette - Nelson D Blanch

Joseph E Belanger - Gerard Boisse - George Bouley - Arthur J Caron - Josepg A.C. Caron - J.A. Thomas Caron

Raoul J Caron  -  Lionel J Caron  -  Robert G Caron  -  Wilfred G Caron  -  Alfred F Caouette  -  Clifton Campbell

Roland J Champagne - Romeo Champagne  -  Jules J Chouinard  -  Lionel E Chouinard  -  Lionel V Chouinard

William Cleary Jr.  -  Omer J Dancause  -  Gilbert Deschenes Jr.  -  Joseph A Deschenes  -  Cyril G. Desrosiers

Frederick J Desrosiers  -  Alelard Desrosiers Jr.  -  Roland H Desrosiers  -  Kenneth C Doonan  -  Leon J Emond

Charles E Fagnant  -  Francis R Flitner  -  Bertrand Fournier  -  Leo P Fournier  -  Francois H Fortin  -  Bertrand H Gagnon

Oliver R Gagnon  -  Roland C Gauvin  -  Howard Greene Jr.  -  Benoit E Jean  -  Elle  L Jean  -  Roland C Knight

Greenville NH - Korean War & Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Myrtle Marsh Veterans Memorial Park Korea & Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Myrtle Marsh Veterans Memorial Park Korean War Veterans Memorial
Myrtle Marsh Veterans Memorial Park Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Hampstead New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial

Hampstead New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Hampstead New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Hampstead New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial

Hampstead New Hampshire - World War I Veterans Memorial

Hampstead New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial
Hampstead New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Hampstead New Hampshire World War II Veterans Honor Roll

Hampstead New Hampshire World War II Veterans Honor Roll
Hampstead New Hampshire World War II Veterans Honor Roll
Hampstead New Hampshire World War II Veterans Honor Roll
Hampstead New Hampshire World War II Veterans Honor Roll

Hampstead New Hampshire - Korean War Veterans Memorial

Hamnpstead New Hampshire Korean War Veterans Memorial
Hamnpstead New Hampshire Korean War Veterans Memorial

Hampstead New Hampshire Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Hampstead New Hampshire Vietnam War Veterans Memorial
Hampstead New Hampshire Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Hampstead New Hampshire - Post-Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Hampstead New Hampshire Post-Vietnam War Veterans Memorial
Hampstead New Hampshire Post-Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Hampton New Hampshire Veterans Memorials

Hampton New Hampshire Veterans Memorials
Hampton New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Hampton New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial
Hampton New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial
Hampton New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial
Hampton New Hampshire Korean War Veterans Memorial
Hampton New Hampshire Korean War Veterans Memorial
Hampton New Hampshire Vietnam War Veterans Memorial
Hampton New Hampshire Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Hampton New Hampshire Global War on Terrorism Memorial

Hampton New Hampshire Global War on Terrorism Memorial
Hampton New Hampshire Global War on Terrorism Memorial
Hampton New Hampshire Global War on Terrorism Memorial
Hampton New Hampshire Global War on Terrorism Memorial
Hampton New Hampshire Global War on Terrorism Memorial

Hampton Beach Marine Memorial

Hampton Beach New Hampshire Marine Memorial
Hampton Beach New Hampshire Marine Memorial
Hampton Beach New Hampshire Marine Memorial
Hampton Beach New Hampshire Marine Memorial
Hampton Beach New Hampshire Marine Memorial
Hampton Beach New Hampshire Marine Memorial
Hampton Beach New Hampshire Marine Memorial
Hampton Beach New Hampshire Marine Memorial
Hampton Beach New Hampshire Marine Memorial
Hampton Beach New Hampshire Marine Memorial
Hampton Beach New Hampshire Marine Memorial
Hampton Beach New Hampshire Marine Memorial
Hampton Beach New Hampshire Marine Memorial
Hampton Beach New Hampshire Marine Memorial
Hampton Beach New Hampshire Marine Memorial
Hampton Beach New Hampshire Marine Memorial
Hampton Beach New Hampshire Marine Memorial
Hampton Beach New Hampshire Marine Memorial

Hampton Falls, NH (WWI & WWII) Veteran's Honor Roll

Hampton Falls New Hampshire Veterans Honor Roll

Hancock NH Veterans Memorial

Hancock NH Veterans Memorial
Hancock NH French and Indian War Veterans Memorial
Hancock NH Revolutionary War Veterans Memorial
Hancock NH Civil War Veterans Memorial
Hancock NH WWI Veterans Memorial

Haverhill NH Veterans Memorial

Haverhill NH Veterans Monument
Haverhill NH Civil War Honor Roll
Haverhill NH Civil War Honor Roll
Haverhill NH Revolutionary War - War of 1812 & War with Mexico Honor Roll

East Haverhill, NH -  World War I Veteran's Honor Roll

East Haverhoill NH Veterans Memorial

Henniker New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial

Henniker New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial
Henniker New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial
Henniker New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial

Henniker New Hampshire Colonel LeanderCogswell Veterans Memorial

Henniker New Hampshire Colonel Leander Cogswell Veterans Memorial
Henniker New Hampshire Colonel Leander Cogswell Veterans Memorial - War of 1812
Henniker New Hampshire Colonel Leander Cogswell Veterans Memorial - War of 1812
Henniker New Hampshire Colonel Leander Cogswell Veterans Memorial - World War I
Henniker New Hampshire Colonel Leander Cogswell Veterans Memorial - Civil War
Henniker New Hampshire Colonel Leander Cogswell Veterans Memorial
Henniker New Hampshire Colonel Leander Cogswell Veterans Memorial - Revolutionary War

Hill New Hampshire Veterans Park

Hill New Hampshire Veterans Memorial Park
Hill New Hampshire All Veterans Memorial
Hill New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Hill New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Hill New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial
Hill New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial
Hill New Hampshire Korean War Veterans Memorial
Hill New Hampshire Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Hillsborough New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Hillsborough New Hampshire Veterans Memorial - Fuller Library
Hillsborough New Hampshire Veterans Memorial - Fuller Library
Hillsborough New Hampshire Veterans Memorial - Fuller Public Library

Hillsborough New Hampshire World War I Veterans Honor Roll

Hillsborough New Hampshire World War I Veterans Honor Roll

Memorial Day Order : May 30, 1868 - Fuller Public Library - Hillsborough New Hampshire

Hillsborough New Hampshire World War II Veterans Honor Roll

Hillsborough NH World War II Veterans Honor Roll
Hillsborough NH World War II Veterans Honor Roll
Hillsborough NH World War II Veterans Honor Roll
Hillsborough NH World War II Veterans Honor Roll
Hillsborough NH World War II Veterans Honor Roll
Hillsborough NH World War II Veterans Honor Roll
Hillsborough NH World War II Veterans Honor Roll
Hillsborough NH World War II Veterans Honor Roll
Hillsborough NH World War II Veterans Honor Roll
Hillsborough NH World War II Veterans Honor Roll
Hillsborough NH World War II Veterans Honor Roll
Hillsborough NH World War II Veterans Honor Roll
Hillsborough NH World War II Veterans Honor Roll
Hillsborough NH World War II Veterans Honor Roll
Hillsborough NH World War II Veterans Honor Roll

Holderness New Hampshire Veterans Honor Roll

Holderness New Hampshire Veterans Honor Roll
Holderness New Hampshire Veterans Honor Roll
Holderness New Hampshire Veterans Honor Roll
Holderness New Hampshire Veterans Honor Roll
Holderness New Hampshire Veterans Honor Roll
Holderness New Hampshire Veterans Honor Roll

Hooksett New Hampshire Veterans Memorial Park

Hooksett New Hampshire Veterans Memorial Park
Hooksett New Hampshire Veterans Memorial Park Gold Star Mothers Memorial
Hooksett New Hampshire Veterans Memorial Park
Hooksett New Hampshire Veterans Memorial Park POW-MIA Memorial
Hooksett New Hampshire Veterans Memorial Park - Coproral George E Merrill World War I Veterans Memorial

PFC Arthur C  Mourtgis Jr 1948 - 1967 Vietnam War Casualty from Hooksett NH

Hooksett New Hampshire Veterans Memorial Park - Arthur C. Mourtgis Vietnam War Memorial
Hooksett New Hampshire Veterans Memorial Park - Private Robert T Jacob Square

Hooksett New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial

Hooksett New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Hooksett New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial

Hooksett New Hampshire - World War I Veterans Memorial

Hooksett New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial
Hooksett New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Hooksett New Hampshire -  World War II Veterans Memorial

Hooksett New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial
Hooksett New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial
Hooksett New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial
Hooksett New Hampshire Korean War Veterans Memorial
Hooksett New Hampshire Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Hopkington New Hampshire Civil War Memorial

HopkingtonNew Hampshire Civil War Memorial Park
Hopkington New Hampshire Civil War Memorial
Hopkington New Hampshire Civil War Memorial
Hopkington New Hampshire Civil War Memorial
Hopkington NH Civil War Veterans Memorial
Hopkington New Hampshire World War II Korea & Vietnam War Veterans Memorial
Hopkington New Hampshire Civil War Memorial
Hopkington New Hampshire Civil War Memorial
Hopkington New Hampshire War of 1812 Memorial
Hopkington New Hampshire Revolutionary War Memorial
Hopkington New Hampshire Revolutionary War Memorial
Hopkington New Hampshire Revolutionary War Memorial
Hopkington New Hampshire Revolutionary War Memorial

Hopkington New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Hopkington New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial
Hopkington New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Hopkington New Hampshire World War II / Korean War / Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Hopkington New Hampshire World War II Korea & Vietnam War Veterans Memorial
Hopkington New Hampshire World War II Korea & Vietnam War Veterans Memorial
Hopkington New Hampshire World War II Korea & Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Hopkington New Hampshire Memorial to Officer Sean Powers

Hopkington New Hampshire Officer Sean Powers Memorial Bench

Hudson, New Hampshire - World War I Honor Roll

Husdon, New Hampshire World War I Honor Roll
Husdon, New Hampshire World War I Honor Roll

Hudson New Hampshire - World War I - Honor Roll

Lester F Adams - Peter Arpin - Joseph A Baker - Reuben J Baker - Alfred Barrett - Joseph F Bathelon - Charles Betts - Joseph Boyer 

Wilder Brown - Arthur W Butler - Oscar C Campbell - Frank W Chapman - Victor Clark - John H Crenner - Robert A Crenner 

Willis B Cross - Herbert E Dandley - Harry D Emerson - Joseph E Farland - Harold G French - Arthur E Fuller - Frederick S Fuller 

William J Gagne - Ouila J Gaudette - Reuben S Groves - Horatio U Hall - Leopold J Harvey - Guy Harwood - Merton L Haselton 

Page S Haselton - Eugend F Hastings - Paul M Hill - Harland S Hills - Lyman W Hills - Orlando G Hills - Ron J Honeywell

Elwyn C Hopkins - Ralph E Hunnewell - Gedion A Laquerre - Carl A Larson - Anthione J LeClerc - Eugene C LeClerc

Fred C Lovejoy - Winn Merrill - Arthur E Morrill - Raymond D Muir - Edward C Myers - Edward M Parker - Fred W Parker 

Wayne S Peters - Carlton L Petry - Eugene L Provencal - Leo C Pyne - Henri M Renaud - Amedee Ricord - Mark A Ridley

Roger L Robinson - Basil W Shepard - Albert E Smith - Deering O Smith - Victor H Smith - Harold M Spaulding  - Forrest H Spinney

Arthur Trupany - Ralph E Trufant - Rot H Walsh - Charles E Webber - Paul C Webster - Arthur M Wells - Leland H Woods

Gilbert Young

Hudson New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Hudson New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Jackson NH - World War I Veterans Honor Roll

Jackson New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Jackson NH - World War II Veterans Honor Roll

Jackson NH World War II Veterans Honor Roll

Jackson NH - Korean War Veterans Honor Roll

Jackson NH Korean War Veterans Honor Roll

Jackson NH - Vietnam War Veterans Honor Roll

Jackson NH Vietnam War Veterans Honor Roll

Jaffrey, New Hampshire - Civil War Memorial

Jaffrey New Hampshire Civil War Memorial

Jaffrey, New Hampshire - World War I Honor Roll

Jaffrey, New Hampshire WW1 Monument
Jaffrey New Hampshire World War I Veterans Honor Roll

Jefferson New Hampshire - Military Service Memorial

Jefferson New Hampshire Military Service Memorial
Jefferson New Hampshire Military Service Memorial
Jefferson New Hampshire Military Service Memorial
Jefferson New Hampshire Military Service Memorial

Jefferson New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Jefferson NH Veterans Memorial
Jefferson NH Veterans Memorial
Jefferson NH Veterans Memorial
Jefferson NH Veterans Memorial - World War I
Jefferson NH Veterans Memorial - World War II
Jefferson NH Veterans Memorial- Revolutionary War & War of 1812

Keene New Hampshire - Civil War Monument

Keene NH Civil War Monument
Keene NH Civil War Monument
Keene NH Civil War Monument

Keene New Hampshire Veterans Memorial Park

Keene New Hampshire Veterans Memorial Park
Keene New Hampshire Veterans Memorial Park
Keene New Hampshire Veterans Memorial Park
Keene New Hampshire Veterans Memorial Park VFW
Keene New Hampshire Veterans Memorial Park
Keene New Hampshire Veterans Memorial Park WWII
Keene New Hampshire Veterans Memorial Park Cheshire County Veterans
Keene New Hampshire Veterans Memorial Park WWI
Keene New Hampshire Veterans Memorial Park WWII
Keene New Hampshire Veterans Memorial Park POW-MIA
Keene New Hampshire Veterans Memorial Park Korea
Keene New Hampshire Veterans Memorial Park Vietnam

Laconia NH Civil War Memorial

Laconia NH Civil War Memorial

Laconia NH Spanish-American War Veterans Honor Roll

Laconia NH Spanish American War Veterans Honor Roll

Laconia NH WWII Veteran's Memorial

Laconia Nh WWII Veterans Memorial

Laconia NH Korean War Veterans Memorial

Laconia NH Korean War Veterans Memorial
Laconia NH Korean War Veterans Memorial
Korean War Memorial - Laconia New Hampshire
Laconia NH Korean War Veterans Memorial George A Curley KIA

Laconia NH Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Laconia NH Vietnam War Veterans Memorial
Laconia NH Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Laconia NH Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Laconia NH Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Laconia NH Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Laconia NH Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Laconia NH Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Laconia NH Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Laconia NH Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Lancaster New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Lancaster New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Lancaster New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Lancaster New Hampshire Veterans Memorial - Korea & Vietnam
Lancaster New Hampshire Veterans Memorial - Korean War
Lancaster New Hampshire Veterans Memorial - Vietnam War
Lancaster New Hampshire Veterans Memorial - World War II

Lancaster New Hampshire Civil War Memorial

Lancaster New Hampshire Civil War Memorial
Lancaster New Hampshire Civil War Memorial
Lancaster New Hampshire Civil War Memorial
Lancaster New Hampshire Civil War Memorial
Lancaster New Hampshire Civil War Memorial
Lancaster New Hampshire Civil War Memorial

Lancaster New Hampshire Memorial to Colonel Edward E Cross - Civil War

Lancaster New Hampshire Memorial to Colonel Edward E Cross - Civil War
Colonel Edward Cross NH 5th Civil War
Lancaster New Hampshire Memorial to Colonel Edward E Cross - Civil War
Lancaster New Hampshire Memorial to Colonel Edward E Cross - Civil War

Lempster New Hampshire World War I & 2 Veterans Memorial

Lempster NH Veterans Memorial
Lempster NH Veterans Memorial
Lempster NH Veterans Memorial World War I

Lincoln, New Hampshire - World War I &  II Honor Roll

Lincoln NH World War II Honor Roll

Lincoln, NH Korean War & Vietnam Honor Roll

Lincoln NH Korean War Honor Roll

Lisbon New Hampshire Veterans Memorials

Lisbon New Hampshire WWI Veterans Memorial
Lisbon New Hampshire WWI Veterans Memorial
Lisbon New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Lisbon New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Lisbon New Hampshire WWII Honor Roll
Lisbon New Hampshire WWII Honor Roll
Lisbon New Hampshire WWII Honor Roll
Lisbon New Hampshire WWII Honor Roll
Lisbon NH Korean War Honor Roll
Lisbon NH Korean War Honor Roll
Lisbon New Hampshire Vietnam War Honor Roll
Lisbon New Hampshire Vietnam War Honor Roll

Littleton NH - Revolutionary War Veterans Memorial

Littleton New Hampshire Revolutionary War Veterans Memorial

Littleton New Hampshire - Civil War Veterans Memorial

Littleton New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Littleton New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Littleton New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial

Littleton New Hampshire - World War II and Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Littleton New Hampshire World War II and Vietnam War Veterans Memorial
Littleton New Hampshire World War II and Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Littleton New Hampshire World War I, World War II and Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Littleton New Hampshire World War I, World War II and Vietnam War Veterans Memorial
Littleton NH WWI WWII & Korean War Veterans Memorial
Littleton NH World War I Veterans Memorial
Littleton New Hampshire World War I, World War II and Vietnam War Veterans Memorial
Littleton NH World War II Veterans Memorial
Littleton New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial
Littleton NH Korean War Veterans Memorial
Littleton NH Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Littleton New Hampshire Vietnam War Veteran Honor Roll

NameConflict TownNameConflict
   LittletonWilliam J LabonteVietnam
Stephen A AlbeeVietnam LittletonNorman A LaflammeVietnam
Larry D AndrewsVietnam LittletonOsman E LangVietnam
Lord A AntanaitisVietnam LittletonAlphonse T LapanneVietnam
Ernest A Bagley Jr.Vietnam LittletonJoseph M LavoiceVietnam
Harry F BakerVietnam LittletonLopuie J LavoieVietnam
Richard K BakerVietnam LittletonWinston E LefebvreVietnam
Thomas K BakerVietnam LittletonHerbert S LewisVietnam
David G BallouVietnam LittletonRoyal C LewisVietnam
Donald P BarrVietnam LittletonSteven R LewisVietnam
Robert A BarrVietnam LittletonTimothy W MaciverVietnam
William R BeardVietnam LittletonRobert G MaguireVietnam
Gabriel J BeginVietnam LittletonRussel P MardinVietnam
John T BelmoreVietnam LittletonLloyd H MayneVietnam
Robert E BenoitVietnam LittletonMichael K McCabeVietnam
Donald J BilodeauVietnam LittletonBarry D McGuireVietnam
Kenneth E Bixby Jr.Vietnam LittletonMichael McIntyreVietnam
George G BlodgettVietnam LittletonPeter M McLaughlinVietnam
Charles H BowenVietnam`LittletonDavid F McLureVietnam
Edward C BoyntonVietnam LittletonGraig S MillerVietnam
Robert J BrodeurVietnam LittletonRaymond C MorrisVietnam
David A BrownVietnam LittletonRichard H MortonVietnam
Peter W BuffingtonVietnam LittletonGene D MurphyVietnam
Wendel A BuffingtonVietnam LittletonLawrence A Myott Jr.Vietnam
Dale F BurgessVietnam LittletonMaurice W Paradis Jr.Vietnam
William L BurgessVietnam LittletonRichard A ParadisVietnam
Mark K Buxton Jr.Vietnam LittletonEugene A ParentVietnam
Leroy E Byron Jr.Vietnam LittletonJohn D Parent Jr.Vietnam
Ernard A CadyVietnam LittletonJames S PhillipsVietnam
Robert R CadyVietnam LittletonGordon A PolsonVietnam
Nathaniel W CarmenVietnam LittletonRobert A PoulsenVietnam
William T CereVietnam LittletonMaurice L ProvencalVietnam
Trevor H ChampagneVietnam LittletonSteven I RayVietnam
Frank P ChildsVietnam LittletonArthur C RichVietnam
Evelyn M ChristieVietnam LittletonEdwin W RichardsVietnam
Leonard J ClarkVietnam LittletonGary H RichardsVietnam
Robert A ClarkVietnam LittletonMichael A RichardsVietnam
Wayne E ColbyVietnam LittletonJohnstone B Richardson Jr.Vietnam
Helen W CollingsVietnam LittletonEverett JN RiouxVietnam
Gary A CollinsVietnam LittletonKeven E RiouxVietnam
Wayne A CorlissVietnam LittletonEdward H SantyVietnam
David C CrossettVietnam LittletonGeorge A SantyVietnam
Daniel J CullinVietnam LittletonAnthony W SarauskyVietnam
Robert DesrochersVietnam LittletonIrving W. N. Schultz Jr.Vietnam
John S DetcheverryVietnam LittletonRichard D. W. SchultzVietnam
Clayton E DezanVietnam LittletonPaul J SheaVietnam
Donald L DezanVietnam LittletonHarry C ShufeltVietnam
Maurice A DezanVietnam LittletonArthur B Sias Jr.Vietnam
Arthur H Dubey Jr.Vietnam LittletonScott C SimonsVietnam
Joseph N DuvalVietnam LittletonJohn B SmithVietnam
Rockwood DunhamVietnam LittletonClesson B SpencerVietnam
James R EmeryVietnam LittletonRonald E StreeterVietnam
John W Farr IIIVietnam LittletonSamuel R StrongVietnam
Jerry Lee FisherVietnam LittletonThomas S SwanVietnam
Robert C FlandersVietnam LittletonJay T TannVietnam
Daniel R GattoniVietnam LittletonHoward C TewksburyVietnam
Riochard A GilfillanVietnam LittletonDyanna D ThresherVietnam
Joseph D GirouardVietnam LittletonCraig S TrombleyVietnam
Yvon E GirouardVietnam LittletonRichard L TrombleyVietnam
Robert F GouldVietnam LittletonRobert E TrombleyVietnam
Arthur J GreavesVietnam LittletonTerry J WardVietnam
Scott R HarrisVietnam LittletonRandall A WatermanVietnam
Lindsay D HartshornVietnam LittletonAlbert J WelchVietnam
Thomas W HeinemannVietnam LittletonFrederick J WelchVietnam
Edward A HennesseyVietnam LittletonJeffrey N WellsVietnam
Gregory C HolmesVietnam LittletonHarry W WentworthVietnam
Herbert M HornerVietnam LittletonJohn M WestVietnam
Bernard A HouleVietnam LittletonRoger Y WetherbeeVietnam
Marcel F HouleVietnam LittletonRobert J WhitcombVietnam
Wayne W HoweVietnam LittletonKenneth A WhiteVietnam
Keith E HowlandVietnam LittletonDavid D WrightVietnam
Burleigh E Huntoon Jr.Vietnam LittletonTerry E WrightVietnam
Josephone E JackVietnam LittletonSally A WyattVietnam
Richard F Jackman Jr.Vietnam LittletonWilliam D WyattVietnam
Bonnie M KaraberisVietnam LittletonJesse A YoungVietnam
Ronald M KelleyVietnam    
Conrad D KellyVietnam    
George R Kilbourne Jr.Vietnam    
Jimmy V KimballVietnam    
Marshall H KnappVietnam    
Robert L Knapp Jr.Vietnam    
David L KuhnerVietnam   

Londonderry New Hampshire

Londonderry New Hampshire Revolutionary War Veterans Memorial

Londonderry New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial

Londonderry New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Londonderry New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Londonderry New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Londonderry New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Londonderry New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Londonderry New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Londonderry New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Londonderry New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Londonderry New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Londonderry New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Londonderry New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Londonderry New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Londonderry New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Londonderry New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Londonderry New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Londonderry New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Londonderry New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial

Londonderry New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Londonderry New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial
Londonderry New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Londonderry New Hampshire World War II , Korean War & Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Londonderry New Hampshire World War Ii Korean War & Vietnam War Veterans Memorial
Londonderry New Hampshire World War Ii Korean War & Vietnam War Veterans Memorial
Londonderry New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial
Londonderry New Hampshire Korean War Veterans Memorial
Londonderry New Hampshire Korean War Veterans Memorial
Londonderry New Hampshire Vietnam War Veterans Memorial
Londonderry New Hampshire Vietnam War Veterans Memorial
Londonderry New Hampshire Vietnam War Veterans Memorial
Londonderry New Hampshire Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Londonderry New Hampshire September 11th Terrorist Attack Memorial

Londonderry New Hampshire September 11th Memorial
Londonderry New Hampshire September 11th Memorial

Lyme, New Hampshire - Veteran's Memorial

Lyme New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Loudon New Hampshire Veterans Memorial Park

Loudon New Hampshire Veterans Memorial Park
Loudon New Hampshire Veterans Memorial Park
Loudon NH World War I Veterans Memorial
Loudon NH World War I Veterans Memorial
Loudon NH World War II  & Korean War Veterans Memorial
Loudon NH World War II  & Korean War Veterans Memorial
Loudon NH Vietnam War & Desert Storm  War Veterans Memorial
Loudon NH Vietnam War & Desert Storm  Veterans Memorial

Lyme, New Hampshire - Civil War Memorial

Lyme New Hampshire Civil War Memorial
Lyme New Hampshire Civil War Memorial
Lyme New Hampshire Civil War Memorial

Madison Mew Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Madison New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Madison New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Madison New Hampshire World War I  Veterans Memorial
Madison New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial
Madison New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial
Madison New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Madison New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Madison New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Madison New Hampshire Revolutionary and War of 1812 Veterans Memorial
Madison New Hampshire Revolutionary War and War of 1812 Veterans Memorial
Madison New Hampshire War of 1812 Veterans Memorial

Marlow New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Marlow New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Marlow New Hampshire WWII Veterans Memorial
Marlow New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Marlow New Hampshire War of 1812 Veterans Memorial
Marlow New Hampshire Revolutionary War Veterans Memorial
Marlow New Hampshire Revolutionary War Veterans Memorial
Marlow New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Mason New Hampshire - Veterans Monument

Mason New Hampshire Veterans Monument
Mason New Hampshire Veterans Monument

Captain Benjamin Mann - Mason NH Bunker Hill Monument

Captain Benjamin Mann - Mason New Hampshire Bunker Hill Monument

Meredith New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial

Meredith New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Meredith New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial

Meredith New Hampshire World War II Veterans Honor Roll

Meredith New Hampshire World War II Veterans Honor Roll
Meredith New Hampshire World War II Veterans Honor Roll
Meredith New Hampshire World War II Veterans Honor Roll
Meredith New Hampshire World War II Veterans Honor Roll
Meredith New Hampshire Veterans Memorial Project

Merrimack NH VFW Post 8641 Valerie J Quayle Veterans Memorial Wall

Merrimack New Hampshire VFW Post 8641 Charter
Merrimack New Hampshire VFW Post 8641 Wall of Honor
Merrimack New Hampshire VFW Post 8641 Wall of Honor
Merrimack New Hampshire VFW Post 8641 Wall of Honor
Merrimack New Hampshire VFW Post 8641 Wall of Honor
Merrimack New Hampshire VFW Post 8641 Wall of Honor
Merrimack New Hampshire VFW Post 8641 Wall of Honor
Merrimack New Hampshire VFW Post 8641 Wall of Honor
Merrimack New Hampshire VFW Post 8641 Wall of Honor
Merrimack New Hampshire VFW Post 8641 Wall of Honor
Merrimack New Hampshire VFW Post 8641 Wall of Honor
Merrimack New Hampshire VFW Post 8641 Wall of Honor
Merrimack New Hampshire VFW Post 8641 Wall of Honor
Merrimack New Hampshire VFW Post 8641 Wall of Honor
Merrimack New Hampshire VFW Post 8641 Wall of Honor
Merrimack New Hampshire VFW Post 8641 Wall of Honor
Merrimack New Hampshire VFW Post 8641 Wall of Honor
Merrimack New Hampshire VFW Post 8641 Wall of Honor
Merrimack New Hampshire VFW Post 8641 Wall of Honor

Milford NH Korean War Veterans Memorial

Milford NH Korean War Veterans Memorial
Milford NH Korean War Veterans Memorial
Milford NH Korean War Veterans Memorial
Milford NH Korean War Veterans Memorial

Milford NH - World War II Veterans Memorial

Milford NH - World War II Veterans Memorial
Milford NH - World War II Veterans Memorial
Milford NH - World War II Veterans Memorial
Milford NH - World War II Veterans Memorial
Milford NH - World War II Veterans Memorial

Milton NH - Veterans Memorial Park

Milton New Hampshire Veterans Memorial Park

Milton New Hampshire Civil War Memorial

Milton New Hampshire WWII Honor Roll

Milton New Hampshire Civil War Monument
Milton New Hampshire Civil War Monument
Milton New Hampshire Civil War Monument
Milton New Hampshire Civil War Monument
MiltonJoseph Adjutant World War II
MiltonNorris AndersonWorld War II
MiltonRobert R AndersonWorld War II
MiltonCharles E Badger Jr.World War II
MiltonDavid F BadgerWorld War II
MiltonClifton I Bailey World War II
MiltonMelvin D Bailey World War II
MiltonRalston Bailey World War II
MiltonArthur E BennerWorld War II
MiltonOliver J BlackWorld War II
MiltonWilliam E BigelowWorld War II
MiltonAlfred Blair World War II
MiltonHarry E Blair World War II
MiltonFranklin J BorsvertWorld War II
MiltonBailey BoudonWorld War II
MiltonCemore BoudonWorld War II
MiltonHarold BoudonWorld War II
MiltonRobert BoudonWorld War II
MiltonAmbrose M BrownWorld War II
MiltonJohn Victor BrownWorld War II
MiltonGeorge D BurrowsWorld War II
MiltonEugene N Burroughs World War II
MiltonBenjamin F ButlerWorld War II
MiltonCharles E ButlerWorld War II
MiltonJohn P ButlerWorld War II
MiltonPatrick ButlerWorld War II
MiltonThomas Butler World War II
MiltonWalter ButlerWorld War II
MiltonKenneth BruceWorld War II
MiltonRobert B CanneyWorld War II
MiltonDouglas CarmichaelWorld War II
MiltonFred E CarswellWorld War II
MiltonGardener M ChamberlainWorld War II
MiltonHoward ChamberlainWorld War II
MiltonGrace ChandlerWorld War II
MiltonArthur Leonard ChaseWorld War II
MiltonRaymond ClevelandWorld War II
MiltonFred E CloughWorld War II
MiltonLeon E CloughWorld War II
MiltonRaymond Columbus World War II
MiltonJoseph A ComeauWorld War II
MiltonThomas Stron CoppWorld War II
MiltonDamon CurrierWorld War II
MiltonJohn T CurryWorld War II
MiltonCharles M DrewWorld War II
MiltonClyde E DrewWorld War II
MiltonErnest DrewWorld War II
MiltonLouis DownsWorld War II
MiltonClifton E DunnelsWorld War II
MiltonRussell E EllisWorld War II
MiltonWillard G FeeneyWorld War II
MiltonHarry P Fletcher Jr.World War II
MiltonHarvey FletcherWorld War II
MiltonGeorge W FrenchWorld War II
MiltonGeorge C GoodinWorld War II
MiltonMaurice C GoodwinWorld War II
MiltonClyde Gordon World War II
MiltonClifton Carswell World War II
MiltonHerbert A DownsWorld War II
MiltonWalter C Greeley World War II
MiltonJoseph O Greenwood World War II
MiltonBernard Ham World War II
MiltonLawrence R HamWorld War II
MiltonPhilip Hayes World War II
MiltonRoland HennerWorld War II
MiltonClifton F HersonWorld War II
MiltonOwen HillWorld War II
MiltonLeslie J HoodWorld War II
MiltonRaymond F HorneWorld War II
MiltonCharles F HunterWorld War II
MiltonJohn C Hurd World War II
MiltonLeeland H JenessWorld War II
MiltonMaurice LabrieWorld War II
MiltonKenneth W LaskyWorld War II
MiltonRalph L LavertueWorld War II
MiltonRalph L Lavertue Jr.World War II
MiltonCharles N LoganWorld War II
MiltonMerce LoverWorld War II
MiltonWilbur Colin Lover World War II
MiltonGary MasuryWorld War II
MiltonFrank E McIntireWorld War II
MiltonGeorge C McIntireWorld War II
MiltonClifford MartineauWorld War II
MiltonLawrence MartineauWorld War II
MiltonTheodore MoodyWorld War II
MiltonWalter MoodyWorld War II
MiltonPhilip S Nafes World War II
MiltonArnold M NashWorld War II
MiltonHarold NealWorld War II
MiltonAlvin A Newell World War II
MiltonElmer NobleWorld War II
MiltonCarlyle L OsgoodWorld War II
MiltonBernard ParsonWorld War II
MiltonAlfred G Patch World War II
MiltonHerbert Perkins Jr.World War II
MiltonCharles E Perry  World War II
MiltonHenry PerryWorld War II
MiltonFrancis W PerryWorld War II
MiltonFranklin R PikeWorld War II
MiltonSeth R Pike World War II
MiltonWinston H PinkhamWorld War II
MiltonBard B PlummerWorld War II
MiltonLyman PlummerWorld War II
MiltonGeorge R PrattWorld War II
MiltonEdward ProvencherWorld War II
MiltonAlbert L PurteaWorld War II
MiltonCharles RamseyWorld War II
MiltonEarle E RamseyWorld War II
MiltonLeo Edward RandWorld War II
MiltonRaymond J ReganWorld War II
MiltonMaurice SavoieWorld War II
MiltonAlfred J SmithWorld War II
MiltonCecil E SmithWorld War II
MiltonEarl Leroy SmithWorld War II
MiltonGeorge SmithWorld War II
MiltonGuy R SmithWorld War II
MiltonMarshall W SmithWorld War II
MiltonElmer O Stillings   World War II
MiltonHarold StillingsWorld War II
MiltonDonald W StoweWorld War II
MiltonKenneth R StoweWorld War II
MiltonAdele Tanner World War II
MiltonClarence P TannerWorld War II
MiltonJohn R TarltonWorld War II
MiltonOlin TarltonWorld War II
MiltonMelvin E TebbetsWorld War II
MiltonGeorge C TibbetWorld War II
MiltonHarvey l TitcomWorld War II
MiltonNorman ValleyWorld War II
MiltonDonald S WarneckeWorld War II
MiltonWilliam M Warnecke Jr.World War II
MiltonAlbert N WaittWorld War II
MiltonDonald E WeareWorld War II
MiltonEarl E Wentworth World War II
MiltonHarry WentworthWorld War II
MiltonLLoyd WentworthWorld War II
MiltonIrene WhitehouseWorld War II
MiltonLuther WigginsWorld War II
MiltonN. Fletcher WillyWorld War II
MiltonRichard M WillyWorld War II
MiltonIrving Williams  World War II
MiltonCharles W Wilson World War II
MiltonRobert M Wilson World War II
MiltonPerley I WithamWorld War II
MiltonLuther A WyattWorld War II
MiltonWillard YoungWorld War II
Milton New Hampshire World War II Honor Roll
Milton New Hampshire World War II Honor Roll

Mont Vernon, NH -  Revolutionary War Honor Roll

Mont Vernon NH Revolutionary War Honor Roll

Mont Vernon, New Hampshire - Civil War Honor Roll

Mont Vernon NH Civil War Honor Roll

Mont Vernon, New Hampshire - World War I Honor Roll

Mont Vernon NH World War I Honor Roll

Mont Vernon, New Hampshire -World War II Navy Honor Roll

Nashua New Hampshire Veterans Memorials

Nashua NH Civil War Monument
Nashua NH Civil War Monument
Nashua NH Civil War Monument
Nashua NH Civil War Monument
Nashua NH Civil War Monument
Nashua NH Civil War Monument
Nashua NH Civil War Monument
Nashua NH Civil War Monument - Sinking of the Alabama
Nashua NH Revolutionary War Monument
Nashua NH War of 1812 Monument
Nashua NH Civil War Stats Monument
Nashua NH Spanish-American War Monument
Nashua NH World War I Monument
Nashua NH World War II Monument
Nashua NH World War II Monument
Nashua NH Korean War Monument
Nashua NH Vietnam War Monument
Nashua NH Persian Gulf War Monument
Nashua NH Tenth War Monument
Nashua NH September 11th Monument
Nashua NH Defense Electronics Monument
Nashua NH SPARS Monument
Nashua NH WACS Monument
Nashua NH WAVES Monument
Nashua NH WAFS Monument
Nashua NH WMC Monument
Nashua NH NURSES Monument
Nashua NH Purple Heart Monument

New Boston NH - Veterans Memorial

New Boston NH - Veterans Memorial
New Boston NH - Veterans Memorial
New Boston NH - Veterans Memorial
New Boston NH - Veterans Memorial
New Boston NH - Veterans Memorial

Newfields New Hampshire Veterans Memorials

Newfields New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Newfields New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Newfields New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial
Newfields New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial
Newfields New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial
Newfields New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial
Newfields New Hampshire Korean & Vietnam  Veterans Memorial
Newfields New Hampshire Korean & Vietnam  Veterans Memorial

Newington New Hampshire - Revolutionary & Civil War Veterans Memorial

Newington NH Revolutionary War & Civil War Veterans Memorial
Newington NH Revolutionary War & Civil War Veterans Memorial

Newington NH World War II Veterans Memorial

George L Beals           William H Beals        Theodore M Blood Jr.       Arthur R Brooks       Harold A Clough

Arthur L Coffey         John J Coffey              Anthony J Colecclied        Clark M Coleman      Fred L Cook

Harold Cook            James A Cook            Wallace Cutting Jr.             Frances Dedovitch       Stanley A Drinkwater

Robert Drown         Calvin B Dunwoody       Nancy C Dunwoody    Harry Estey                 Quentin Estey

Fred H Garland       George A Garland Jr      John W Gould Jr           Wallace P Hale         Raymond T Hallett

John D Hamilton     Benjamin Hoyt              George R Hunter          Dominic Karlo          George H Kimball Jr

Eldridge A Knox       Francis W Lavertue      Walter E Newcomb       George J Newick       LLoyd G Nevious

Thomas B Parrott     Leon A Pickering       Walter H Pickering Jr.     William D Rees        Donald A Robinson

Lewis E Robinson      Richard C Robinson     John F Rowe                Felix Samchuk          Clayton S Spinney

Huey P Wilson           Thornton D Wilson

Newington NH World War II Veterans Memorial
Newington NH World War II Veterans Memorial

Newington NH - Korean War Veteran's Memorial

Newington NH Korean War  Veterans Memorial
Newington NH Korean War  Veterans Memorial

Newington NH - Vietnam War / Lebanon & Panama Veterans Memorial

Newington NH Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Newington NH - War on Terror Veterans Memorial

Newington Nh War on Terror Veterans Memorial

New Ipswich NH Veterans Memorial

New Ipswich New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

New Ipswich - World War I Veterans Memorial

New Ipswich World War I Veterans Memorial
New Ipswich World War I Veterans Memorial

New Ipswich Civil War Veterans Memorial

New Ipswich New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
New Ipswich New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
New Ipswich New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial

Northfield , New Hampshire Wold War I Veterans Memorial

North Conway, New Hampshire - World War I Veterans Memorial

North Conway New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial
North Conway New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

North Hampton - Civil War Veterans Memorial

North Hampton New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
North Hampton New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
North Hampton New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial

North Hampton - World War I - Veterans Memorial

North Hampton New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial
North Hampton New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

North Hampton - World War II Veterans Memorial

North Hampton NH World War II Veterans Memorial
North Hampton NH World War II Veterans Memorial
North Hampton NH World War II Veterans Memorial

North Hampton NH Korean and Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

North Hampton NH Korean & Vietnam War Veterans Memorial
North Hampton NH Korean & Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Northfield New Hampshire - World War I - Honor Roll

Joseph G Baker - Arthur Bartlett - Edgar Begin - Alonzo L Bolis - John A Brown - Oscar E Brown - Lester A Buffington 

Donald K Burleigh - Phillip Burton - Henry E Chapman - Guy Colby - Arthur L Connolly - Frank H Cross - Leon H Cross 

Joseph P Currier - Floyd Y Davis - Frank A Deragon - Lewis Deragon - Arthur J Dunlap - Arthur L Fogg - William B Follett 

George M Godeck - Mark Goedeck - Thomas H Gravison - Walter E Hamel - John A Henderson - Leoniel Langolen

Joseph L Ledoux - Dean B Lockwood - Raymond B Lord - Alfred Luneau - Arthur Luneau - William Lynch - Engilias T Martel

Howard E Merrill - Merton A Merrill - Ora G Merrill - Edgar G Miller - Henry H Nelson - Lawrence R Nelson - Gerald O'Shea

Harold P O'shea - Alfred A Payson - Charles H Payson - Lawrence Pickard - Mary E Pickup - Arthur B Rand - Earle C Robertson 

Franklin F Sargent - Clayton H Seavey - Donald L Sharon - Leonard P Sharon - Raymond A Sharon - Clifton F Shaw - Harold G Shaw 

Hartley F Simpson Jr - John E Simpson - Carmen Southwick - Robert H Spritzner - Martin H Streeter - Harry L Tilton - 

John W Tyrer - Charles H Walker - Harold H Whigher - Benjamen A Young 

Northfield NH WWI Veterans Memorial

Northumberland New Hampshire Veterans Memorials

Northumberland New Hampshire Veterans Park
Northumberland New Hampshire WWI Veterans Memorial
Northumberland New Hampshire WWI Veterans Memorial
Northumberland New Hampshire WWII Veterans Memorial
Northumberland New Hampshire WWII Veterans Memorial
Northumberland New Hampshire WWII Veterans Memorial
Northumberland New Hampshire WWII Veterans Memorial
Northumberland New Hampshire Korean War Veterans Memorial
Northumberland New Hampshire Korean War Veterans Memorial
Northumberland New Hampshire Vietnam War Veterans Memorial
Northumberland New Hampshire Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Northwood New Hampshire Veterans Memorials

Northwood New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Northwood New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial
Northwood New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial
Northwood New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial
Northwood New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial

Orford New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Orford New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial
Orford New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial
Orford New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial
Orford New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Pittsburg New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Pittsburg, New Hampshire WWI Honor Roll

Pittsfield New Hampshire - General Harrison Thyng Memorial

General Harrison Thyng Memorial -
General Harrison Thyng Memorial -
General Harrison Thyng Memorial -
General Harrison Thyng Memorial -
General Harrison Thyng Memorial -
General Harrison Thyng Memorial - Korean War
General Harrison Thyng Memorial -

Pittsfield New Hampshire Civil War Memorial

Pittsfield New Hampshire Civil War Memorial
Pittsfield New Hampshire Civil War Memorial
Pittsfield New Hampshire Civil War Memorial
Pittsfield New Hampshire Civil War Memorial
Pittsfield New Hampshire Civil War Memorial
Pittsfield New Hampshire Civil War Memorial

Pittsfield New Hampshire World War I Veterans Honor Roll (Town Hall)

Pittsfield New Hampshire World War I Veterans Honor Roll - Town Hall
Pittsfield NH World War II Veterans Honoe Roll - Town Hall

Pittsfield New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Pittsfield NH Veterans Memorial

Pittsfield New Hampshire Early American Wars Memorial

Pittsfield New Hampshire Early American Wars Memorial
Pittsfield New Hampshire Early American Wars Memorial
Pittsfield New Hampshire Early American Wars Memorial

Pittsfield New Hampshire World War I , World War II, Korean War & Vietnam War Memorial

Pittsfield New Hampshire World War I World War II Korean War & Vietnam War Memorial
Pittsfield New Hampshire World War I World War II  Memorial
Pittsfield New Hampshire World War I World War II Veterans Memorial
Pittsfield New Hampshire  World War II Korean War & Vietnam War Memorial
Pittsfield NH Veterans Memorial - Vietnam Honor Roll
Pittsfield NH Veterans Memorial - Vietnam Honor Roll
Pittsfield NH Veterans Memorial - Vietnam Honor Roll
Pittsfield NH Veterans Memorial - Vietnam Honor Roll
Pittsfield NH Veterans Memorial - Vietnam Honor Roll
Pittsfield NH Veterans Memorial - Vietnam Honor Roll

Plymouth New Hampshire Veterans Memorial


Plymouth New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Plymouth New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Doug DiGenzo Memorial - Plymouth NH

Doug DiGenzo Memorial - Plymouth NH

Portsmouth Civil War Monument - Goodwin Park- Portsmouth

Portsmouth NH Civil War Monument - Goodwin Park Portsmouth
Portsmouth NH Civil War Monument - Goodwin Park Portsmouth

Portsmouth NH - World War I Honor Roll - Goodwin Park

Portsmouth NH World War 1 Honor Roll - Goodwin Park
 Portsmouth NH World War 1 Honor Roll - Goodwin Park
 Portsmouth NH World War 1 Honor Roll - Goodwin Park

Portsmouth New Hampshire POW/MIA Memorial

Portsmouth New Hampshire POW-MIA Memorial
Portsmouth New Hampshire POW-MIA Memorial
Portsmouth New Hampshire POW-MIA Memorial
Portsmouth New Hampshire POW-MIA Memorial
Portsmouth New Hampshire POW-MIA Memorial
Portsmouth New Hampshire POW-MIA Memorial

Randolph New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Randolph New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Randolph New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Randolph New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial
Randolph New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Raymond New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial

Raymond New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Raymond New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Raymond New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Raymond New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Raymond New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Raymond New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Raymond New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial

Raymond New Hampshire - World War I Veterans Memorial

Raymond New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial
Raymond New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Raymond New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Raymond New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Raymond New Hampshire World War II Veterans Honor Roll

Raymond NH World War Ii Veterans Honor Roll
Raymond NH World War Ii Veterans Honor Roll
Raymond NH World War Ii Veterans Honor Roll
Raymond NH World War Ii Veterans Honor Roll
Raymond NH World War Ii Veterans Honor Roll

Raymond NH Korean War Veterans Honor Roll

Raymond NH Korean War Veterans Honor Roll

Raymond NH Vietnam War Veterans Honor Roll

Raymond NH Vietnam War Veterans Honor Roll
Raymond NH Vietnam War Veterans Honor Roll
Raymond NH Vietnam War Veterans Honor Roll
Raymond NH Vietnam War Veterans Honor Roll

Rindge New Hampshire

Rindge New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Rindge New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Rindge New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Rindger New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Rochester, New Hampshire - Civil War Memorial

Rochester, New Hampshire Civil War Monument

Rochester, New Hampshire - Veterans Memorial

Rochester NH Veterans Memorial

Rochester, New Hampshire - POW - MIA Memorial

Rochester New Hampshire - World War II Veterans Honor Roll

Rochester New Hampshire World War II Honor Roll
Rochester New Hampshire World War II Veterans Honor Roll
Rochester New Hampshire World War II Veterans Honor Roll
Rochester New Hampshire World War II Veterans Honor Roll
Rochester New Hampshire World War II Veterans Honor Roll
Rochester New Hampshire World War II Honor Roll
Rochester New Hampshire World War II Honor Roll
Rochester New Hampshire World War II Honor Roll

Rumney New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Rumney New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Rumney New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Rumney New Hampshire Veterans Memorial - Vietnam War
Rumney New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Rumney New Hampshire Veterans Memorial - World War II
Rumney New Hampshire Veterans Memorial - World War II & Korean War

Rye New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Rye NH Veterans Monument
Rye New Hampshire - World War II Memorial

Rye New Hampshire - World War I Veterans Honor Roll

Arthur L Brown         Charles R Brown            James W Brown         William Brown        Phillip D Davidson      Willard H Drake

Ernest G Eaton         J Russell Elwell              Donald L Finlayson      Herbert O Foss      Ray H Foss              Ray H Foss

Wallace H Garrett    Forrest G Jenness        Burleigh Johnson          Harry R Keltchner    Galvin W Lear      Thomas D McLaughlin

Rollo A Morton        Charles W Parsons       John L Parsons            George O Philbrick     Manning H Philbrick   Seth E Rand

Wallace E Rand      Albert M Remick           Harold Remick             Ervin Seavey                 Maurice Smart      Morris Trefethen

Phillip W Tucker     Ernest M Varrell          Jesse M Walker            Garland F Wynott        Maynard L Young

Rye New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial
Rye New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Rye New Hampshire - Revolutionary War - Civil War - Spanish American War Veterans Memorial

Sandwich New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Sandwich New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Sandwich New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Somersworth New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Somersworth New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Somersworth New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
USS Somersworth Memorial, Somersworth New Hampshire

Springfield New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Springfield New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial
Springfield New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Stark New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Stark New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Sutton, New Hampshire Civil War Memorial

Sutton NH Civil War Memorial

Tamworth New Hampshire Veterans Memorial Park

Tamworth New Hampshire Veterans Memorial Park

Tamworth New Hampshire Revolutionary War, War of 1812 and World War I Veterans Memorial

TamworthEdson L AlleyWorld War I
TamworthChas. B BickfordWorld War I
TamworthChester J BickfordWorld War I
TamworthChas A BlaisdellWorld War I
TamworthAugust L BlodgettWorld War I
TamworthEdward V Bookholz *World War I
TamworthWilliam F Brennan *World War I
TamworthAndrew C BuxtonWorld War I
TamworthJohn Clough *World War I
TamworthElmer E. DownsWorld War I
TamworthHarold E GilmanWorld War I
TamworthWilbur J GilmanWorld War I
TamworthHarold M GrayWorld War I
TamworthHarold D GriffithWorld War I
TamworthLawrence D HayfordWorld War I
TamworthHenry A HutchinsWorld War I
TamworthH MasonWorld War I
TamworthElmer P MoodyWorld War I
TamworthNorman C Nickerson World War I
TamworthCarroll PotterWorld War I
TamworthLevi W RemickWorld War I
TamworthElmer R RobertsonWorld War I
TamworthHebert H RossWorld War I
TamworthEllis R Sanborn *World War I
TamworthHarold B TrashWorld War I
Tamworth New Hampshire Revolutionary War Veterans Memorial

Tamworth New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial

Tamworth New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial

Tamworth New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial

NameConflict TownName
Maurice E AbbotWorld War II TamworthBarbara Mason Jardine
Walden L AinsworthWorld War II TamworthWilliam F Jennings
Percy AmesWorld War II TamworthHartley Jewett
Robert AmesWorld War II TamworthArthur Jones Jr.
Elias BakerWorld War II TamworthMabel A. E. Jones
Wallace BakerWorld War II TamworthKarl F Kane
Edson O BartlettWorld War II TamworthEdward C Knox Jr
Alec T BehrWorld War II TamworthEdward C Knox Sr
Charles E BehrWorld War II TamworthGeorge W Lawrence
Richard BehrWorld War II TamworthClarence Leach
Roland A BennettWorld War II TamworthEdward Leach
Richard G BerryWorld War II TamworthJohn Leach
Roland C BerryWorld War II TamworthLyle Leach
Ben C BickfordWorld War II TamworthRichard Leach
Edwin A Blackey Jr.World War II TamworthWilliam Leach Jr.
Albert G Boothby POWWorld War II TamworthGordon Littlefield
James E BoothbyWorld War II TamworthPhilip A Littlefield
Kenneth Arthur Brett *World War II TamworthRueben C MacKay
Robert E BrownWorld War II TamworthFred Mason
Robert W BrownWorld War II TamworthHarold Mason
Richard A BunkerWorld War II`TamworthRobert Mason
Marybelle Welch CarterWorld War II TamworthEdward L Moody
Robert W CarterWorld War II TamworthAlbert R Moore
Langdon D ChamberlainWorld War II TamworthAurthur D Moulton Jr.
Preston ChaseWorld War II TamworthRichard S Moulton
Louis CooperWorld War II TamworthRobert E Moulton
George E CorsonWorld War II TamworthGeorge R Nickerson Jr.
Donald E CummingsWorld War II TamworthElton A Perkins
Harry F Damon Jr.World War II TamworthTheodore G Perkins
Herbert S DamonWorld War II TamworthRichard Phenix
Stephen F DamonWorld War II TamworthBernard Powers
Kenneth DavisWorld War II TamworthLucinda N Pratt
Raymond A DavisWorld War II TamworthMarguerite M Pratt
Robert E DavisWorld War II TamworthRichard R Pratt
Sydney DavisWorld War II TamworthWilliam V Pratt
Elias E DownsWorld War II TamworthSheldon Prescott
Wendell E DrewWorld War II TamworthAdrian B Preston
Bertha Robinson EastwickWorld War II TamworthEdward P Prince
Robert EastwickWorld War II TamworthLincoln D Remick *
Andrew W EldridgeWorld War II TamworthEmery R Roberts
Richard J ElliotWorld War II TamworthHarold C Robinson
Alton EsteyWorld War II TamworthHenry E A Robinson
Whipple F FarnumWorld War II TamworthLeslie J Robinson
Edward FennellWorld War II TamworthErnest J Ross
C. David FortierWorld War II TamworthJohn A Savard
Edward A FortierWorld War II TamworthMerle E Severy
Horace J FortierWorld War II TamworthDonald A Shaw
J. Martin FortierWorld War II TamworthParker C Shaw
Richard R FortierWorld War II TamworthGeorge H Smalle Jr.
Walter W FortierWorld War II TamworthPhilip J Smith
William K FortierWorld War II TamworthMarion I Spaulding
Alston F FrostWorld War II TamworthRichard A Stearns
Norris W FrostWorld War II TamworthFrederic L Steele
Howard E GraceWorld War II TamworthLloyd F Stevens
Walter A GreeneWorld War II TamworthWalter L Sturtevant
Celia HammondWorld War II TamworthHerbert Taylor
Charles HammondWorld War II TamworthRalph W Trask
Everett C HendersonWorld War II TamworthRobert H Trask
Harry D HobbsWorld War II TamworthDale F Tripp
Maurice B HobbsWorld War II TamworthAllen C Tutt
Thomas HobbsWorld War II TamworthCarroll Whiting
Donald HutchinsWorld War II TamworthRichard A Wiggin
Earle HutchinsWorld War II TamworthCharles W Williams Jr.
Paul HutchinsWorld War II   
Russell HutchinsWorld War II  
Tamworth New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial

Tamworth New Hampshire World War II & Korean War Veterans Memorial

Last NameConflict TownName
Warren AnthonyKorea TamworthHenry Hobbs Jr.
Arnold AutioKorea TamworthPhil Hobbs
Frank E BlackeyKorea TamworthHarlan Hurd
Fernan Roger ButterfieldKorea TamworthEarle Jones
Kenneth CarrKorea TamworthJoyce Mason Jones
Roger CummingsKorea TamworthDonald Larrabee
Arthur DrewKorea TamworthJohn McCaughin
James T ElliottKorea TamworthCharles Moody
Roger S ElliottKorea TamworthRobert Moore
Almon Jr. EvansKorea TamworthPike Gordon Perkins Jr.
Alton EvansKorea TamworthRonald C Remick Sr.
Gordon EvansKorea TamworthHarland Ross
Robert FloydKorea TamworthRichard A Stearns
Horace J FortierKorea TamworthEdward P Welch
William GillKorea TamworthGeorge R Whiting
Sameul GilmanKorea TamworthLeland F Whiting
Everett GraceKorea TamworthRaymond V Whiting
Roy C GraceKorea TamworthWinslow Whiting
G. Roy HammondKorea TamworthHarold H Wiggin
Robert HammondKorea TamworthAlan Wilkinson
Ernest HayfordKorea TamworthRichard Williams
   TamworthHoward Woodward
Tamworth New Hampshire World War II & Korean War Veterans Memorial

Tamworth New Hampshire Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

NameConflict TownName
David AnthonyVietnam TamworthAnthony C Mather
Gregg AnthonyVietnam TamworthRonald Moore
Stanley AnthonyVietnam TamworthDean W Nixon
Wilbur E BlackeyVietnam TamworthWalter Nystedt
James E BoothbyVietnam TamworthDavis C Olson
Kenneth W ChaseVietnam TamworthPaul R Olson
Peter A ChaseVietnam TamworthHarry E Remick
Richard ChaseVietnam TamworthStuart N Remick
Dennis DiceyVietnam TamworthBenjamin C Riggs
Wendell DiceyVietnam TamworthDiane S Salazar
Clifford Downs Jr.Vietnam TamworthEdouard Sandoz
Roger S ElliottVietnam TamworthStephen W Staples
David G GibsonVietnam TamworthWayne R Stearns
Douglas GibsonVietnam TamworthRaymond Streeter
Jere W GraceVietnam TamworthNeil E Swenson
Robert HammondVietnam TamworthRobert F Thomas
Stanley HammondVietnam TamworthAlan W Thurston
Robert HarmonVietnam TamworthF Wayne Thurston
Samuel HiddenVietnam TamworthJames Walker
Daniel JenningsVietnam TamworthRichard Walker
Paul JenningsVietnam`TamworthWalter Walker Jr.
Dennis JohnsonVietnam TamworthThomas Weare
Harry JohnsonVietnam TamworthFred Welch
Larry JohnsonVietnam TamworthGerald Whiting
Alan LarrabeeVietnam TamworthRobert Woodward
Arnold LarrabeeVietnam Tamworth
Tamworth NJew Hampshire Vietnam War Veterans Memorial
TamworthRussell Allan Austin Lebanon/Grenada
TamworthDavis P DavisLebanon/Grenada
TamworthRobert DavisLebanon/Grenada
TamworthJeffrey A DearbornLebanon/Grenada
TamworthCindy EvansLebanon/Grenada
TamworthWanda A Davis-KaltschneeLebanon/Grenada
TamworthGerald WhitingLebanon/Grenada
TamworthRichard WhitingLebanon/Grenada
TamworthMichael D WilliamsLebanon/Grenada
TamworthTimothy S AnthonyPanama
TamworthRussell Allan AustinPanama
TamworthDavid P DavisPanama
TamworthTracy H DavisPanama
TamworthJeffrey A DearbornPanama
TamworthJason H HansenPanama
TamworthWanda A Davis-KaltschneePanama
TamworthKelly LockePanama
TamworthJesse MerrillPanama
TamworthMichael D RemickPanama
TamworthRichard SwainPanama
TamworthRobert SwainPanama
TamworthGerald WhitingPanama
TamworthJo Ann WilkinsonPanama
TamworthMichael D WilliamsPanama

Temple, New Hampshire - Veteran's Memorial

Temple New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Temple New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Temple New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Temple New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Temple NH - Revolutionary War Veteran Honor Roll

Temple NH Revolutionary War Honor Roll
Temple NH Revolutionary War Honor Roll

Temple NH - Spanish-American War & World War I Veterans Honor Roll

Temple NH Spanish American War & WWI  Veterans Honor Roll
Temple NH Spanish American War & WWI  Veterans Honor Roll

Thornton, New Hampshire - World War I Honor Roll

Thornton, New Hampshire WWI Honor Roll

Thorton New Hampshire - World War I - Honor Roll

Charles W. Biddle - Samuel G. Biddle - John E. Burnett - Everett E. Caldon - Gordon B. Cann - Clarence B. Downing

H. Alden Fifield - Lillie F. Fifield - Elmer Green - George A. Head - Edwin J. Hoffman - Carl H. Lyford - John M. McKay

Walter C. Meegan - Sidney W. Perkins - J. Newton Smith - Emery J. Tobyne - Raymond M. Tobyne

Thornton, New Hampshire - World War II Honor Roll

Thornton New Hampshire World War II - Honor Roll

Victor Aldridge - Richard Anderson - Ernest Applebee - John Applebee - Floyd Boyce - Lyman Boyce Jr. - Preston Boyce 

Archie Brown - Roland Brown - John Caldon - Daniel Cochran - Floyd Danforth - Howard Downing - Lewis Downing 

Richard Downing - Roger Downing - Thomas Downing - Philip Grey - William Guay - Edward Haynes - Floyd Haynes

Franklin Haynes - Kenneth Haynes - Robert Haynes - John Hayward - Malcolm Hazeltine - Oscar Inkel - Philip LaPoint

Eric Leonhardt - Harold Madison Jr. - Harold Mitchell - Robert Robinson - David Rodgers Jr. - Lester Sabourn - Lester Sargeant

Russell Sargeant - Bernard Slavin - Raymond Smith - Frank Steele - Roger Steele - Nelson Sweeney - George Thompson Jr.

John White Jr. - Norton White

Tilton New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Tilton NH World War I Veterans Memorial

Troy New Hampshire - Civil War Memorial

Troy New Hampshire Civil War Memorial

Troy, New Hampshire Veteran's Memorial

Troy, New Hampshire Veterans Memorial
Troy NH Veterans Memorial
Troy NH Korea & Vietnam War Honor Roll

Wakefield NH World War I & World War II Veterans Honor Roll

Wakefield NH World War I & World War II Veterans Honor Roll

Wakefield New Hampshire - World War I Veterans Honor Roll

NameConflict TownName
Charles A Bennett  World War I WakefieldArthur H Paul Jr.
Margaret Blake   World War I WakefieldChesley A Paul
Paul H Brown   World War I WakefieldEdward A Paul  
William E BrownWorld War I WakefieldJoseph N Paul
Willard C Chick  World War I WakefieldSamuel H Paul
Robert N ColbathWorld War I WakefieldMyron F Pickering
Henry L Cowper World War I WakefieldEarle F Randall   
Archie L Cox   World War I WakefieldArthur J Robertson
Earle E CoxWorld War I WakefieldH. Sanborn Rogers 
H. Eugene E Cox World War I WakefieldWalter E Rogers
Joseph L Crateau World War I WakefieldElmer A Scott  
William J Desharnais World War I WakefieldFrank E Smith
R. Donald Dodge World War I WakefieldGuy W Stevens
Charles A Drew    World War I WakefieldPercy C Stevens 
Harold S DrewWorld War I WakefieldFred D Swett
Lyle S Drew World War I WakefieldJ. Carroll Tucker
H Leon DrownWorld War I WakefieldMorris A Tucker
John C EckhardtWorld War I WakefieldWillard B Tucker 
Arthur H Fox  World War I WakefieldIrving D Tuttle
Oscar E Gagnon World War I WakefieldHarry H Varney
J. Phillip GarvinWorld War I`WakefieldHarvey B Waldron   
J. Howard Garvin JrWorld War I WakefieldRaymond A Weeks
Josiah D GarvinWorld War I WakefieldRufus J Weeks  
Sidney A Glidden World War I WakefieldDiah H Wentworth
Raymond E HamiltonWorld War I WakefieldEdward Wentworth
Ralph W HansonWorld War I WakefieldHerbert Wentworth
Walter H Hart World War I WakefieldOscar H Wentworth
Elliot E HodsonWorld War I WakefieldRobert Wentworth 
Roy E HooperWorld War I WakefieldWalter W Wiggins  
Frank G Kelley World War I WakefieldEdwin F Willey
Harry LittlefieldWorld War I WakefieldClayton Woodman
Henry LittlefieldWorld War I WakefieldHarry E Woodman 
Fred A Lover World War I WakefieldSamuel K Young
Edward J MarcouxWorld War I   
Henry A Marcoux  World War I   
Oscar MarcouxWorld War I   
Robert A MeeWorld War I   
Leon E MeserveWorld War I   
Ralph S MillsWorld War I   
Earle G Mooney World War I   
Sidney B Mooney  World War I   
Russell B Morgan World War I   
Roger H MorrisonWorld War I  
Wakefield NH World War I  Veterans Honor Roll

Wakefield New Hampshire World War II Veterans Honor Roll

NameConflict TownName
R. Emerson Abbott    World War II WakefieldElmer B Maleham 
William A Bailey World War II WakefieldRobert H Materham
Doris A Berry  World War II WakefieldMaude R McBride 
Alfred C Blair World War II WakefieldPaul H McNally
Ralph A BostonWorld War II WakefieldVinton Miliner
Ralph E BrackettWorld War II WakefieldDonald R Nason 
Henry T BrouillardWorld War II WakefieldErnest E Nason 
Edwin F Brown  World War II WakefieldGlendon R Nason
Luella L BurroughsWorld War II WakefieldJohnnie W Nason  
Robert B Burroughs World War II WakefieldPauline E Nutter
Harris E ChapamnWorld War II WakefieldWillard M Nutter
Ralph H Chick Jr.         World War II WakefieldLouise M Paul
Kenneth R Clark World War II WakefieldFrancis E Perry 
Rainsford E ColbathWorld War II WakefieldRobert H Pratt  
Robert N Colbath Jr World War II WakefieldAlbert T Pullsifer
Richard G ColbyWorld War II WakefieldFrank E Randall  
Erford O Cowan World War II WakefieldFred B Randall 
Earle E Cox World War II WakefieldRichard J Randall 
Gilbert E Cox World War II WakefieldJames A Reed Jr.
Russell H CoxWorld War II WakefieldLeonard Robertson
Francis L CrowleyWorld War II`WakefieldAustin W Robinson  
George H DavenportWorld War II WakefieldRoscoe C Robinson
James B DavenportWorld War II WakefieldHarley R Sanborn
Kenneth B Dickinson World War II WakefieldRichard D Sanborn 
Carl A DodierWorld War II WakefieldClifford H Sayre
Earl S Dodier World War II WakefieldStephen M Seisel 
Frank R DodierWorld War II WakefieldAlfred H Shea
Robert T DoeWorld War II WakefieldCarroll M Shea
Richard E DouglassWorld War II WakefieldRussell F Shea 
Fred W Downs World War II WakefieldJohn Silva 
Victor Drapeau World War II WakefieldLeonard E Smart
Charles M DrewWorld War II WakefieldRaymond E Smith 
Clyde A Drew World War II WakefieldAlbert j Soucy Jr, 
Enoch P Drew World War II WakefieldAlphonse Soucy Jr 
Ernest L DrewWorld War II WakefieldArmand J Soucy 
Leon R DrewWorld War II WakefieldEdgar J Soucy
Omer A DuchandWorld War II WakefieldLeo P Soucy 
Henry P Ellis World War II WakefieldLouis A Soucy  
Norman EmmonsWorld War II WakefieldOscar J Soucy  
Margaret G Fergison  World War II WakefieldRoger A Soucy 
Stanley A Flynn World War II WakefieldBernie G Sparks Jr.
Walter E FrenchWorld War II WakefieldLouis E Sprague
Aristide GagnonWorld War II WakefieldGeorge W Stevens 
Leon Gagnon World War II WakefieldJanet R Stevens 
Anton J Gapinski World War II WakefieldRoy A Stevens
Earl F GarlandWorld War II WakefieldWalter R Stevens Jr.
Forrest A GarlandWorld War II WakefieldHoward C Stewart
Roy L GarlandWorld War II WakefieldLeslie D Stewart  
Willis L GarlandWorld War II WakefieldRichard T Still     
Josiah D Garvin JrWorld War II WakefieldGeorge E Tessier
Armand Gauthier World War II WakefieldWalter F Thomas Jr 
Leo I GauthierWorld War II WakefieldArthur L Thompson
Omer I GauthierWorld War II WakefieldEverett W Thompson
Jean J GhisoniWorld War II WakefieldRussell C Thompson 
Donald K Hanson World War II WakefieldN. Parker Trafton
R. Waldo Hanson JrWorld War II WakefieldIrving D Tuttle Jr. 
Raymond F HarrisWorld War II WakefieldStanley M Varney
Robert W Hatch World War II WakefieldAlfred H Weeks 
Owen R HillWorld War II WakefieldHarry G Weeks 
John H HooperWorld War II WakefieldHope A Weeks
Robert W HooperWorld War II WakefieldLawrence P Weeks
Charles E HorneWorld War II WakefieldHoward A Weeman
Robert D Horne World War II WakefieldLouis C Welsh  
Arthur W Howe World War II WakefieldAlbert C Wentworth
Carlton S Howe World War II WakefieldEarl R Wentworth
Edwin F Howe  World War II WakefieldLLoyd D Wentworth
Edwin H Hutchins  World War II WakefieldMyron E Wentworth
Romeo A JetteWorld War II WakefieldRoger P Wentworth
Oscar K Joy   World War II WakefieldWalter E Wentworth 
Addie W Karcher World War II WakefieldWilliam B Wentworth  
Charles E KarcherWorld War II WakefieldAlbert W Wiggin Jr. 
William A Karcher Jr.World War II WakefieldStuart D Wiggin 
J. Ward KimballWorld War II WakefieldRaymond E Wilkinson
Wallace O Kimball  World War II WakefieldWilliam H Willey   
Harris L Lane World War II WakefieldDonald Williams
Henry J Lane World War II WakefieldHarrison P Wilson 
Payson E Littlefield World War II WakefieldSumner D Zimmer
Richard P LittlefieldWorld War II  
Wakefield NH World War II Veterans Honor Roll
Wakefield World War I & World War II Veterans Honor Roll

Wakefield New Hampshire - Korea - Vietnam & Persian Gulf Veterans Honor Roll

Wakefield New Hampshire - Korea - Vietnam & Persian Gulf Veterans Memorial
Wakefield New Hampshire - Korea - Vietnam & Persian Gulf Veterans Honor Roll

Wakefield New Hampshire Korean War Veterans Honor Roll

NameConflict TownName
Dale V AshbyKorea WakefieldAlbert R Leighton
Edwin R AshbyKorea WakefieldHerbert F Leighton
James R AshbyKorea WakefieldFrancis J McNally
Charles BosleyKorea WakefieldJames C McNally
Kenneth F ClarkKorea WakefieldBernard W Miliner
Richard P ColbathKorea WakefieldMaurice E Nason
Robert N Colbath Jr.Korea WakefieldJames A Reilly Jr
George H DavenportKorea WakefieldRoscoe C Robinson
Langdon H DillawayKorea WakefieldClifford R Savre
Paul D DrapeauKorea WakefieldStephen J Shaugnessy
Enoch F DrewKorea WakefieldClifford A Singelais
Stephen C DrownKorea WakefieldRobert E Smart
William F DrownKorea WakefieldRobert A Smith Sr.
Phillip H DunkKorea WakefieldJoseph F Soucy
John R ForderKorea WakefieldPaul D Soucy
Marshall H FoxKorea WakefieldDavid S Stevens
Roland E GarlandKorea WakefieldLeslie D Stewart
Paul J GillespieKorea WakefieldJerald J Stuart
Donald K HansonKorea WakefieldEllsworth R Thompson
Ellis HebertKorea WakefieldRobert C Tinkham
John H HooperKorea`WakefieldPhilip Twombley
Edwin C HorneKorea WakefieldLeo A Vachon
Paul B HutchinsKorea WakefieldForrest E Weeman
James F Keating IIKorea WakefieldAlbert W Wiggin Jr.
   WakefieldBruce R Wiggin
Wakefield New Hampshire - Korean War Veterans Honor Roll
Wakefield New Hampshire -  Persian Gulf Veterans Honor Roll

Wakefield New Hampshire Vietnam War Veterans Honor Roll

NameConflict TownName
William H BeckwithVietnam WakefieldGerard F Lang
John J. BlackwoodVietnam WakefieldThomas A Lang
William O BlackwoodVietnam WakefieldRobert C Leighton
Leon W BlairVietnam WakefieldEdward E Libby
Glen A BrewsterVietnam WakefieldDelbert W Littlefield
Paul J BrodzinskiVietnam WakefieldJoel H MacLeod
Peter G BrownVietnam WakefieldPeter B Martell
Randall A ChaseVietnam WakefieldKenneth M Martin
Robert N Clark IIVietnam WakefieldJameres J McDonald III
James A CottonVietnam WakefieldJohn R McDonald
Michael H CottonVietnam WakefieldDwight E Miliner
John E DavidsonVietnam WakefieldJames W Miliner
Gerard J DionVietnam WakefieldKeith E Miliner
Richard E DouglassVietnam WakefieldRichard E Miner
Robert F DrewVietnam WakefieldRichard V Montgomery
Stephen C DrownVietnam WakefieldStanley E Mooney
Richard L DudleyVietnam WakefieldGlenn R Nason
Philip H DunkVietnam WakefieldClinton J Plummer
John FisherVietnam WakefieldJames L Plummer
Gary N FoggVietnam`WakefieldVernon R Plummer
Felton G FrancisVietnam WakefieldAllen W Richards
Glenn A FrancisVietnam WakefieldBruce E Richards
Ronald A GagnonVietnam WakefieldDonald E Richards
Corliss F GarlandVietnam WakefieldDouglas C Richards
Karen GarlandVietnam WakefieldWayne A Robinson
Randolph J Gerard Jr.Vietnam WakefieldForrest W Smart
William P GerardVietnam WakefieldRichard A Smith
Richard M GlennonVietnam WakefieldWilliam N Sparhawk III
Wesley J GlennonVietnam WakefieldGerald S Traudi
Michael P GrigasVietnam WakefieldPhillip D Twombley
Daniel J HickeyVietnam WakefieldRoger A Van Doorn
Eileen HickeyVietnam WakefieldThomas E Wilcox
Wayne E HillVietnam WakefieldRichard L Vitale
Peter D JetteVietnam WakefieldCharles P Wilkinson
Stephen D JetteVietnam WakefieldGeorge W Wilkinson
Ronald KarcherVietnam WakefieldJames M Wilkinson
David X KenneyVietnam WakefieldKenneth H Wilkinson
Randy M KinvilleVietnam WakefieldRichard J Williams
   WakefieldKenneth A Wilson
   WakefieldGary R Winton
   WakefieldAlfred J Zalenski
Wakefield New Hampshire - Vietnam Veterans Honor Roll

Warren New Hampshire Veterans Memorials

Warren New Hampshire Civil War Memorial

Warren NH Civil War Memorial
Warren NH Civil War Memorial
Warren NH Civil War Memorial
Warren NH Civil War Memorial
Warren NH Civil War Memorial
Warren NH Civil War Memorial

Warren New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Warren New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial
Warren New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Warren New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial

Warren New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial
Warren New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial

Warren New Hampshire Korean War Veterans Memorial

Warren New Hampshire Korean War Veterans Memorial
Warren New Hampshire Korean War Veterans Memorial

Warren New Hampshire Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Warren New Hampshire Vietnam War Veterans Memorial
Warren New Hampshire Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Warner New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial

Warner New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Warner New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Warner New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Warner New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Warner New Hampshire Civil War Veterans Memorial
Warner New Hampshire War of 1812 Veterans Memorial
Warner New Hampshire Civil War Memorial;

Warner New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Warner New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Warner New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial

Warner New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial

Warner New Hampshire Korean War Veterans Memorial

Warner New Hampshire Korean War Veterans Memorial

Warner New Hampshire Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Warner New Hampshire Vietnam War Veterans Memorial
Town NameConflict
WarnerKevin D AllwayVietnam
WarnerJames H BagleyVietnam
WarnerNorma Locke BarclayVietnam
WarnerPeter H BatesVietnam
WarnerRonald M BeanVietnam
WarnerErnst M BewersdorfVietnam
WarnerFrederick A Jr. BewersdorfVietnam
WarnerCharles P BlackVietnam
WarnerDana BlackVietnam
WarnerAnthony C BolognaVietnam
WarnerGrant S BoughtonVietnam
WarnerRussell G Boutwell Jr.Vietnam
WarnerArthur H BoveeVietnam
WarnerRichard D BrownVietnam
WarnerWalter Brunner Jr.Vietnam
WarnerAlan J CarrVietnam
WarnerWilliam A CarrVietnam
WarnerThomas E ChandlerVietnam
WarnerRichard U Cogswell Jr.Vietnam
WarnerColin CogsgroveVietnam
WarnerGerald B CourserVietnam
WarnerRichard M CuttingVietnam
WarnerKenneth H DrewVietnam
WarnerCharles R DurginVietnam
WarnerBruce B EllsworthVietnam
WarnerNeal R Jr. FlaggVietnam
WarnerStephen FredericksVietnam
WarnerJocelyn FullerVietnam
WarnerPhilip B FullerVietnam
WarnerKenneth B GeorgeVietnam
WarnerIrving Robert GeorgeVietnam
WarnerJames L GervaisVietnam
WarnerRaymond GordonVietnam
WarnerRees G HansburyVietnam
WarnerDerek H HeinsVietnam
WarnerDaniel C HillVietnam
WarnerHarld J HillVietnam
WarnerStephen A HowlettVietnam
WarnerStuart H HowlettVietnam
WarnerJackson M HuntVietnam
WarnerCarl A JewellVietnam
WarnerWilliam A JewellVietnam
WarnerWilliam H JoyceVietnam
WarnerWesley E KnipeVietnam
WarnerRobert T LathropVietnam
WarnerJohn W LegerVietnam
WarnerHenry F LopezVietnam
WarnerGeorge Huntoon MarionVietnam
WarnerPeter J MeachamVietnam
WarnerMarie E MerrillVietnam
WarnerJohn E MottramVietnam
WarnerL. Ernest NicholsVietnam
WarnerSteven H OsbornVietnam
WarnerWilliam Roy Pearson **Vietnam
WarnerWesley F. Rand Jr.Vietnam
WarnerMaurice J RandallVietnam
WarnerHoward B RobyVietnam
WarnerHaskell Jr. RoyceVietnam
WarnerStephen G SmithVietnam
WarnerKarl H ThulinVietnam
WarnerPaul G TrefethenVietnam
WarnerAlden W TurnerVietnam
WarnerPaul E VioletteVietnam
WarnerDavid J WachsmuthVietnam
WarnerWillard R WebberVietnam
WarnerFreeman West Jr.Vietnam
WarnerDonald H WheelerVietnam
WarnerRandall WhiteheadVietnam
WarnerCarl V WibelVietnam
WarnerGeorge I. WoodVietnam

Weare New Hampshire - Veterans Honor Roll - Historical Society Museum

Weare NH Revolutionary War Veterans Honor Roll
Weare NH War of 1812 Veterans Honor Roll
Weare NH World War I Veterans Honor Roll
Weare New Hampshire World War II Veterans Honor Roll
Weare NH Vietnam War Veterans Honor Roll

Webster New Hampshire Veterans Memorials

Webster New Hampshire Veterans Memorial Park
Webster Memorial Park - World War I
Webster Memorial Park - World War II
Webster Memorial Park - Supreme Sacrifice
Webster Memorial Park - Korean War
Webster Memorial Park - Vietnam War

Westmoreland Veterans Honor Roll

Westmoreland World War I Veterans Honor Roll

Westmoreland World War I Honor Roll

Westmoreland NH - World War I - Honor Roll

Elton P Britton - Roy H Corey - Lyle L Craig - Frank Gannett - Robert E Knight - Raymond E. Paine - Thornton H Paine

Harold D Ploof - Ernest L Richards - Artthur L Sheldon - Perley O Thompson - Leon A Torrey - Ralph W Wheeler

Charles S Winchester - Frank W Wyman

Westmoreland World War II VeteransHonor Roll

Westmoreland Worlsd War II Vetrerans Honor Roll

Whitefield New Hampshire Veterans Memorials

Whitefield New Hampshire Veterans Memorials
Whitefield New Hampshire Veterans Memorial

Whitefield New Hampshire - World War I Veterans Memorial

Whitefield New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorials
Whitefield New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorials
Whitefield New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorials
Whitefield New Hampshire Veterans Memorials
Whitefield New Hampshire World Wart I Veterans Memorials
Whitefield New Hampshire Korean War & Vietnam War Veterans Memorials

Winchester New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Winchester New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial
Winchester New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial
Winchester New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial
Winchester New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial
Winchester New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial
Winchester New Hampshire World War I Veterans Memorial

Winchester New Hampshire - World War II, Korean War & Vietnam War Veterans Memorial

Winchester New Hampshire World War II, Korean War & Vietnam War Veterans Memorial
Winchester New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial
Winchester New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial
Winchester New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial
Winchester New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial
Winchester New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial
Winchester New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial
Winchester New Hampshire World War II Veterans Memorial

Winchester New Hampshire Korean War Veterans Honor Roll

Winchester New Hampshire Korean War Veterans Memorial
Winchester New Hampshire Korean War Veterans Memorial

Winchester New Hampshire Vietnam War Veterans Honor Roll

Winchester New Hampshire Vietnam War Veterans Honor Roll
Winchester New Hampshire Vietnam War Veterans Honor Roll
Winchester New Hampshire Vietnam War Veterans Honor Roll

Wolfeboro, New Hampshire - Civil War Memorial

Wolfeboro, New Hampshire Civil War Monument

Wolfeboro WWII - Korea - Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Wolfeboro WWII Korea Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Wolfeboro New Hampshire World War II Veterans Honor Roll

NameConflict TownNameConflict TownNameConflict TownNameConflict
Harold W AdjutantWorld War II WolfeboroAlfred J GagneWorld War II WolfeboroLeslie W MacDonaldWorld War II WolfeboroHoward B SabinWorld War II
Norman L AdjutantWorld War II WolfeboroRobert J GilmanWorld War II WolfeboroG. Douglas MacfarlaneWorld War II WolfeboroJohn A SandstromWorld War II
Owen S AdjutantWorld War II WolfeboroDonald E GliddenWorld War II WolfeboroDavid E MacmartinWorld War II WolfeboroBernard J SargentWorld War II
Lee A AlbeeWorld War II WolfeboroElla W GliddenWorld War II WolfeboroDonald E MacmartinWorld War II WolfeboroHarry A SargentWorld War II
Kenneth M AlexanderWorld War II WolfeboroGeorge E GliddenWorld War II WolfeboroEdward B MacmartinWorld War II WolfeboroJohn A SargentWorld War II
Charles AspinallWorld War II WolfeboroGordon E GliddenWorld War II WolfeboroFrank J MacmartinWorld War II WolfeboroFrank W SinclairWorld War II
Albert F Auderer Jr.World War II WolfeboroGordon S GliddenWorld War II WolfeboroWarren J MacmartinWorld War II WolfeboroClarance G ShannonWorld War II
Robert H BallentineWorld War II WolfeboroLawrence W GliddenWorld War II WolfeboroFrank P McBrideWorld War II WolfeboroR. Mitchell SherlockWorld War II
Hazel J BeanWorld War II WolfeboroNelson GliddenWorld War II WolfeboroMaurice F McBrideWorld War II WolfeboroLawrence A SmartWorld War II
Herbert A BeanWorld War II WolfeboroPaul V GliddenWorld War II WolfeboroWilliam J McDonaldWorld War II WolfeboroJoseph H SmithWorld War II
Howard E Bean Jr.World War II WolfeboroGeorge GlinesWorld War II WolfeboroArthur L McHugh Jr.World War II WolfeboroWarren A SmithWorld War II
Hildreth F BeaulieuWorld War II WolfeboroRichard Y GoodhueWorld War II WolfeboroJohn D. McHugh IIWorld War II WolfeboroAmedee Spadone Sr.World War II
Ludger H Beaulieu Jr.World War II WolfeboroBarbara L GoodrichWorld War II WolfeboroJohn D. McHugh IIIWorld War II WolfeboroAmedee Spadone Jr. *World War II
Hugh C BellWorld War II WolfeboroPhilip F GormanWorld War II WolfeboroLawrence W McHughWorld War II WolfeboroDonald SpadoneWorld War II
Frank C BerryWorld War II WolfeboroLawrence D GrahamWorld War II WolfeboroRobert J McHughWorld War II WolfeboroMitchell S. Spadone *World War II
Fred W BerryWorld War II WolfeboroRoger H GrantWorld War II WolfeboroThomas L McHughWorld War II WolfeboroRichard F SterlingWorld War II
Leonard F BerryWorld War II WolfeboroCharles D GravesWorld War II WolfeboroLaerence McIntyreWorld War II WolfeboroVincent R StevensWorld War II
Raymond J BerryWorld War II WolfeboroRoger W GregoryWorld War II WolfeboroAlfred S MansonWorld War II WolfeboroJanet H SwiftWorld War II
Everret J BickfordWorld War II WolfeboroAlcide J GrenierWorld War II WolfeboroLeon Marden Jr.World War II WolfeboroMarguerite SwiftWorld War II
Maurice R BickfordWorld War II WolfeboroLeonel V GrenierWorld War II WolfeboroRichard G MardenWorld War II WolfeboroCharles E TebbettsWorld War II
Frederick K BeirweilerWorld War II WolfeboroAlonzo J Grenier *World War II WolfeboroKenneth P MasseyWorld War II WolfeboroHarry A Tebbetts *World War II
Romeo E BilodeauWorld War II WolfeboroPaul E GridleyWorld War II WolfeboroRichard N MasseyWorld War II WolfeboroHarvey F Tebbetts*World War II
Lewis P BissellWorld War II WolfeboroAsahel W GuildWorld War II WolfeboroRoland I MasseyWorld War II WolfeboroCarroll E ThibeauWorld War II
Walter C BodwellWorld War II WolfeboroArthur W Hanson Jr.World War II WolfeboroWarren A MasseyWorld War II WolfeboroGeorge E ThibodeauWorld War II
James E BovairoWorld War II WolfeboroRobert L HansonWorld War II WolfeboroRalph W MasternWorld War II WolfeboroDonald C ThomasWorld War II
Francis T BowlesWorld War II WolfeboroRichard W HartWorld War II WolfeboroRoger W MattisonWorld War II WolfeboroAlvah G TibbettsWorld War II
Evelyn M BrewsterWorld War II WolfeboroStella L HartWorld War II WolfeboroAvon W MillinerWorld War II WolfeboroDonald E TibbettsWorld War II
John N BrewsterWorld War II WolfeboroRichard HavenWorld War II WolfeboroGrover L MoodyWorld War II WolfeboroDorothy B TibbettsWorld War II
Lloyd F BrewsterWorld War II WolfeboroCarleen M HayesWorld War II WolfeboroWalter L MoodyWorld War II WolfeboroErnest H TibbettsWorld War II
Mary C BrewsterWorld War II WolfeboroEugene M HeadWorld War II WolfeboroVilene M MoodyWorld War II WolfeboroRobert J TibbettsWorld War II
N. Blair BrewsterWorld War II WolfeboroWilliam A HeadWorld War II WolfeboroClair B MooreWorld War II WolfeboroJosedph W TinkerWorld War II
Charles BrickmanWorld War II WolfeboroFenner G HeadleyWorld War II WolfeboroDavid B MooreWorld War II WolfeboroPhilip E ThurrellWorld War II
Fred J BrittonWorld War II WolfeboroFrancis E HeadleyWorld War II WolfeboroElanor D MooreWorld War II WolfeboroRobert F Thurrell Jr.World War II
Napolean J Britton Jr.World War II WolfeboroR. Ferrell HeadleyWorld War II WolfeboroHarrison D MooreWorld War II WolfeboroRobert F ThurrellWorld War II
Harold E BrockWorld War II WolfeboroGene L HerbertWorld War II WolfeboroKenneth E MooreWorld War II WolfeboroRobert D ThurstonWorld War II
Clifford R BrownWorld War II WolfeboroWerland HerbertWorld War II WolfeboroMarilyn J MooreWorld War II WolfeboroWilbur O TracyWorld War II
Frank A BurleighWorld War II WolfeboroWoodrow W HerbertWorld War II WolfeboroFred H MorganWorld War II WolfeboroJoseph F TurnerWorld War II
Gordon CarlisleWorld War II WolfeboroCarroll F HerseyWorld War II WolfeboroKenneth H MorganWorld War II WolfeboroNorman W TurnerWorld War II
Charles E CampbellWorld War II WolfeboroJohn W HildrethWorld War II WolfeboroLloyd C MorganWorld War II WolfeboroDelmar L TuttWorld War II
John G Carpenter *World War II WolfeboroWilliam W Hildreth Sr.World War II WolfeboroLowell C MorganWorld War II WolfeboroJames G TuttWorld War II
James W CarrWorld War II WolfeboroWilliam W Hildreth Jr.World War II WolfeboroMaynard A MorganWorld War II WolfeboroLeon H TuttWorld War II
John A ChamberlainWorld War II WolfeboroCavin J HillWorld War II WolfeboroRichard L MorganWorld War II WolfeboroRichard N TuttWorld War II
Mary L ChamberlainWorld War II WolfeboroHoward A HooperWorld War II WolfeboroRobert E MulveyWorld War II WolfeboroRaymond G TuttleWorld War II
Arthur F ChamberlinWorld War II WolfeboroRussell R HooperWorld War II WolfeboroHeorge W Nary Jr.World War II WolfeboroHenry F ValleyWorld War II
Albert J ChampagneWorld War II WolfeboroArchie A Horne Jr.World War II WolfeboroLawrence A Newhall Jr.World War II WolfeboroJoseph ValleyWorld War II
Henry J ChampagneWorld War II WolfeboroBeatrice L HorneWorld War II WolfeboroSamuel Niblett JrWorld War II WolfeboroWilliam J Valley JR. *World War II
Leodore J ChampagneWorld War II WolfeboroPaul E HorneWorld War II WolfeboroAlfred H NicholsWorld War II WolfeboroBurtis F Vaughan Jr.World War II
Oliver F ChampagneWorld War II WolfeboroRaplh M HornWorld War II WolfeboroFrederick A NicholsWorld War II WolfeboroIrving L VaughanWorld War II
Leonard F CharlesWorld War II WolfeboroElmer C HurlburtWorld War II WolfeboroBernard F OsgoodWorld War II WolfeboroHugh S WallaceWorld War II
Chester E Chellman Jr.World War II WolfeboroAlbert A HutchinsWorld War II WolfeboroHoward F OsgoodWorld War II WolfeboroDonald E Walter Jr.World War II
George E Chick Jr.World War II WolfeboroLyford HutchinsWorld War II WolfeboroRobert R PageWorld War II WolfeboroEarl L Walsh Jr.World War II
Marguerite J ChickWorld War II WolfeboroRussell E HutchinsWorld War II WolfeboroEmilio J PaolucciWorld War II WolfeboroWilliam G WelchWorld War II
Russell G ClaflinWorld War II WolfeboroWalter A HutchinsWorld War II WolfeboroStephen M ParshleyWorld War II WolfeboroJohn L WentworthWorld War II
John E ClarkWorld War II WolfeboroEdwin F IrishWorld War II WolfeboroRussell O PecuniesWorld War II WolfeboroJ Arthur Wheeler Jr.World War II
Loring T ClarkWorld War II WolfeboroLouise H IrishWorld War II WolfeboroEdwin M PennellWorld War II WolfeboroAlbert E WhiteWorld War II
Oscar F Clark Jr.World War II WolfeboroRobert J IrishWorld War II WolfeboroSarah PennellWorld War II WolfeboroAlvin R WhiteWorld War II
Stanley R ClarkWorld War II WolfeboroDean M JacksonWorld War II WolfeboroHenry W PerryWorld War II WolfeboroJoseph W White Jr.World War II
Edwin L CliffordWorld War II WolfeboroJohn F JarvisWorld War II WolfeboroRaymond E PerryWorld War II WolfeboroHarold Whittum Jr.World War II
Lewis W CliffordWorld War II WolfeboroBernard W JewellWorld War II WolfeboroCharles C PiperWorld War II WolfeboroJohn A WigginWorld War II
Walter H Clifford Jr.World War II WolfeboroEdmund A JewellWorld War II WolfeboroClinton T PiperWorld War II WolfeboroErnest H WilkesWorld War II
Fred CloughWorld War II WolfeboroMartha E JewellWorld War II WolfeboroElmer C PiperWorld War II WolfeboroErnest B WilshireWorld War II
James L Clough Jr.World War II WolfeboroH. Furber JewettWorld War II WolfeboroJohn H PoelmanWorld War II WolfeboroI Frederick WoodWorld War II
Curtis L ClowWorld War II WolfeboroElmore H JohnsonWorld War II WolfeboroJohn PolliniWorld War II WolfeboroLawrence J WoodWorld War II
Jesse W ClowWorld War II WolfeboroKenneth G JonesWorld War II WolfeboroRaymond F PolliniWorld War II WolfeboroFrank H YorkWorld War II
Earle W ColbyWorld War II WolfeboroWilliard R JonesWorld War II WolfeboroSamuel E PolliniWorld War II WolfeboroWallace YorkWorld War II
Gordon P ColbyWorld War II WolfeboroLeon L JutrasWorld War II WolfeboroWendell E PrattWorld War II WolfeboroElwin H YoungWorld War II
Walter B ColbyWorld War II WolfeboroCharles W Kelley Jr.World War II WolfeboroFrances B PufferWorld War II WolfeboroLloyd W YoungWorld War II
Kenneth E CorlissWorld War II WolfeboroHarlan B Kelley Jr.World War II WolfeboroBasil L ReedWorld War II    
Charles F Corson *World War II WolfeboroWillis E KelleyWorld War II WolfeboroNorman E ReedWorld War II    
Joseph R CorsonWorld War II WolfeboroHerbert B Kendall Jr.World War II WolfeboroFrank A RicoWorld War II    
Daniel B Craigue Jr. *World War II WolfeboroRobert E KennesonWorld War II WolfeboroCharles W RinesWorld War II    
Donald E CraigueWorld War II WolfeboroAllen L KimballWorld War II WolfeboroHarry H RinesWorld War II    
Thomas W DanforthWorld War II WolfeboroErnest W KimballWorld War II WolfeboroEdward L RobergeWorld War II    
Homer W Davis Jr.World War II WolfeboroGordon S KimballWorld War II WolfeboroRobert P RobergeWorld War II    
Howard E DavisWorld War II WolfeboroHarold P KimballWorld War II WolfeboroDonald D RobertsWorld War II    
Allen B DetscherWorld War II WolfeboroRobert W KimballWorld War II WolfeboroRichard H RogersWorld War II    
Richard W Detscher Jr.World War II WolfeboroKatherine V KirklandWorld War II WolfeboroLester K RouleauWorld War II    
Robert M DeyakWorld War II WolfeboroPriscilla W KirklandWorld War II WolfeboroDonald P RussellWorld War II    
Howard F DoreWorld War II WolfeboroLeo LampronWorld War II WolfeboroGeorge D RussellWorld War II    
Jesse V DoreWorld War II WolfeboroFrancis L LavertuWorld War II WolfeboroKenneth M RussellWorld War II    
Lyford W DoreWorld War II WolfeboroRobert N LeightonWorld War II        
Roland F DoreWorld War II WolfeboroCarl F LemeryWorld War II        
Roswell L DoreWorld War II WolfeboroGeorge LemeryWorld War II        
Charles N DotyWorld War II WolfeboroFrank L Long Jr.World War II        
Bruce C DouglasWorld War II WolfeboroFred W LongWorld War II        
James R DouglasWorld War II WolfeboroArnold G LordWorld War II        
Leroy E DowWorld War II WolfeboroCharles L LordWorld War II        
Earl W DrewWorld War II WolfeboroOrion M LordWorld War II        
Elwyn T DrewWorld War II WolfeboroJefferson C LoveringWorld War II        
James E S DunhamWorld War II WolfeboroWillard F LozonWorld War II        
Elliot EarlWorld War II WolfeboroCarroll LucasWorld War II        
Golbert H EdgerlyWorld War II WolfeboroLouis R LumbarWorld War II        
Sherman EldridgeWorld War II WolfeboroMary LuxfordWorld War II        
Albert K ElliottWorld War II            
Robert B EmersonWorld War II            
Harlan E FeylerWorld War II            
Forrest G FlandersWorld War II            
Charles E Foss Jr.World War II            
Guy L FossWorld War II            
Ruth F FosterWorld War II            

Wolfeboro New Hampshire Korean War Veterans Honor Roll

TownNameConflict TownNameConflict
WolfeboroBradley BarkerKorean War WolfeboroHerbert C MacMartinKorean War
WolfeboroBruce L BealieuKorean War WolfeboroRichard MarshallKorean War
WolfeboroSheldon A BealieuKorean War WolfeboroJames C McBrideKorean War
WolfeboroCharlton BeachKorean War Wolfeboro